

Ask @BrightTegu

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Was Ra'gak closest to Tak'zaya Ska and Skor'oz Zik when he was alive? Was the orcish pantheon different when he lived? Did he know about more gods than usual, since he wandered around? Did he learn much from nonorcish culture/religion, or was he too focused on food for that? How did he keep slaves?

Ra'gak was by orcish standards very cosmopolitan, though his habit of kidnapping people who he thought he could learn recipes from did not make him incredibly popular in a lot of non-orcish lands. He predates some of the more recent deities, certainly, and knew about a lot of other more regional ones, but both Tak'zaya Ska and Skor'oz Zik at least were around, and he kept in their good books.

What sort if instances are there of God's picking up people who weren't really trying to please them? Or picking them up for a skillset or similar such reasons. Additionally any notable orcish gods squabbling over who gets to take a particularly great orc who fits multiple gods equaly?

There have been countless disputes over legendary orcish figures, since they make for particularly powerful divine servants. As for gods picking up people who weren't really trying to please them, well, unless you're actively trying not to please them, it's unlikely you won't be at least making passing observance to them.
The whole divine realm/ crone lands thing is widely known among mortals, so it's rare to find someone who won't offer the occasional prayer at least.

So do all gods (namely nonorcish ones) only uplift the particularly great people that fall under their domain? Or do any gods have a promised realm that all of their followers go too after death? Cause it seems kinda fucked up leaving the majority of people to go too the cones lands.

Most mortals get taken to a divine realm upon death, the only way you're not likely to end up in a divine realm is if you either actively ignored/insulted every god who could potentially have you, or were such a screw-up that none of them wanted you.

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If we fucked enough Kulakin around the same time and they all were birthed around the same time could the halfbreeds of these hiveminds form their own?

It won't work, none of your plans for kulakin will work, their brains just do not work in a way that makes them work as halfbreeds.

Is Dru'ak now able to get boon enhanced strength since he maxed his out?Will the option to bring ours to a similar level be given next thread?

If Dru'ak does enough to impress Kul'zog Zor, perhaps he will, and yes, +1 to Strength is part of some of the options available.

Did any of the orcish gods pick up Ra'gak The Fat? I could understand all of them wanting him.

In the end he wound up in Tak'zaya Ska's realm, large though he may have been, he was damned good at hunting whatever beast he had his sights set on.

Any legends of orcish chefs?

The clanless orc Ra'gak, aka Ra'gak the Fat, was an orc possessed of a peculiar obsession with pushing the boundaries of orcish cuisine. He wandered the world plundering cookbooks, kidnapping and enslaving renowned chefs, and seeking out the most rare and deadly beasts which he could chop up and stick in a cookpot. While he never joined a clan, he was a welcome sight for most orcs he came across, since he could be relied upon to stay a few days and cook some interesting things for the clan offering him hospitality. While this was several hundred years ago, even to this day Ra'gak's recipes still endure in rare copies of his writings, and more often in dishes passed down through many generations of the clans he visited.
Sadly Ra'gak disappeared somewhere in the Kerutian Mire far to the east. Rumor had it that he was seeking out the sunken realm beneath, which was the resting place of one of the Primordial Wurms, in the hope of carving off a chunk of flesh from the slumbering creature of legend. Since millions did not die shortly after his disappearance it is assumed that he did not accidentally wake up the Wurm itself, and most likely fell victim to one of the beasts of the mire, or the Primordial Wurm's attendants and worshipers.

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What are holy texts belonging to Y'zagya Zoka like? Are they just glorified sex manuals or do they contain genuine wisdom?

Little of column A, little of column B, sometimes both at once.
Some of those holy texts contain long philosophical and religious treatise on the place of the weak, their dominance by the strong, and the burden of rulership and responsibility to shape the world which is placed upon the strong. Others cover the best binding methods to secure a giantess for impregnation with graphic step by step pictures, so it's a mixed bag. Most Y'zagya Zokan texts include at least a few lewd pictures scribbled in the margins though, since they were written by Y'zagya Zokan priestesses, who have sex on the brain.

When Y'zagya Zoka died, what happened to her empire? Did it split apart, with different clans carving out their own bits of territory? Or was someone strong and smart enough to keep it together?

It fractured, one of her sons managed to seize a large piece and came close to reunifying it before being assassinated by an unknown party, but despite interclan conflict the orcish foothold on the Reaver Isles remained strong enough that no-one has ever fully wrested control of it from the orcs, and the orcish hold only got stronger once the priesthood of Y'zagya Zoka came into being.

Were there any foes that Y'zagya, despite her monumental achievements, wasn't able to pin down and eliminate?

