

Ask @BrightTegu

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>stoney silence Shiet, that aounds bad, talks of a past way worse than what way worse than angry retorts and more training does.

Well, you have heard second hand from other Sunbringers that Jareth's mom cared a lot about his dad, but that was about all you got, since presumably they were respecting her wishes not to speak on the matter.

how much does jareth know about his father ?

Not a great deal, he died when Jareth was very young, and attempts to ask his mother about him were met with stony silence.

(It's possible, sure.) Though the non-orc males in question would have to be bonafide badasses, exemplars of their race, sexual dynamos and proven warriors before a typical orc woman would even contemplate snu-snu with something other than throbbing, virile orc cock, correct?

Correct, although some females do have fetishes...

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Are orc whelps punished for taking mates before their official coming of age and acknowledgement from the clan that they are now adults?

Yup, although young orcs secretly boning each other is pretty common. As long as they stay subtle about it most orcs just shrug it off as part of being young.

So were there ever prominent examples of someone taking the "track down orcs and bathe in their blood/entrails" approach to their orc fluid addiction? Maybe some bloodcult who got hooked that way in the first place? Or does green fever take a too sexual nature, even if not infliced by sexual means?

There have been a few in history, most tend to collapse fairly quickly due to the fact that yes, even by using that method, the addiction still takes on a sexual nature very quickly.
The one prominent and long-lasting example was the Heart-Eaters of Rastin, a blood cult that arose among the former Wolf-Clans who had been absorbed into the Kingdom of Rastin, due to a combination of their desperation to hold on to their former culture despite their subjugation combined with an influx of orcish raiders along the border of Rastin they mostly populated.
The Heart-Eaters considered resisting the addiction to be as vital a part of proving yourself as slaying your enemies to devour their heart and bathe in their blood in the first place. Many of their younger members succumbed and were culled by the Heart-Eater elders despite the strict upbringing they underwent to strengthen their wills, but despite that the Heart-Eaters did end up with quite a powerful core of members who had been carrying out their blood rites for years, even decades without succumbing.
In the end it wasn't even the orcs that finished off the Heart-Eaters, though they certainly made many attempts to do so, as the cult grew larger and more nationalistic about their Wolf-Clan heritage, the King of Rastin started to fear an uprising. His early attempts to bring the Heart-Eaters' elders to discussion and make them swear more binding vows of loyalty to the crown ended in violence due to the rash actions of the more hot-headed members of the cult, and so the King of Rastin lured the cult into a secluded valley with the aid of illusionary magic and false intelligence, then had his mages turn the valley into a raging inferno of fire magic until not one Heart-Eater remained.
The Valley of Scorched Bones is to this day a dangerous place due to the many lingering and wrathful spirits of the Heart-Eaters, and both Orcs and the Rastini avoid it if at all possible.

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Would Ashuris and the coven witnessing their half-orc sons rutting with female Giants and their half-orc daughters treating proud Giant men as their personal breeding studs put a smile on their faces and make their enslavement worth it?

They certainly would derive a great deal of satisfaction from that.

Do orc men in general have an unhealthy fascination with dangerous women who could kill them? Or is that just Ur'shal's thing that floats his boat?

It's pretty common considering that orcs want strong offspring, and the more dangerous the mother, the more likely she is to produce stronger whelps.

When Ur'shal encountered Y'zagya Zoka in his dreams, they were in a verdent oasis. Do other orcs that have also encountered Y'zagya Zoka in their dreams also meet up in that oasis? Or does the dream realm change in accordance with what the lucky orc in question considers to be fertile land?

Orcs who've met Y'zagya Zoka have reported all kinds of different locations and scenarios, so no, it doesn't seem to be a standard thing.

How many many whelps did Y'zagya Zoka give birth to as a result of her getting knocked up after her dream tryst with Ur'shal?

Who knows, although one can assume a lot, since she is a fertility goddess.

Can a sufficiently trained slave orgasm/derive pleasurefrom giving a blowjob? Would only letting someone addicted to orc sex give blowjobs and not letting her even masturbate be quite frustrating? What if even the blowjobs were as rare as possible without withdrawal? Would often be more frustrating?

>Can a sufficiently trained slave orgasm/derive pleasure from giving a blowjob?
>Would only letting someone addicted to orc sex give blowjobs and not letting her even masturbate be quite frustrating?
If they were used to sex, yes. The blowjobs would satisfy the psychological craving but not the physical ones.
>What if even the blowjobs were as rare as possible without withdrawal? Would often be more frustrating?
You lost me...

Man, I wish you hadn't gone into this much detail about how orc fluids work. Now it's only a question of time before some sperglords push for urine bombs or whatever.

Ur would dismiss that errant thought as being too silly to even discuss with his lieutenants.

Is fielding an army female orc warriors with Enhanced Pheromones and Y'zagya Zoka priestesses for support against a enemy force comprised of males a viable tactic for orcs?

Yes, and one that has been used in the past. Y'zagya Zokan priestesses leading female orcs buffed up with magic and boons working as light skirmishing forces can do wonders harrying and disrupting enemy troops in close formation as they start to become distracted and drunk on the presence of the females and discipline falls apart, making them easy pickings for more heavily armed and armored orcish troops.

Do higher quality sacrifices also warrant bonus points with Ogre Satan? How valued would Giant sacrifices be? Would giants getting dicked by orcs count as terrible things or does that just make him go: "Topkek. Now torture them to death."

If the coven had a hand in the systematic conquest and humiliation of giants, forcing the once-proud race into the position of orcish breeding slaves, then yes, Ylugri would probably approve enough to toss a boon their way.

Will Ogre Satan reward the coven more and provide better boons the longer they continue to sacrifice to him?

Sacrificing to him is expected of them, and is more of upkeep on their current boons than something that'll earn them new ones. The coven's going to have to go above and beyond for more boons, extra sacrifices for example, or doing terrible things to giants.

It's pretty easy for someone who got addicted to orc but fought through the withdrawal to fall back into the addiction again, isn't it?

Yup, it's a hard habit to kick entirely.

Once we beat and capture the adventurers, do you think there will be female orcs willing to fuck the males for them genes? It will be the first time we meet a goblin, after all.

It's possible, sure.

How old is the orcslayer supposed to be now? 50?

She was only a teenager during the war, so she'd be in her thirties.

Wait, does orcish addiction go so far that it can hit you even through the blood of orcs you killed, if you fight orcs of the opposite gender long or successfully enough? Wasn't there a female war hero who even killed the orc king? Did she go all jittery when deprived of orc blood to spill on her?

Who knows. That's an interesting thought, isn't it?

Do orcs know about the wheel? Is the wastes just not good enough terrain for wheels? Could we make roads on the wastes to ease travel?

Orcs know about the wheel, but with the wastes being mostly rocky, uneven badland it's not particularly useful in your current locale. Making roads would require the coven's assistance and take a very long time.

So what would have happened if everybody had failed the resist roll again the Incubus?

Well, I'm not going to get into the details, but all I'll say is that I wouldn't have just screwed you over completely (literally in that case!) and bad ended the quest on a couple of bad rolls.


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