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>Dark souls waifu >The fucking line "this land is peaceful its inhabitants kind" >Waifu

Any woman so full of love and compassion that she could find room in her heart for wheel skeletons is true waifu material.

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It's funny, since she was actually meant to be an ally in the original Dark Soul's concept. Would have been nice to see that actually happen.

That would have been great. Reality is a harsh mistress which denies us best Dark Souls waifu to fight by our side, however.

Do you mean we could grow a fluffy tail?

Sadly such feats are beyond even the greatest of orcish warriors.
Orc/Sluagh halfbreeds get them though.

But then, who was the person who made the first divine servant?

That's a very good question, unfortunately back then the primitive ancestors of the races of today were still banging rocks together, so there's a lack of records from the time.
Perhaps there's some being out there which could answer that question, but who knows who that could be.

That was very un-Orc-y of you to kill her.

Sadly Dark Souls did not give me the opportunity to claim her as my mate.

B-but Ur'shal used abyssal magic. He's not going to the a-anbyss is he?

Ur'shal never used abyssal magic. If you mean the fact that he wore the crown for a while, that's very different from actually learning abyssal magic and letting the essence of the abyss infuse your soul.
Not to say that using an abyssal artifact for too long might not have... side-effects.

Has anyone ascended to become a God?

It has certainly happened before, yes, generally by way of becoming a divine servant after death and then ascending to godhood in your own right.
A lot of deities arose from the divine servants that fought in the heavenly wars, since they tended to leave some large gaps in the divine management, as it were.

Have any other races worshipped Orc gods?

Generally no, there may be a few rare individuals who do, but since there are gods that fulfill similar roles for other races' pantheons, they tend to gravitate towards them.

What do orcs believe happens to the spirit after death?

If you are worthy, one of the orcish gods will welcome your soul to his divine realm where you can live on as a divine servant until your essence is ready to be returned to the crucible of creation for purification and rebirth.
If none of the orcish gods want you however, your go to the Crone Lands, the realm of lost souls ruled over by the mysterious Crones, said to be the mothers of sorcery. There you will either wander aimlessly until your soul is reabsorbed into the crucible for purification and rebirth, or more likely, you will be spirited away by one of the Crones' servants to their grey palaces to be consumed, experimented upon, used as fuel for arcane rituals or otherwise violated at the whims of the Crone Lands' callous masters, before the shredded and maddened remains of your soul are allowed to rejoin the crucible, where a long period of purification will be necessary to cleanse the horrors of what you endured before they are ready for rebirth.
Those who practice abyssal magic or succumb to abyssal corruption on the other hand go straight to the Abyss, from which no soul ever emerges to be purified and reborn.

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Man, Orcs seem really super-perfect right now. Lets hear some stories about how Elves stronk and stuff.

That's what happens if people ask me nothing but questions about Orcish victories. Rest assured there's a whole lot of fuckups in Orcish history too.
As for Elves stronk...

What do A'ska's whelps think of their new stepfather Dru'ak?

Due to the semi-communal nature of orcish upbringing, A'ska's whelps don't view Dru'ak all that differently from before. His generally quiet nature means he hasn't exactly been making great efforts to win them over, but they don't really dislike him either.

How do Zo'ruz's children think of Ur'shal? One one hand, he did kill their father. Though on the other hand, Zo'ruz was leading the Stonetusk's to an ignominious death

Zo'ruz was a pretty absent father figure, he payed little more attention to his own children than he did to the clan, so they were raised communally and didn't really care all that much about Zo'ruz's death.

I have a feeling there is a funny occurrence where orc look to get kidnapped by harpies or something when it first started.

Not in particular, when the Rockbrutes and Skyhunters moved up near the mountains, the harpies were quick to try and kidnap the new source of males. However as they learned when the first eggs hatched, orc/harpy halfbreeds are not harpies, they're clawed and feathered orcs who can't even fly.
After that the harpies stopped trying to kidnap more orcs.

> Skor'oz Zik's priests were prone to turning up in the most extreme and unlivable parts of the world just to prove that they could Got any fun stories about this? Also will you include all this Orc god info in the pastebin?

Yes, all Orc god info will go into the new and better laid out google docs I'm working on.
There's been plenty of anecdotal stories and the like of priests of Skor'oz Zik turning up in the most ridiculous places. Explorers scouting out remote and previously unknown islands finding some orcish hermit who'd apparently washed up there on a raft decades before, priests being found in volcanic wastelands, poisonous swamps, deserts hundreds of miles from civilization, up near the north pole, that sort of thing.
Often the priests aren't entirely sure how they even got there, they just gave into an urge of wanderlust and saw how hard they could push their bodies and endure what nature threw at them.

Digging further into this half breed business, we already know that half-orc half-harpies are more like orcs than harpies, but we also know they come in eggs anyway. Is harpy reproduction weirder because they're a single gendered race? What effect do fathers of other species have on harpy children?

Children of harpies and other races are regular harpies, harpy society is basically parasitic, kidnapping males of other races to father more harpies.
Orcish reproduction messes with the harpies' natural ability to breed true regardless of the race of the father, which is why harpies don't kidnap orcs for breeding.

Man i wish there was a drawfag or some one willing to chip a few dollars to see these orc half breeds.

As do I. Maybe someday.

So half-dragons are giants then?

They are bigger than your average orc by a few feet, not as big as actual giants quite though. Of course they also get other fun things like breath weapons, extreme longevity, an affinity for magic, and iron-hard skin.

N-none of them are as fluffy?

Nope. You'll have to get your fluffy tail kick somewhere else.
Sluagh have fluffy tails, for example.

>A short, quick orc with better darkvision. How much better are we talking here? Orc darkvision is already pretty good.

Well, when the orcs were down in the tomb for example, even they couldn't see perfectly without any ambient starlight, no matter how faint.
That particular halfbreed's darkvision would had worked clear as day down there.

Were the priesthood and devotees of Skor'oz Zik essentially the explorers and traders of orc society? From what's been written, they seem most able to weather extreme environmental conditions, allowing them to go further than less durable peoples.

That was certainly part of what they were, Skor'oz Zik's priests were prone to turning up in the most extreme and unlivable parts of the world just to prove that they could, and many Orcish traders (and pirates) were devotees of Skor'oz Zik.


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