

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does Durna accept worship from orcs?

She'll accept worship from anyone willing to live her lifestyle. Generally she doesn't appeal to orcs as a subject of worship however, as the way they see it it makes more sense to worship the orc god who turned her into what she is.

What is the name of Durna's former husband? What's his area of influence in Dwarf society?

A smith god named Ulbraghor, one of several smith gods mind you.

Has Durna approached the other orc gods for divine sexy times since Zol'gor Tor got bored of her?

Of course, Durna has slutted it up hardcore across the heavens since, as befits her new divine status.

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Bootknife. Or bootstrap. the goblin part of that heroic party coming to slay us. He's a goblin. He's probably heroic in power level. We should recruit him. You ain't a full orc until you got yourself a gobbro

Good luck.

Was there much cooperation between Y'zagya Zoka priestesses and Goblin Eugenicists in the old Orc Kingdom? Or do the priestesses find the thought of goblins being able to teach them anything about breeding they don't already know to be laughable?

While there were some individual Y'zagya Zokan priestesses and goblin eugenicists willing to work together and even a few who might have been friends, in general the two groups clashed due to different viewpoints and methods, also because orcs kept trying to steal all the finest goblin women the eugenicists created.

If Grulax didn't have the urge to consume everything and anything constantly, how bro would he be to hang out with?

I mean, he is a demon, so being a dick is part of his base nature, but by demon standards he's been pretty chill so far.

We need more Scabs the Elf in our lives

For two gold a day and some dirty literature (preferably new, but he'll settle for used) he'll loiter in your general vicinity and be in your life.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

>At worst... well, probably something very bad.// I just patented and trademarked the idea you can't use it unless I receive fair compensation through a week of GKQ

Fortunately there are many other bad ideas with terrible consequences that can arise out of people screwing around with mana cores and artifice, so I can just use one of them instead.

Are you planning next session to be OWQ or DOEQ? Maybe GKQ again?

My plan at present, though it's not set in stone, is DoEQ tomorrow, then OWQ on saturday.

>Except the Dire wolf/Griffin bit, golems are way too heavy to ride great beasts.// Hey guys, hey listen I have an idea what if... what if we took Dire wolves/griffins and... and just put them together with golem tech? What's the worst that can possibly happen?

At best, nothing save a bunch of very confused dire wolves and griffins glued to a mana core.
At worst... well, probably something very bad.

Did Y'zagya Zoka have a favored slave race when she was alive? Does she have one now that she is presumably aware of every race in existence that has been enslaved by orcs since her ascension to godhood? How did her ascension happen and worship spread? Did every fetility priest start fucking at once

>Did Y'zagya Zoka have a favored slave race when she was alive?
>Does she have one now that she is presumably aware of every race in existence that has been enslaved by orcs since her ascension to godhood?
Nope, all races have a place as slaves to their orcish masters.
>How did her ascension happen and worship spread?
After many years as a divine spirit post-death, she stepped into the role of goddess of slavery after the destruction of the previous orcish god of slavery, and due to her particular personality, her domain changed to include fertility alongside the slavery part. As for how it spread, Y'zagya had a pretty serious ancestor cult in the Reaver Isles which had grown up around her legend in the years since her death, and once she became a goddess it spread quickly beyond its borders. Her cult's teachings appealed to a lot of orcs (for obvious reasons), so she soon absorbed the remains of her predecessor's faithful and spread across most of the world's orcs.
>Did every fetility priest start fucking at once
Well, I mean, they DO fuck a lot, but I'm not sure they've all done it all at once.

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Does Y'zagya Zoka have a tryst with everyone she blesses?

Most people who earn boons have enough of her favor that she'll have a dream fling with them, yes.

>we will never Fight the Jackal in a no holds barred savage death match on the tallest mountain>We will never find the truth about our mom's death>We will never bond with a gain Dire wolf/Griffin and ride into battle>We will never bring House Atanor back to glory >We will never bang Quala KillMeFam

Never say never, anon.
Except the Dire wolf/Griffin bit, golems are way too heavy to ride great beasts.

Are nuns and convents a thing in OWQ? Or does the presence of of incorrigible sex pests like orcs make such things impractical?

Sure, many religions build things of that nature, though generally they do not build them in areas prone to orcish raiding for obvious reasons.

Which sequence of events was necessary for Sief to wake up with Viti's hands in his pants?

You should've entered the konami code at the start of today's thread.

What would you say what did our father thought the chances were that we'd fuck someone while away? If he knew we were accompanied by Quala, would he have bet on us bedding her? Would he have tried to bed her?

>What would you say what did our father thought the chances were that we'd fuck someone while away? If he knew we were accompanied by Quala, would he have bet on us bedding her?
Sure, although that's more because he thinks that as he son you should be getting all kinds of ass too than out of any real understanding of Sief.
>Would he have tried to bed her?
Boy would he ever.

How long did we spend in Iquani lands! I thought it was just like 7 days up to the point in the story right now

Yeah, and by the time you return to the Iquani camp and then go back through the forest, presumably after a stop over at said camp to celebrate and such, you'll be pushing towards two weeks.

this is why we need Y'zagya Zoka priests oncenwe reach 500 clan members, I suppose

It would be helpful to get priests for all of your deities sooner or later.

How long were our letters to mom's family supposed to take to arrive again? Couple weeks?

Considering your time spend in the Iquani Expanse, by the time you arrived, the letter by boat should've reached them provided it wasn't sunk by the leviathan plaguing the northern coastline. If it was and you're waiting for the other letter taking a longer, safer land route to arrive, you've got another couple of weeks.

I can be patient when it comes to eugenics. Good thing Ur is an orc, so he can potentially live through 6 generations of orcs being born. It just occured to me that an orc could potentially fuck their great-great-great-great-grandchildren, or something along those lines.

It is entirely possible.


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