

Ask @BrightTegu

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Can you do something about the deficit?

Pay rise for Members of Parliament? Clearly the problem with the economy is that none of the pay rises so far have been large enough. With just a few more cutbacks on public services I'm sure we can afford the luxury our government truly deserves, then they can lead us into a new golden age through the wonders of trickle-down economics.

Just saying, but you didn't answer the first part of anon's question regarding if Y'zagya Zoka dislikes female orcs being taken as slaves.

She does, to a degree, although she's likely to overlook a small amount of slavery provided the females weren't being particularly mistreated.

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How does raiding and enslaving other orcs typically work anyways? The racial advantages to enslaving don't really apply there and, unless there's some sort of feud going on, just killing each other seems like a pretty big waste of time when you could be raping chocolate elves instead.

Generally orcs will either try to absorb rival clan females into their clan, possibly after a period of captivity to test their loyalties to their previous clan. If absorbing them into the clan doesn't seem like it's going to work, they'd probably kill them to prevent them from rejoining their former clan or exile them if their clan no longer existed and they were feeling generous. Of course if the female in question had a litter they'd wait until that was born before getting rid of her, because the whelps could be raised by the clan.
That is only for females taken captive however. Orcs do not go out of their way to capture female orcs in battle for the simple reason that orcs do not have much of a divide in strength and combat ability between males and females, and an orc going soft on rival females in battle is probably going to get himself killed.

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Does Y'zagya Zoka disapprove of orcs enslaving orc females for breeding purposes? Would a clan that enslaves their own women as breeding stock soon be targeted by other orcs because it's easy favor from Y'zagya Zoka to kill orcs who enslave orc women?

It would be seen as very strange by the majority of orcs, and would most likely result in the clan being raided, conquered or wiped out by another clan. After all, by enslaving their females, they are not only reducing their number of capable warriors, but it would also lead to their males having to spend more time keeping the female orc slaves under control, which means less time fighting and raiding for proper slaves. Add to that the fact that any other orc clan around would look at it and realize that taking down the clan would be a good way to add dozens of willing orcish females to their own clan and the reasons why it would be seen as a major weakness start to mount up.
That isn't to say that some orcs don't keep their mates in something just short of outright slavery, but that tends to be an individual thing rather than a clan-wide decision.

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You mentioned that Y'zagya Zoka priestesses keep records of births in their clan. How extensive are these records usually? One one hand, those birth records are vital to ensure the longterm health of a clan. On the other hand, paperwork and record keeping isn't an orc strong suit.

They can get pretty damned extensive. Powerful priestesses overseeing the records of large clans would often have several slaves solely for the purposes of copying the records and lugging around the heavy tomes and bundles of scrolls containing them.
Destroying those records is a good way to wind up on a priestess and by extension her clan's shit list for life.

Do orc women find it harder to earn Y'zagya Zoka boons? After all, it's far easier to father whelps, half breed or otherwise, than to give birth to them. Not to mention that an orc woman capturing her own male slaves for breeding would make her look like a weirdo in the eyes of her fellow orcs.

Just fathering/birthing whelps is not enough to give boons to most orcs, unless they produce a truly prodigious amount most likely over many, many years.
Living the Y'zagya Zoka lifestyle has to be combined with other acts that the goddess approves of. Slavetaking, whether that be claiming large numbers of slaves or taking one particularly impressive one, or killing those who are wasteful with slaves or cripple the growth of orckind by abusing or killing many orcish women and children being some examples.

Since the second part of a god's name relates to their role/aspect, would a knowledgeable orc like Ku'zag, or someone even more widely learned be able to tell what that god is a god of based on just their name? In general, of course, e.g. I assume you can't tell fire+glory+brutality from just Zor.

To a degree, certainly, although the name doesn't give away everything.

A priest of Skor'oz Zik would likely know more about his god's domain and be better at things like organizing endurance training and shit, right? Is it right to assume that if a hobopriest didn't know how to swim and came across the chance to learn how, he would give a lot to learn it?

Skor'oz Zik priests aren't honestly all that great at organizing others, they tend to be a solitary lot. As for swimming, yes, considering that Skor'oz Zik's domain includes seafaring, even his most landlocked priests go out of their way to learn to swim.

Reminder to ask hobochick(I know her name has A's and Z's) about that supposed god, the past of the orcish kingdom, that stupid looking abyssal thing, and if she feels like settling down for a whioe at least, since she has been mostly useless to orckind for a while now. Also we're cool&want priests.

Consider yourself reminded!

If the latter, if Ur was to discover a group of orcs who only worship a single god, that only they worship, and thus our gods learnt of this god, how fast would Y'zagya Zoka try to fuck this god?

