

Ask @BrightTegu

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It seems to me that the individually more powerful but somewhat less populace races (Lamias, Giants, Dragons, etc) sensibly tend to acquire servants/cultists/slaves from the more standard humanoids for gruntwork. >Cont.

They sure do. Considering that lamia are pretty much all spellcasters, I wasn't going to make you fight an entire compound of them!

(>Aleida knows about that) How did Aleida end up finding out about that?

Heard your mates talking casually about a couple of orcs in the clan who're doing it.

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Can a Y'zagya Zoka priestess also be an oneiromancer?

If you mean could someone born an oneiromancer also train as a priestess, then yes, though it would be a struggle to master both disciplines.

Any theories why Anons are so taken with Aleida?

Aleida is A+ old fashioned wife material. Caring, attentive, supportive, optimistic, and always willing to provide a back massage or suck dick after her husbando gets back from a tough day at the office/out pillaging.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Would Skor'oz Zik approve of Kung Fu orcs? On one hand, I could see him loving that an orc would turn his body into all the weapon he would ever need. One the other, maybe he wouldn't want to see an orc get too specialized in CQC if it meant the orc couldn't fight with other weapons if required?

Skor'oz Zik does indeed approve of the practicality of being able to kill without needing any tools, though he's less interested in the ritual and ceremony that often accompanies martial arts.

Would Bryna be the one to talk to to find out how much our treasure hoard is worth and how much a hand full of gold coins is worth to someone from outside the wastes?

Das racist!
But yes, Bryna or possibly one of the more mercantile-minded elves from the villages are the ones most likely to be able to value your loot.

Do we still have that funky puzzlebox/magic gateway thing?

You sure do. Anytime you want to solve it, just ask in thread.

How horrified would Aleida be if she found out about the relaxed attitude orcs have regarding incest?

Aleida knows about that, and yes it was pretty shocking for her, but she's getting kind of used to the culture shock by now.

Orcish Wet T-shirt contests when?

You'd have to invent T-shirts first. Until then you'd just be splashing water all over naked orc titties.
...which doesn't sound too bad either.

You have fulfilled the anons fetish, and unless you want to do repeat scenes she will most likely get pushed into the back ground. Hell I bet you that anons forgot we still have a slave who hasn't gotten fucked because she is too Crazy for the Dragon.

Maybe Slaagyr just doesn't have a human fetish.

God damn that sure was an answer. I suppose Izannia needs more scenes before we can really get a feel for her.

Yeah, because Izannia and Bryna appeared right before the timeskip they kind of got nudged aside a bit. I'll try to give them a bit of love soon.

....man, that blurb about Ogretits makes me want to suggest taking her out front to the new Lamia slaves.

Follow your dreams, anon.

>bird slurs That made me chuckle for some reason. Also Aurora will eventually get her screentime when we're about to deal with Slaggyr

Yup, plus of course Aleida, Inka and Aurora are all tied up with Kasimir, so they'll get more screentime again when you eventually come into conflict with him.

Will the harpies have second thought about this whole orc sex thing once they notice that they aren't laying harpy eggs anymore or will it be way too late for that by then? I think you said most harpy nests learn to stop kidnapping orcs for breeding, but odds are the first one(s) still got addicted.

By that time, your harpies will have been receiving orc D for quite a while, so while it will be a shock to them they won't be in a state of mind to try and flee.

Key the bird slurs are already background shit along with the normal humans.

I dunno, Aleida seems to be holding on to her screen time.

On the topic of Izannia, am I correct that she is less tsun than Ogretits and instead reacted more by reluctantly/unconsciously counting Ur as part of her ingroup while focusing her racism and stuff on, for example, uncivilised half-elves waking her way too early?

Kinda, yeah, see my HUGE ANSWER below this one.

Maybe you could describe the differences between Izannia and Ashuris to show anon what you meant? Since those theoretical pastebins are probably a ways off.

