

Ask @BrightTegu

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What would Aleida's reaction be if at her the end her next pregnancy she birth to a healthy litter of female whelps?

About the same as giving birth to her first set of whelps. She's not bothered by what gender they are.

What would you say would be Aleida's happy end to her story? Is this likely to occur?

Aleida doesn't really have any grand ambitions. If there were some way to take revenge on Alwin and Kasimir for what they did to her family, she'd take it, but at the end of the day she's happy enjoying the simple life of attending to Ur and raising his whelps, and she certainly wouldn't want to jeopardize that for anything.
So a happy end for Aleida is getting to stay right where she is.

What's the general opinion at the clan? Has he earned any loyalty yet, or is it more fickle than that, people just follow him because he's successful?

It's a mix of the two, and while splitting them up into packs has done a lot to erode former clan affiliations, it still tends to be divided up on a clan basis. The original Stonetusks view Ur as 'one of them', so there's a fair bit of loyalty among them. The two other clans which have the most loyalty towards him are most likely the former Rockbrutes, who remember how he saved them from the coven, and the former Stormhowlers, who both respect Ur's strength in defeating Ya'zada, and take a certain degree of pride in their former chieftain being mated to their new chieftain. The rest tend to be more pragmatic in following Ur because he's a strong leader who's given them plenty of slaves and good fights. That isn't to say that the rest are all completely mercenary, or that the groups mentioned above are universally loyal, just that those are the divisions Zo'rok has noticed by way of his contacts snooping around.

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>It would certainly be something for discontented orcs to latch onto But it presumably wouldn't be an active source of discontent like taking too many would? Of course difference is probably academic because odds are there'll always be a bunch of orcs deaming of being chieftain.

True, it would provoke less frustration than a chieftain who kept all the women for himself. An orc muttering about the chieftain not taking enough women and not being enough of a man is probably the kind of orc who'd have no trouble finding something else to complain about if the chieftain was taking enough women.

While an orcish chieftain can obviously cause resentment by being too greedy with slaves, can orcs get uppity because their chieftain is taking too few slaves for himself (due to for example a Koz'rak esque situation) or does self-interest generally make them ignore things going the other way?

Taking too few would certainly lead to the clan questioning why the chieftain is taking so few. It would certainly be something for discontented orcs to latch onto, implying that the chieftain isn't man enough to handle more women.

How do you handle players stomping a "boss" into the dirt?

If it happened because the players rolled well or because they had a cunning plan that came together, then one can only shrug and move on, these things happen and people will get rightly upset if they feel they earned a victory which you're trying to swipe away from them.
If it happened because you made the "boss" too easy, you let them have their victory and you go back to the drawing board to figure out how to ensure that the next boss you throw their way is a proper challenge.

If you have a situation like what happened with the last orc king, when you have a leader who's a strong warrior but a poor general, what would be the Zol'gor Tor approach to fix the problem? Would he approve of a less personally powerful but a much more capable leader shanking him and taking over?

Yes, Zol'gor Tor has always been of the opinion that a mighty warrior who lacks leadership skills' place is to be glorified as a mighty warrior, not reviled as an incompetent general. Those who don't understand this distinction deserve to be removed.

Would Ya'zada, if she hadn't met Ur'shal, still be down for orc cock if one of her sons with her previous mate were able to defeat her in single combat when he reached adulthood?


Have you noticed any key differences between how you qm and how you gm?

I think they're very different skills fundamentally, so I'm not even sure how one would compare them.

Other than shamelessly promoting myself how do I draw more players?

I dunno, I've never really gone out of my way to draw in players. The important thing when starting out however is to ensure that you have plenty of time set aside for threads, because nothing will make people dismiss a new quest faster than its first or second run time being cut short.
Aside from that... write smut? It worked for me!

You're also more consistent and more prolific than most of the former tg quest masters

Huh, don't think I've ever been accused of consistency before.
Liked by: RageBob

Does your tabletop group get as smutty as your quests do?

Hell no. Considering that I split GMing duty with my father, that would be really, really weird.

Have there been instances of female dragons becoming breeding slaves to orcs?

One or two known ones, yes. It's pretty damned rare though.

Did this earth dragon eventually succumb to the green fever?

Nah, he's an old dragon, it would take some truly monumental levels of green fever to even have a chance of overpowering his ridiculous mental and physical fortitude.

Are there many gods in OWQ that devote themselves to the destruction of orckind and give their followers boons designed to take out orcs?

Absolutely, numerous of them, that's what happens when you're a race whose whole thing is raiding, enslaving and outbreeding everything that isn't an orc.

For postery's sake, how well can orcs notice family resemblances between other orcs? #FantasyRacism #AllOrcsLookTheSame

No more or less easily than any other race can.

Do you have any advice for a beggining QM?

Avoid chargen, don't railroad but remember that a little light nudging to keep people facing in the right general direction can be invaluable, don't engage shitposters while you're running, keep any mechanics simple enough that they won't bog down the story, make sure you've got time set aside to be able to run your first few sessions very close together, possibly even over a few days in a row, gets people hooked better.
There's probably more advice, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Good luck there anon, hope it goes well for you.
Liked by: RageBob

Hey fruit cup /qst/ is a thing now.

Sure is. Unfortunately the whole sfw only thing rather scuppers my QMing on there, so I'm going to most likely move all my current /tg/ quests across to akun.

lThat Earth dragon did that through centuries though, rigt? Because that makes me think half-earthdragons would be, relatively, quite common.

Oh yeah, he's far, far older than a little brat like Slaagyr, and yes, there are more non-dragons with Earth Dragon blood in them than any other variety thanks to his manwhoring ways.
Liked by: aquester

Have there been non-orc Casanova/Don Juan types who have been truly passionate in their pursuit of seducing and knocking up orc women?

Well, unless you count that Earth Dragon I've mentioned in the past who will proudly claim to have seduced and knocked up beautiful women of every sapient species in the world, there are none that come to mind as specifically targeting orc women, since they'd quickly succumb to the green fever without some truly ironclad willpower and possibly some alchemical assistance.
Liked by: aquester

Hey Lordy, is EnteeCards related to any other stories in any way? Or have other stories been made in it's universe? Because I just found the phrases "Card Wars" and "thoroughly thrashed Conrad’s ass" And I am very confused. Very confused.

Wha? No, this is just a dumb setting I came up with myself.

What reaction should anticipate from Aurora when we show her Slaagyr's head?

Now anon, where's the fun if I just go and tell you?


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