

Ask @BrightTegu

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Twelve? Ouch! I can only imagine that the poor woman in question must of had a few choice words with the priestess who "blessed" her, telling her exactly where she could go and where she could stick her blessings.

That's gods for you, no sense of right and wrong.

Could we get an exact count of the members of our clan in a pastebin? We've had a few losses and gains so its hard to keep track of how big we are. When we're in the hundreds or thousands it will be less important the exact numbers, but for right now it'd be useful.

Sure thing, I've been meaning to get around to that, I'll put it up with the rest of my new documents when they're completed.

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Have any of the male orc gods introduced a female non-orc god to the delights of orcish lovemaking?

The dwarven goddess of marriage and family, Durna, was spirited away from her divine realm and taken prisoner by Zol'gor Tor after the God of Blades took a fancy to her. Which was one of the events which sparked off the fifth heavenly war as her husband rallied the dwarven gods to recover her and it all spiraled out of control from there.
Durna was eventually recovered from Zol'gor Tor's realm, though her long period of captivity subjected to the lusts of the orcish deity had a rather pronounced impact on her mind. Durna was later exiled from the dwarven pantheon once her newfound depravities became too much for the other gods to bear, and her official priesthood was abolished and her temples destroyed.
Durna, goddess of lust, is still worshiped by hidden dwarven pleasure cults and some of the most reviled of the nomadic dwarven clans however.

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Regarding the demonization of Y'zagya Zoka in the myths of non orcs: How much of the dislike directed at her is due to legitimate grievances with her approach to fertility (she's the goddess of orcish rape for procreation), and how much is dismay that non-orc men and women want orc pussy and cock?

Little of column A, little of column B.

You've mentioned that Y'zagya Zoka priestesses can enhance the virility of orc males and the fertility of female orcs and slaves. How much more fertile can these blessings make someone? And could these blessings make an otherwise fit orc woman who has reached menopause fertile again?

Yes, although bearing children at such an age would be a rather exhausting experience for the woman in question, and would probably cut down her remaining lifespan dramatically.
As for the degree of fertility, it is often used to ensure strong healthy litters, and can increase litter size somewhat. It is also used to ensure pregnancy in the races with a lower chance of conception such as elves and dwarves, and to increase the likelihood of non-orcish mothers bearing twins or triplets over single births.

Do priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka have magics that can determine paternity of an orc? Or are questions of paternity irrelevant to orcs?

They do. It is sometimes used when there is a dispute between orcs and an accusation of one of them rutting with another's mate behind his back.

How long do elves live for in this setting? And do half orc/Half elf hybrids have a measure of their longevity?

Elven lifespans are malleable and unpredictable due to their connection to the fae. Many elves live a few centuries, with some dying of old age in as little as 200 years, while there are others out there who's age can be measured in the thousands. One theory is that elves simply pass away when they think it's the right time to do so, another theory is that more magically powerful elves live longer, and it is certainly true that all of the most ancient elves are sorcerers, though that could just be because they've had more time to master the art.
Orc/Elf hybrids do indeed get some added longevity, a halfbreed is probably looking at an extra century of life, which weakens the further removed one gets from ones elven heritage. K'zala, being a second generation hybrid, is probably looking at an extra 40 - 50 years of life on a normal orcish lifespan.

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Y'zagya Zoka, what was her ascension to goddess like?

Once upon a time, Y'zagya Zoka was Y'zagya, an orcish warlord and pirate queen. She was infamous amongst the island nations of the south for her clan's insatiable need for slaves, and legendary amongst orckind for her fertility. It was believed that fully half of her clan's pureblooded orcs were of Y'zagya's own litters, and that her fertility and her sons' virility and lust for slaves was largely responsible for her clan's ascent from petty and unimportant to terror of the southern seas.
Y'zagya's depredations were so unrelenting that there are at least three islands who's culture has been lost forever, its bloodline forever stained in orcish colors. No-one knows entirely how many offspring Y'zagya birthed in her mortal lifetime, save perhaps the goddess herself, but you'd be hard pressed to find an orc in the southern islands who won't claim Y'zagya Zoka as a distant ancestors.
She died at age 106, while presiding over a celebratory orgy for one of her clan's conquests, and her body is still said to be interred somewhere in the southern islands, though no adventurer or curious archaeologist can yet conclusively claim to have found the tomb.
For her lust for conquest and slavetaking, Y'zagya was welcomed into the divine realm of Vol'kag Roka, the Orcish God of Dominance, Master of Slaves. Y'zagya served Vol'kag Roka as a divine servant for many centuries, until the Master of Slaves was slain by the giantish god of slavery Julraghar during the third heavenly war. Y'zagya rallied the defense of Vol'kag Roka's divine realm, and when Julraghar's forces had been pushed back, the divine realm acknowledged Y'zagya Zoka as its new divine master.
While Y'zagya Zoka did absorb Vol'kag Roka's domain of slavery, her insatiable lust and boundless fertility also influenced the form of her divine ascension, and she absorbed the domain of fertility which had up until that point been a minor part of several other orcish deities' domains.

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Would Y'zagya Zoka seduce a non-orcish war god if he proved himself a very capable warrior? Or is green cock the only cock for her?

Green cock is certainly her favorite, but yes, she has on a few occasions in the past seduced a non-orcish deity who took her fancy.