She did have a few major enemies over the years, the water dragon Julaskix, and the Jadite admiral Iridus being the two she never actually managed to finish off, despite several very brutal conflicts which led to serious wounds on both sides.

If Ya'zada's mate had treated Or'kug with a little more respect when they met, would the storm howlers and the goatfoot clan have been able to form a successful alliance?

Probably not, both clans had a large number of members who thought that the other clan was weak, since they both followed quite different philosophies, if the turn of events that had happened hadn't, something else probably would've sparked off a conflict sooner or later. It was only due to the fact that both clans had long since grown tired and bitter about the conflict that Ur had a chance of unifying them.

Do hive minds exist in the setting? If no do bug hive minds exist? Can orcs Fuck either types of hive minds? What happens when an orc fucks said hive minds? Got any stories about orc dick working miracles from Fucking one piece to affect a whole being?

Kulakin have a hive mind, as mentioned previously. Ur isn't aware of any other hive mind entities, but they may well exist out there somewhere. Considering what happens with Kulakin halfbreeds (namely that their incomplete connection to the hive mind drives them mad) it's unlikely that there would be more success with other hivemind races.

(Y'zagya Zoka didn't really think much of Ya'zada for several reasons.) Aside from the self imposed celibacy, were there any other reasons that Y'zagya Zoka didn't much care for Ya'zada?

Defending the Stormhowler shaman was the main one, the shaman who had been responsible for the deaths of several of the Goatfoot females and numerous whelps.

Is buying, selling and mercantilism in general considered unorcish and not worth the effort? Have there been any orcs who saw the value of trade and become wealthy through pursuing the profession of trader and merchant?

Doing some buying and selling isn't in and of itself unorcish, sometimes you're in a position where you can't just take whatever you want, after all.
Being a full time trader and merchant would probably start to cross that line however.

Was Y'zagya Zoka favored heavily by Skor'oz zik?

He favored her well enough, sure, although she was a little too decadent to ever get the really high tier boons from him.

Any orcs in the clan who caught Y'zagya Zoka's eye? I mean, I don't think anyone else has as many slaves as us, or fucks as well, or has done so much to help/avenge orc females, but still, even if not boon worthy, someone might be doing somethin right I guess? Maybe Za'ria?

A few, of your lieutenants she likes Dru'ak and Koz'rak the best.

What did Y'zagya Zoka think about Ya'zada's reign as chief? She refrained from sex and didn't birth any whelos for years, which I imagine is not pleasing to milfgod, but did she get a pass or did it count as good, since she was waiting for a worthy male?

Y'zagya Zoka didn't really think much of Ya'zada for several reasons. She's feeling a bit more well disposed towards her now that she's got a good healthy litter in her belly though.

Are the dead whelps primarily because we know jack shit about this or because of orc specific issues? If we're facing the first issue couldn't we outsource experimentation to recently captured slaves pregnant with non-orcs? At least once we capture enough slaves per month for those to be frequent.

It's not an orcish thing, it's just a very risky process. Szar Tzas was a very magically advanced society who developed their infusion techniques over generations of study, and even they couldn't perfect it, you're going to burn through a lot of test subjects, even if you do find some notes to guide you.

How has the orc who lost his hand to the frostbite dagger been doing?

He's doing alright, his obsession with proving himself has faded after a couple of brushes with death, and a couple of nasty scars to remember them by. Or'kaz recently rigged up a crude hook hand for him out of one of those dwarven weapons you took from the trade post, which he seems to like.

Do the other orc gods call upon Zul'orok Zhar when things get too spooky for them?

The orc gods aren't really close enough in that way to go to each other for help, and they also tend to be rather proud, so no. Zul'orok Zhar is known to meddle when the abyss comes calling though, whether he was asked for help or not, his hateboner is just too strong.

While Y'zagya was best known as an insatiable sex fiend, what was she like as a warrior and a chieftain?

Legendary, she brought every orcish clan across the isles under her banner, crushed and enslaved every non-orcish power within her domain, and terrorized the coastal regions of the mainland at the head of her fleet despite every naval power in the region's efforts to stop her for several decades.

(if you can figure out the method.) And that would involve A: Exploring Szar Tzas, a ruined city tainted by the abyss for clues about magical fetal infusion and B: A lot of dead whelps due to trial and error, pissing off Y'zagya Zoka, correct?

Pretty much, yes.

Could the method that was used on our (I don't remember her name so I'll just call her)battlemage while in the womb be used on Ashuris's children? I assume givig a boost to the halfogres who already have high physical stats and good magic affinity could result in some pretty cool stuff.

Izannia, and yes, possibly, if you can figure out the method.

What happens to corpses just left in the middle of streets?

Well, since they were left in a gang alley odds are they'll get stripped of everything even remotely valuable then either sold to a necromancer or dumped off the undertow.


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