You would have a harder time finding an orcish god who has been around for any reasonable period of time whom Y'zagya Zoka hasn't fucked.

While there may be orcish gods outside of the 6 we know of, and the gods do no tell us of these gods, do all orcish gods know of every other orcish god? Or do they have to share followers/worshippers to know of each other? cont.

Presumably the gods would indeed know, but they don't go out of their way to bring up other gods.

Does Skor'oz Zik and his priesthood appreciate Tak'zaya Ska and her priesthood the most out of pantheon? She is also pretty big an survival in the wild with as little equipment as possible, and taking on beasts alone, after all.

There is some overlap between their domains, for sure, and they get along as well as can be expected for two orcish deities, which is to say they've only come to blows a few times in the past and have worked together a few times when the situation called for it.

Has Ur'shal's experience with the Dust Devils and their stinging wind permanently scarred him?

Most of the cuts and scratches will heal up and disappear soon enough thanks to orcish natural healing, but he'll have a few scars behind to remember it by, certainly.

Could an orc woman mate and breed with a Skor'oz Zik Dust Devil?

It would require some magical assistance in the case of a Dust Devil.

How hard will it be to convince Aza'ra to stick around and help the Stonetusk clan? As a Skor'oz Zik priestess, she probably would want to go walkabout rather than stay in one place.

Who knows, but her comment on being from "no clan in particular" does suggest that she was wandering before her hibernation.

Would you describe the sighing abyssal we fought as stupid? Is that what hobochick fought? Remember to ask her, might be good to put it down now that there's two of us here plus Raka, if we can.

Well, Ur himself commented on how it looked almost comical with its awkward swaying walk, so it's a possibility.

Let's say someone comes to the Temple of Elshhu and tells Deva that they're being sexually abused. What would Elshhu expect one of her priests to do?

To help the person, which would mean talking through the issue with them and deciding on what the best course of action would be.
If it's a problem that can be resolved just by talking it out with them, then do that, otherwise it might be a matter of helping the person find somewhere new to live where they'd be safe from their abuser, contacting the guild guards (probably not though unless what's happening is so glaringly obvious that they would have no choice but to do their jobs) or, if necessary, engaging in a bit of good old vigilante violence.
Sweet though she is, Jareth is fairly certain that Deva has dropped a few bodies in the ocean in her time.

Are there boons for unarmed combat? If so, which orc god is the one to give them out?

Depends on what you mean by unarmed combat. Kul'zog Zor's idea of an unarmed combat boon would be the same as his idea of an armed combat boon, which would be increasing your strength to supernatural levels, Zol'gor Tor's idea of it would be touch attacks which caused fear, disorientation and the like. Tak'zaya Ska's idea of unarmed combat boons would be claws, tough bony callouses and the like, making more natural weapons, although those sorts of boons would only go to her faithful since most orcs are not willing to embrace their bestial side quite so heavily.

Is there any association of the other gods like Kul'zog Zor and fire? Maybe Zol'gor Tor and darkness/blades?

Yes, Zol'gor Tor's association with darkness and blades would stem from his early life as an assassin and his propensity for stealth and murder. While he is worshiped primarily as a war god thanks to his actions in later life once he became a king, the fact that he is also the god of assassins and thieves is an open secret that more straightforward orcs either conveniently forget, or just sort of skim over.

(>when Kul'zog Zor first arose, some hardline orcs considered him soft compared to the now fallen former Bloody God) Why was Kul'zog Zor considered soft? Was it because Kul'zog Zor also has an aspect of inspiration and glorious action, while Mul'orog Grul is just about mindless violence?

Pretty much, yes. They considered Kul'zog Zor's aspects as warleader and gloryseeker to be distracting from the pure bloodlust that was Mul'orog Grul's path.
Of course this dislike worked both ways, Kul'zog Zor's growing priesthood considered the difference between their war god and the previous one to be that theirs was the god of warlords and heroes, while Mul'orog Grul's faithful had been little more than a pack of rabid dogs.
The irony being of course that during his living days, Kul'zog Zor did actually pay proper deference to the Bloody God, living before Mul'orog Grul's fall as he did. Though he still kept his Mul'orog Grul berserker-priests on a fairly short leash of course.

So it was just a coincidence that Mul'orog Grul appeared as the sun in Ya'zada's dream?

That was more a reference to his overpowering, oppressive, all-seeing presence than to fire itself.

Was Mul'orog Grul also associated with fire, just as Kul'zog Zor is?

Nope, that was a new facet of his domain that Kul'zog Zor picked up due to how closely associated he was with fire during his lifetime.


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