There are non-orcish deities of fertility? Intriguing. Tell me more. (And please tell me they compete with Y'zagya Zoka to see who is the most fertile.)

Of course, a lot of cultures have fertility gods.
Needless to say Y'zagya Zoka's aggressive brand of fertility (taking slaves of other races women and such) makes her rather unpopular with a lot of them, and Y'zagya Zoka features as the villain in more than a few non-orcish myths relating to deities of fertility, love and family.

Seriously though man. Is rape or domination your biggest fetish? whats a big fetish you want to implement that you're scared of doing so because it might scare away certain readers? You have harpies so I assume some anthro-fucking is coming up.

I should point out that from my description of harpies they are mostly humanoid, but anyway. If I had to say what my biggest fetishes are then yes, domination is certainly a major one alongside corruption and humiliation (this probably say something about me as a person, but nevermind).
There are a lot of fetishes I could implement but won't because I just don't feel that they fit in with the setting I've created, dickgirls for example would just feel kind of tacked on and pointless. Ones that I'm scared to implement because of scaring away certain readers though... no, not really, I'm relying on the fact that if I try to include something that everyone dislikes they'll just vote against it happening.

>the quest certainly isn't devoid of things drawn from personal experiences So, what are they?

That will remain my secret, anon.

How much of your smut writing do you draw from your own experiences?

Well, as a gigantic green musclebound warrior with a foot long penis and a clan of loyal rapists, this quest is pretty much just like writing an autobiography for me...
In all seriousness though, the quest certainly isn't devoid of things drawn from personal experiences, which always provide a solid base to build upon, but for the most part it's my imagination and fetishes running wild.
Probably just as well, since I'm fairly certain that a lot of those smut scenes would land me in jail if I tried them irl. You'd be amazed the dim view modern law enforcement takes on getting two of your buddies to pin down an evil witch on her own sacrificial altar so you can have your way with her!

Where did you learn to write smut?

I didn't really. I've done a lot of writing before, but prior to this quest my only smut writing experience was a couple of fapfics for Blatant Fetish Quest.
One of the reasons I decided to run Orc Warlord Quest was to train my smut writing skills, which are still inexperienced and weak.

Are Juk'ruk and Or'kuz helping the young orcs in cleaning and maintaining their new equipment ?

Or'kuz is. Juk'ruk doesn't really know all that much about equipment maintenance.

She could please our other harem members, so there's that.

Sho'ka's already been using her for that, but sure, you could make it official.

What are Aleida's duties as a slave when she's not attending to Ur'shal's needs?

Not a great deal, since she's part of the chieftain's harem and lacks any valuable skills. If you want her to do something more productive, you should suggest it in the thread.

Are you planning to have Ur'shal be the MC the whole quest? It seems like it might take a generation or two to make enough orcs to conquer the world. Will we eventually play Ur'shal's heir?

That depends on how quickly you manage to amass your forces and how many losses you suffer. Ur'shal isn't even 20 yet, so he's got a lot of life in him yet to lead the clan through a few generations. If necessary I'm more than happy to keep this quest going with his heir however, or his replacement if he gets unlucky enough to die.
The quest only really ends when either you run out of things to conquer, I feel that the quest has lost its steam, or your clan/horde/kingdom is shattered beyond repair.
I might take a break at a suitably dramatic "end of book one" point sooner or later though to do something else for a while, so that I don't burn out.

Is it unusual for Orcs to be able to speak multiple languages? If, for example, a clan has a lot of Elven slaves, would they go to the trouble of learning Elvish? Or would they just force their slaves to learn Orcish?

Generally orcs will end up picking up some degree of elven if they have a lot of elves around, and the elves will probably end up picking up some orcish too, whether they want to or not.
Actually becoming fluent in another language is pretty rare, but after a few years most learn enough to handle simple conversational elven at least.

Your world is pretty well-thought out. How much is the smut-portion of the world dictating how you've built it. Is this world designed in a way to make the smut good? Or did you make a well-thought out fantasy world and then decide to write porn for it?

I would say that the setting is about 80% non-smut to 20% smut, you're just obviously focusing on orcs who make up a solid part of that 20%.
There's other smutty stuff out there like harpies kidnapping males, non-orcish deities of fertility or pleasure, some schools of magic that fuel rituals through sex and so on, but in the end I didn't want to make the world just a smut setting, and the vast majority of it I just designed with a non-smutty fantasy world in mind.

>wanting a test tube baby of seeth.

Seeth is a raging pervert, you just know that he designed his test tube baby to be into some kinky stuff.

What's the most driving force behind orcs going raiding/to war/hiring themselves out as mercenaries? Obviously the desire for creature comforts is part of it or the kingdom wouldn't have grown decadent, but the gods and core culture despise decadence, so is it really all for glory and exotic mates?

The other reason is simply that orcs love fighting, they start to get irritable and antsy if they can't hunt or raid for a long period of time and conflicts start to flare up between orcs or they just go and pick fights with anyone nearby.
Your clan was an exception because Zo'ruz and his lieutenants had pretty much beaten that out of the younger majority since childhood, and as you may recall even that didn't work out so well for him in the long run! Now that you've shown the young Stonetusks the raiding and fighting lifestyle however, there's no putting that cat back in the box.


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