

Ask @BrightTegu

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can we avoid the wall by going through the mountains?

Of course, the wall doesn't stretch on forever.
Whether finding your way through the mountains past the wall would be easier than going over the wall however is another matter entirely...

Is there much stigma regarding incest in Orc culture? Granted it would probably differ from orc to orc, but would a orc be shunned by his peers for engaging in it? Are there traditions that make it more acceptable? What if a female orc lost her mate in battle, and asked her son to take his place?

It's acceptable insofar as most orcs just don't care how you get your kicks if it doesn't negatively affect them.
Priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka engaged in it a reasonable amount, mainly because they usually fucked most of the clan during the course of their religious duties.
As for the scenario you listed, provided the chieftain accepted it, and the clan felt that her son was strong enough to provide good children for the clan, no-one would have an issue with it.

how do orcs feel about incest?

Orcs are pretty relaxed on most morality stuff as long as it doesn't interfere with the strength of the clan or insult other Orcs.
Of course they do understand that a clan which gets too insular and just starts fucking its own until they become sickly and weak is a clan that deserves to die out, but a little bit of fucking between close family? Go for it.

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> is that the ancient progenitor of the orcish people lusted for her own creations and so wanted to ensure that they could fulfill her desires. Fuck. That's really hot in a weird way.

Orcs like their sexy myths, and their violent ones. Generally all orcish mythology comes in one of those two flavors.

Firstly, damm I love your quest. A really nice mix of civ-building, questing, and smut. So please please please ignore the whiny "rape is bad" person in the latest thread. The actual question: will we ever have character statistics? How will character progression work? Or is it there but invisible?

I'm keeping things fairly freeform at the moment, since this was my first questrunning attempt, and I have a bad habit of getting bogged down trying to plan every detail in things, so I decided to just go with the flow and stick to a simple dicerolling mechanic and eyeballing the DCs based on how skilled the orc attempting it was, and how difficult the action was.
I will probably start to tighten things up as the quest progresses, but I don't think there'll ever be full-on character sheets or anything like that.
As for character progression, blessings of the gods, new weapons and magical trinkets, useful new members of the clan, a larger horde of warriors, victory in battle both personal and on a larger scale. All of those will make Ur'shal stronger, and allow you to get away with crazier shit in the future as you someday climb up to become a great warlord of legend known throughout the world.

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So what did Y'zagya Zokathink of our encounter, is she as fertile as her title implies

If she didn't enjoy it, you wouldn't have received her blessings, and yes, very fertile.
According to orcish myths, Y'zagya Zoka, rather than simply surrounding herself with divine servants made from the spirits of the faithful dead as most deities do, has a divine realm entirely filled with the offspring of her trysts with mortal orcs.

Why are Orcs so fucking good at sex?+

Orcish myth tends to get a bit confusing as you go too far back, and not even Ku'zag could tell you for sure. The most popular myth, of which there are several dozen permutations, is that the ancient progenitor of the orcish people lusted for her own creations and so wanted to ensure that they could fulfill her desires.

What do goblin women look like?

According to the second hand description Kur'zag gave you. They're around three to four feet tall, with skin in a brighter green color than orcs and long pointed ears like elves. Goblin women vary by tribe and prestige in appearance. Generally, the lower rank ones are lean and wiry, a lack of food and a harsh lifestyle keeping them slim. The richer ones tend to be more curvy, mainly because they are usually the daughters of high rank goblins and their expensive female consorts, who tend towards the goblin ideal of much T&A.


Gul'zor the Scalebreaker was chieftain of the Swamp Dragon Clan, who held the vast mangrove swamps in the lands southeast of the wall. His clan was strong, but still forced to pay tribute to a lazy and demanding water dragon and its lamia priestesses.
Gul'zor was far from the biggest or the strongest of the orcs, and many in the clan felt that he was merely a puppet of the water dragon, placed in charge after it devoured his predecessor. Little did the water dragon and its lamias know that Gul'zor had spent many years as a secret worshipper of Zol'gor Tor, god of blades.
The cunning Gul'zor had played the fool, all whilst honing his skills under cover of darkness, wrapped in dark furs, hunting the water dragon's minions through the swamps and dragging them down to a watery grave. Fortunately the water dragon cared little for the lives of individual mortals, and just put the deaths down to infighting or predators.
Gul'zor did his best to keep the water dragon happy, raiding nearby human and goblin settlements for slaves and tribute. It was on one of these raids that he found what he had been looking for. A great boar, slain when it tried to attack a party of soldiers bringing weapons to the capital.
The orcs finished off the human soldiers, and Gul'zor formulated a plan. He cut open the belly of the boar, filling it with the sharp blades of the weapon shipment, sowing it back up and loading it into the cart. He brought it back before the water dragon, who being gluttonous and convinced of its own invincibility, gulped down the great boar in a single bite.
The roars of the water dragon of the swamps as its innards were shredded by the consumed blades went on for weeks, and in its blind pain and fury it decimated many nearby villages, but it could never find the one it wanted. The scalebreaker clan had vanished into the swamp, with Gul'zor and his fellow worshippers of Zol'gor Tor leading them as they dodged the frenzied response of the lamias who sought to return Gul'zor to their master.
When the water dragon finally expired, Gul'zor claimed its corpse for his own, making weapons and armour from its scales and bones to equip his greatest warriors. With this new strength they quickly turned the tables on the once dominant lamias, destroying their dragon temples and claiming their priestesses and warriors as the clan's women.
Gul'zor is often held up as an example of the hidden strength of Zol'gor Tor, god of blades, who teaches that even in the face of a more physically powerful foe, orcs may find victory in cunning and patience.

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How big is MC's dick?

12 Inches, making it a couple of inches above average for an orcish male. Go easy on the little human women, eh.

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