

Ask @BrightTegu

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Should we prepare a list of Slaagyr insults? If we're going down the Neeeeerd line of disses I want to ask if that donkey things as an attempt to build a waifu.

Any insults you want to prepare for write-ins, feel free.
Liked by: aquester

I'd kind of thought even completely gay orcs would generally just close their eyes and think of orcland when doing their duty for the clan. Even if they don't get much out of it sexually, producing strong whelps as a status symbol seems strongly enough ingrained in orcish culture for that.

Possibly so.

I can't remember if you've answered this but do gay orcs exist? Does their native focus on breeding lower the occurrence rate of homosexuality? I can only assume they would be widely scorned for not wanting to pass on their bloodline.

It tends to be rare, and orcs that are fully homosexual tend to be scorned for it, but there are certainly orcs who swing both ways, and other orcs tend to let that slide as long as the bisexual orc is still doing his/her part for the clan.

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You have no idea how much I'm refreshing the catalog when I see one of your tweets saying "OWQ in X-Y hours." I fucking love OWQ. Shit makes my day.

Thanks anon, always glad to hear people are enjoying my quest.

>including both of Ashuris' newborn.// I'm assuming it's earth magic?

It's a bit early to tell at this stage whether their affinity for magic is slanted any particular way.

So what does Za'ria get complaints about from the clan's females?

Distracting males mainly, plus the general distaste they have for a barren female.

Do the ogres deserve a better god than Ylugri? Or is having Ylugri as their god a fitting punishment?

I wonder, perhaps you should seek some more opinions on what Ogrish society was like pre-curse before you draw conclusions on that one.

Does the Great Bra'kur have any potential apprentices in mind for the future? Are there any pups from recent litters (aside from Inka's dreamy baby) that show an aptitude? And are there any magics that are off-limits?

There are some whelps who have shown hints of natural magical ability, but it will be a fair few years before they're even ready to begin apprenticeships. As for pups from recent litters, sure, a few, including both of Ashuris' newborn.
As for magics that are off-limits. Aside from abyssal magic, the question of what is or is not allowed is entirely up to Ur as chieftain. Orcs tend to be pretty pragmatic when it comes to most arcana.

If Ashuris's whelps will grow to be 8-9ft, is it more likely that Ur's heir (heir to the quest POV, idk if you intend to continue beyond Ur's lifespan or not) will be a fuckhuge half-ogre of immense physical strength?

I suppose that depends on how things go. I suspect Ur will wind up with a fair few formidable halfbreed whelps in his lifetime. Plus of course there's the matter of ambition and skill, having the most natural advantages doesn't always necessarily translate to being the best.

Would clan mates feel honored or snubbed to be given a member of our harem, one we've tired of?

Depends on the clan mate, I suppose.

Can you occasionally get ogres born with two heads?

It could happen, certainly, though it would be very rare. You'd be more likely to get a one-headed ogre with a semi-formed vestigial head protruding from somewhere on its upper body, extra vestigial limbs optional.
A two-headed ogre would most likely not be of any interest to Ylugri in its two-headed form, which he would consider to be too malformed. That is of course, unless he could convince the heads that only one of them got to be his priest and one of them had to be removed, and leave it to them to figure that out, he'd probably find that entertaining.

What happens to the quest if Ur dies?

My original plan was to just shift perspective to another orc in the clan. Honestly I'm not even sure if that would work at this stage, and I'd rather not go through a ton more threads of the new MC trying to re-establish order.
I'd probably just take all the lessons I learned from the quest and start a new orc warlord quest, or something similar in tone at least.

What are Grorm? You mentioned them during the raid on the Cloud Tribe so long ago.

Gorm are reptilian humanoid scavengers that live in loose pack structures in caves within the Howling Mountains. They tend to be cowardly creatures by nature, and will only attack if they heavily outnumber their potential prey, for the most part they settle for trailing mountain trolls and other large predators to pick over any scraps they leave behind. While they are clever enough to build simple tools, they mostly rely on claws, teeth, and anything they can pick up and use like large rocks, animal bones and the like.

Would K'zala, Sascha and Bryna work well together with future underhanded assignments?

Get one more and you've got yourself the A-Team.

While Orc women overwhelmingly prefer proper green meat, are there any species cock's that they consider a decent alternative if there aren't any Orc men available?

Not in particular, though they prefer larger more physically powerful species in general, but will take personal aptitude over racial power if they have a choice.
For example, if given a choice between a goblin peasant and a giant peasant to capture and have their way with, they'd take the giant. If given a choice between a veteran goblin warrior and a giant peasant to capture and have their way with, they'd take the goblin.

So how did Juk'ruk get all the way to Slaagyr's base after getting severely mauled? Was he just running on pure hate or was he cursed with undeath after having his 'accident' or something?

He died in that den, Zo'rok didn't screw up there, he watched Juk'ruk get ripped to shreds. Unfortunately one of those goat demons gathered the pieces after he left and brought them back to Joachim, who passed them on to Arban figuring he could make some use of them.

The tenth thread you had for this quest never got archived. What happened in it?

It got archived, it just got archived by one of my players with the tag Orc Warlord rather than Orc Warlord Quest.

How close to grown are our giant beetles?

You've got several more months to go before they're full sized, though the "adolescent" ones are still plenty big enough to carry an orc and wreck some shit, as indeed they did during your assault on the cult compound.

What do Rootsuckers, Crag Lions, and Needlebacks look like?

Rootsuckers are large horned mammals, kind of like an ox albeit a lot bigger, with a tough, leathery hide covered in bony nodules. They're usually a yellowish-brown colour, though certain tubers they forage for can change them towards a darker brown or a reddish-brown shade.
Craglions are sandy orange-red coloured hunting cats, slightly larger than regular lions. They look incredibly wiry with noticeable musculature rippling beneath the skin, and have somewhat overdeveloped jaws to handle the many tough leathery and scaled hides of wasteland beasts.
Needlebacks are squat reptiles around eight foot in length including their stubby tail, whose most noticeable feature is a back covered in long spiny growths. The spines are a dark brown when compared to the light yellow and red striped scales of the Needleback. They tend to walk with an almost comical waddling gait, but when enraged they can pick up a pretty impressive pace, often with the intention of twisting at the last moment and slamming spines-first into whatever has annoyed them.

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can dragons get the green fever? can animals?

Dragons can, though due to their naturally formidable willpower they tend to be far better at resisting it than most are.
Animals cannot.


Look at it this way, since I'm now trying out doing runs of sessions rather than just one by one, it means that you may actually get multiple GKQ threads all in a row at some point in the next few weeks.

Has an orc clan ever managed to enslave something powerful and long lived enough (maybe some dragon, fey or whatever) to green cock that becoming the next chieftain was often a matter of seizing control of that particular slave once the old chieftain died before anyone else could?

It can happen, a long lived and powerful slave can easily over the decades become synonymous with leadership in a clan, and having a dragon at your beck and call is a good way to make rivals think twice about trying to usurp you.

Oh! I remember! It was if, since the wood we have is such good magical conduit, could it be used in making a bow that would transmit some enchantment/rune/etc on to the arrows fired from it, so even mundane arrows would be useful with it by almost having a weak rune on each arrow, maybe?

It would be a bit harder than applying it to a melee weapon, but yes, something like that would be possible.


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