

Ask @BrightTegu

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I assume Y'zagya Zoka approves of /ss/ and of older, more experienced orc MILF's teaching young, strapping orc lads a few years shy of their coming of age ceremony how to properly wield their spam daggers and pork swords?

She sure does.

Are you getting tired of the Y'zagya Zoka related questions? There seems to be an inordinate amount of them.

It is to be expected, she's the depraved fertility goddess of a smutty quest setting.

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I just want there to be like a moment where everyone except Ur and Aleida are asleep, and Ur holds Aleida to his chest as she cries. Ur doesn't say or do anything, just lets her cry on his chest.


I realize that Ur's old chieftan wasn't stopping the orcs from expanding for any other reason then personal interest in keeping his comfy position, but still one wonders if the world as a whole would be better off if the orcs decided to sit on their asses.

Probably, at least from that one threat. There's plenty of other far worse fates for the world out there than ending up 100% orc however.

Why is anon implyong that putting a stop to rapid orc expansion is a good thing? Is he some sort of heretical roundear sympathizer?

Disgraceful, to think that non-orcs are reading my quest!

Which would you say is more admirable for an orc, the ability to hold back his orgasm for hours, or to finish comparatively fast but be able to go again and again? >implying not "both" Which one does Y'zagya Zoka appreciate more, and can one only train the former naturally?

The latter, though both are appreciated. There's a fair few unmentioned timeskips in smut scenes since in general orcs can go for a while and jizz more than once, and Ur's more impressive than most in both regards.
>Which one does Y'zagya Zoka appreciate more
Again, the latter, better for breeding.

As it came up at the thread end, didn't long term coven domination become exceedingly difficult to use on non-scrubs? Since the adventurers count as such, would a bit of NTR really break them enough for domination to be viable? Trying to loophole past a restriction on bloat seems a bit pointless.

They would still be tough to dominate, yes.

How degenerate is it for an orc to pork animals? What if it's for the sake of breeding science? How common is it anyway? Like, I believe an orc might be able to knock up a female [whatever Raka is].

Orcs can't knock up animals.

Have there been non-orcs who have managed to become the chieftain of an orc clan by being totally badass and more orcish than the typical orc?

Not for any length of time. Orcs, as you may have noticed, are kind of massive racial supremacists, if a non-orc claimed the position of chieftain, they'd face a non-stop line of challengers undermining their authority or groups deserting until either the clan was no more, or the non-orc chieftain was dead.

Have there been dragon cults predominately made up of orc worshipers?

Not often, but it has happened with more warlike dragons in the past.

Are Lamia warm or cold blooded?

Well, the Lamia do seem to get a lot more sluggish after dark, and Isyil does enjoy sunning herself a lot, so it's a possibility.

Since the orc gods dont really mind what slaves worship, could Ur drag in one of the more Trophy-like dragon effigies looted from the temple? Obviously to show off, not at all to have a happy and cuddly albino blanket.

>Since the orc gods dont really mind what slaves worship, could Ur drag in one of the more Trophy-like dragon effigies looted from the temple? Obviously to show off, not at all to have a happy and cuddly albino blanket.
You could, though that raises the question of whether you want to encourage dragon worship to continue among your slave population, especially since you're in conflict with one dragon already, and may soon be in conflict with another.

I'm bitter because H O R S E stole S N A K E's thunder for the closing scene. Also are we going to collect all 12 of the Zodiac?

Isyil got final scene last thread, so they've both had a grand finale. They'll both get more scenes in the future too.
>Also are we going to collect all 12 of the Zodiac?
Probably not the whole set, but you might well find a few more.

What do the orc lads think of how unusually protective Ur is of his mates and slaves? Lokasi anal when?

>What do the orc lads think of how unusually protective Ur is of his mates and slaves?
They find it a bit weird, but Ur's been keeping the slaves and loot flowing in, so generally it's just seen as a harmless eccentricity more than anything. If Ur starts messing up, that's when people will start talking about it in a negative light.
>Lokasi anal when?

How has Za'ria been doing since our little talk?

Not too bad, you've both been a bit busy for any follow up chances to talk or find out properly how she's doing, but she seems content enough.

Has K'zala lost standing in the clan for not being able to beat a goblin in a knife fight?

The only people there were Ur and his lieutenants, and while Bra'kur might've told everyone the story, he's not dumb enough to start disrespecting his chieftain's mate in how he tells it, so not really, no.

What kind of things can an orc who has completely maxed out his endurance with Skor'oz Zik boons be capable of?

Think of some crazy bullshit feats of endurance and add a touch of supernatural enhancement on top of that. By that stage you'll have people wondering if the orc might be undead with the sheer amount of punishment they can live through.

Are there any human females in the Stonetusk Clan that managed to birth more whelps than Aleida?

Nope, most of the human females birthed one or two, with the occasional three mixed in.

How will Yselt get into contact with Ur'shal again? Will she send another homunculous?

Most likely. She didn't say.


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