Ashuris is at her core two things, a narcissist and an ogre. Her narcissistic side is the basis of her ego, she's divine beautiful thanks to the divine blessings of Ylugri, and she knows it. Combined with her mind controlling magic, she is someone who expects others to worship, adore and desire her. Her ogrish side comes through the most obviously when she's frustrated or angry, but it's always there, the side of her personality who works solely on the concept of might makes right and will try to solve everything by smashing every obstacle in her way. Ashuris' tsun tendencies and fetish for humiliation are caused by a combination of those two aspects.
Ur is, as her narcissistic side looks at it, obviously unworthy of her, as all others save perhaps her fellow Ylugri worshipers are, though there is a grudging respect for his talent for leadership and domination, and even perhaps a slight hint of admiration that she'd never admit to. Her ogrish side on the other hand causes her to view herself as being, at least on some level, beneath Ur, he did after all beat her twice single-handed, and his raw power appeals to that side of her nature, without him being disgusting enough (as per an ogre male for example) to ruin it for her.
Her humiliation fetish is again a combination of those two aspects of her nature. In fact part of it isn't even a humiliation fetish, it's a fetish for being seen and desired. All those other orcs and slaves seeing her being taken by Ur and knowing that they can't have her appeals to her narcissistic side, while being forced into a humiliating position by the man who defeated and dominated her appeals to her more savage ogrish side, the fact that it's shameful to her narcissistic side only adding to the illicit thrill of the situation.
Izannia on the other hand is a noble of Szar Tzas. She has been raised to respect Szar Tzasian tradition and culture, and to despise all that which is not of Szar Tzas, which is obviously brutish, ill-educated and backwards. She is not in particular on an ego trip, at least not compared to Ashuris, but rather has a very strict view on how things should be, on what's 'proper', which involves her in a position of authority being accorded respect as befits her heritage.
Izannia is still a tsun in progress, in many ways she still doesn't really like Ur, he is after all a savage and barbarian who took her by force and is keeping her as his slave against her will. Of course if she was set free, she'd just come wandering back with some excuse a little while later because after the regular application of Ur dickings she's well and truly addicted to him. Instead she spends her time making excuses to herself, taking out her confused feelings on everyone around her, and trying to ignore the growing thrill she gets from Ur's attention and approval, and the excitement she gets out of the new experience of being publicly dominated by a savage after a lifetime of being treated with respect.

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Didn't real want to sound overly worried or doomsaying there. After all, I did say it's not a real problem yet and from her few appearances, Izannia does seem to take a somewhat different approach already. I was more hoping to satisfy curiosity and fishing for plans/examples than anything else.

Ah, well I'm not sure I can really say all that much about plans and examples, since I don't want to spoil things for people, but I have many more character concepts which I'm hoping will be varied enough not to feel like I'm just cranking them off a waifu conveyor belt set to Tsun.

>Cont. And that kind of personality seems like it'd be one of the more common ones among targets we'd likely want to enslave personally, simply because a good chunk of female leadership without "good guy" archetypes is going to get some permutation of the arrogant/proud with tsun aspects deal.

Well, I would say that Ashuris and Izannia's personality isn't exactly the same, though there are some similarities for sure. I am aware of the danger of waifus starting to blur together as Ur's harem increases, which I think is a result of not being able to give every one of them enough screentime to fully explore less obvious aspects of their personalities.
Still, I'd rather not just stop giving people new harem members, since that was one of the major parts of the quest from its earliest concept, and it would be a bit silly if I suddenly just said 'no more waifus!' when many of my players are still eagerly awaiting races and characters that haven't even appeared in the quest yet. It's not a perfect solution, but as previously mentioned, I intend for the less popular ones to slip more into the background as numbers increase so I can focus more on the ones that people seem to take to best.
That's questing for you I guess, I only have so many hours in the day to write sadly.

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Have you put any thought into how some personality types could easily be oversaturated in our harem? I mean, it's not a problem yet, but we already have both Ashuris/Izanna for the proud/arrogant angle with a side order of tsun and humiliation fetish >Cont.


Can an orc woman sufficiently devoted to Y'zagya Zoka earn boons that replicate the effects of the spells Sanctify Birth and Strengthen The Fertile Body as permanent passive buffs that are always on?

Sure can.


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