

Ask @BrightTegu

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Hmmm, Hilda lost sight of her stone carving hobby because she lost her tools. Depending on how much it costs, and that we've a maintained temple to our goddess... We could get Hilda out of the Red Sisterhood before they find out she spent an entire night/morning getting happily used by Jareth

Perhaps so.

What legends are there about the first orcs?

It all gets a bit muddled in the oldest stories, the general premise of the orcish creation myth, of which there are hundreds of permutations, is that orcs were created by ancient beings of great power as soldiers with which to conquer the mortal realm. After many centuries of war, one of their creators started to lust after one of her creations, however they had not been designed as anything other than living weapons, and therefore lacked the equipment or the inclination to indulge her desires.
Frustrated, she tampered with the bodies and souls of orcs, reshaping them into something more to her liking. Of course these new orcs, with passions they had never experienced before coursing through them, quickly became uncontrollable and rose up against the rest of their creators, smashing their great empire and turning the once mighty beings to slaves. As for what happened to the traitorous creator, none can say, though there's as many stories on that as there are versions of the myth.

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Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

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Is there anything in all that treasure that would be suitable jewelery for Ashuris? I know we promised her a while back we'd either get her some or find people that could make her some.

Yeah, there's some fancy jewelry in there that she might like.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

I second bringing up the anons idea of a mandatory, rotating military as well as fortifying a 'rival' kingdom to keep the orcs' combat prowess from dulling. Orcs could only benefit if they had a constant rival to fight

Orcs are at their happiest and most focused when they're getting to indulge their warlike tendencies, it's true.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Does constantt personal/intimate exposure to people cause fae to act less, well, fae like?

Fey are always strange, that can learn to act a little more mortal-like over time, though how realistic such acting is can be questionable.

Necromancy orc when?

When you find someone in your clan with the talent for it and access to necromantic texts, or when you find another necromancer.
Of course I do have plans for another necromancer you will meet in the future, but who knows where they are!
...aside from me, I mean.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Thanks for the thread Lordy, seems you've hit your stride with these last couple threads of OWQ. Keep up the good work!

Glad you're enjoying it, things do seem to be picking up a bit, yeah.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Ya'know, if we were to be teaching whelps the rewards of hard work/labor, it'd help fight the stubbornness and aggression that orcs have from laziness down the line. Granted it makes you look like a crazy person for working instead of letting slaves do it. (Play it off as Be Better then them at it?)

Perhaps so, though you should expect a pretty rough transition if you try to convince orcs to do what they see as slave work.

Hey that first one wasn't part of that >Cont chain the one about cautionary tales.

Oh whoops, it looked kind of like it was. Anyway, it's not like Ku'zag hasn't already been spreading cautionary tales, it's whether your people will pay attention to them when your clan gets big enough for it to start being a problem.

>Cont. would do a lot more to help with the creation of a sustainable orcish kingdom than zany "eugenics" programs that don't really do anything but allow an influx of exotic breeding slaves without raiding. Just like the Orc Kingdom's slavetrading. Which rightly pissed the gods off.

A perfectly valid idea, and one that you will one day get the chance to vote for in the quest, of course you're still a long way away from having what could be considered a kingdom right now, so plenty of time to iron out the details.

>Cont. and due to that I'd argue instroducing rotating in and out of active military service, acquiring at least one neighbour strong enough to halt expansion and provide almost constant proper warfare and marking some neighbours targets for raiding light enough to allow repopulation on their own


>Cont. It seems to me far more important to worry about how we ensure that all the heartland orcs still participate in combat regularly and how to deal with the fact that orc culture and population growth encourages a lot of expansion even if constant exponential expansion is unsustainable.


>Cont. Looking at this from an actually reasonable perspective it seems pretty clear that the actual problems we'll be facing is that empires simply cannot expand indefinitely because at some point they start to suffer under their own weight. And that's without the orc specific problems of letargy.


So basically when we establish our empire we must spread cautionary tales about the empire one day falling into the trap of becoming "civilized" and orcs becoming lazy and straying from the traditional orc ways.


Is running out of non-orcs for breeding slaves an actual thing you can see happening or are anons just pointlessly sperging out over their pseudo eugenics ideas? I mean, it seems pretty ridiculous to assume we'll run out of people to raid as opposed to our empire just growing too ponderous first.

Well, theoretically it is a thing that could happen someday if orcs took over the world, since orcish genetics dominate any other racial traits to the extent that within four or five generations the descendants of other races would be functionally identical to pureblooded orcs.

While the Orc Kingdom did collapse, was there anything it did right? What could be considered its greatest success?

While your orcs are generally focused on its later years of decline and collapse, there were many good years for the Orcish Kingdom. Rising up from a collection of scattered clans in the great wastes and what is now the miradian border territories, it cast down several petty kingdoms and the final remnants of the old empire which had once ruled all the way from the howling mountains down to the elven enclaves. Its early kings were heroic conquerors and still much respected by orcs as far away as the reaver isles and the warglands, and there were many glorious acts carried out during its formative years, establishing a sense of unity and purpose in clans who had up until then been happy to throw themselves into bloody and pointless territorial wars of attrition with each other and their neighbors.

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What does the striking viper do?

Heightens reflexes when attacking, particularly attacks from ambush.

We aren't currently using any kind of currency, right? Like, we have a pile of gold coins we're just sitting on for when we run into someone civilized. Did the old Orc Kingdom have a currency, and if so, what? At what point will we need to institutes a currency of our own?

See previous answer. The orc kingdom did have its own bronze and gold coins, but they never really spread all that far.

Cont. So what happens once we start producing actually valuable stuff, like when our smiths can create decent weapons. How are those divided? Same way as with loot, or can the smith take custom orders in exchange for slaves or favours or loot, or what?

The orc kingdom did it on a mix of barter system and foreign currencies, the orc kingdom did have its own currency, but orcs were never actually focused enough on financial matters for it to really take off.

The only real goods our clan has is all stuff we've looted, right? I mean, we produce clothes and crude weapons and booze, but we're still small scale hunter/gatherers. Necessities are just shared as required, and as chief we divide raiding spoils as we see fit or let individuals keep what they take

Pretty much, yeah.

Since Or'kaz is getting his act together being a good smith again, how does his former mate Y'zoa see him? She was getting into smithing too, we even gave her Sarsi to help train. Is she going to start working with Or'kaz again, or has their working relationship soured like their romantic one?

It's unlikely that she's going to want to work with him directly, but she's not going out of her way to pick arguments with him either. Personally she'd rather that the two of them just do their own thing independent of each other.


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