

Ask @BrightTegu

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How many people total can the ogresses dominate?

Depends on how strong-willed they are, they'll be able to tell you when maintaining all the domination links is starting to affect other spellcasting.

Will we know our children? Are half orcs looked down on by full blooded orcs? Will the children of the chieftain get special treatment? Do you think most of all of our children will look to us as a primary mentor? Same question for the rest of the children, will we have to turn away kids who want us

>Will we know our children?
Up to you, you will most likely be aware of which children are yours at the very least.
>Are half orcs looked down on by full blooded orcs?
They have to work harder to prove themselves, although obviously some halfbreeds (the larger, meaner kinds) have an easier time of it than others.
>Will the children of the chieftain get special treatment?
No, unless you decide they should. They will if anything probably have a tougher time of it because the clan will expect them to live up to their parentage, and other orc whelps will be trying to prove how tough they are by outfighting them.
>Do you think most of all of our children will look to us as a primary mentor?
Possibly, possibly not, depends on what skills in particular they feel drawn to.
>Same question for the rest of the children, will we have to turn away kids who want us
It's not just possible but very likely that enough children will want you to mentor them that you'll have to tell a whole load of them no. Whether you take any whelps on at all is up to you, since you're the chieftain, you won't get flak for not doing so, since the clan figures you're busy with chieftain stuff.

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Can you find a picture of a bodybuilder with Ur's physique? I can use photoshop to orcify him

Hmm, that's a difficult one, he is going to be very well muscled, indeed such things come naturally to orcs, but not to the "this guy probably can't turn his head" extent that some bodybuilders end up, his muscle is meant to be practical after all, not for show.
Or in short, beats me, I leave it up to you to pick out something you like the look of!

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Would doing strength training cause visible increase in how muscular Ur is? Would some people in the harem like that and comment on it?

Yes, although Ur is already pretty damned muscular, he could still bulk up a little more. Certain members of the harem who are all about dem muscles would certainly comment on it.

If we decide to have Ur start strength training, will he just start lifting rocks and doing cardio, or what? Wrestling slaves/orcs? Arm wrestling? Mining rock for the hell of it? Just start diggin holes in the ground, refilling them, the digging them out again? Would it be timeskipped over?

Lifting stuff, cardio, wrestling, yeah, that sort of thing. It would be timeskipped over, or just be happening in the background between other stuff, since I've no particular interest in promoting the stat grinding mentality I've seen develop in other quests.

Will you include the part of the Bryna scene that you wrote during the session and posted in the thread in the pastebin too? Just asking, no problem if you don't, I'll just open the archive in a different thread.

I'll post a link to the first part at the start of the pastebin.

When orc whelps are born, who names them? The mother, the father or someone else?

Usually the mother, though some don't bother and just call them "hey you" until some name sticks.

Wait so what does Xipil reportedly have under her control?

Lamia, human and elven cultists, some of which are probably sorcerers, you don't know exact numbers though.

How does Orc farming work? Slaves do all the labour, so do orcs even have farming techniques of their own, or is the land cultivated according to the common practices of whatever slaves the orcs have, and whatever they know how to grow, that's what the orcs eat?

Orcs understand the basic principles of farming: put seeds in ground, receive crops, but they have never actually developed any real agriculture of their own, so they just rely on slaves to do that farming thing that weaker races do, and reap the benefits of it.

>killing the infants Damn, I would've thought they would be worth it for the well behaved slaves, potential casters, and blackmail/emotional blackmailig of the other dwarves. Oh well, we can always make more. How many dwarven males and females are left? Of breeding age?

Za'ria might have done so at other times, but she figured that with the current food situation it would be impractical to take on a bunch of useless slave babies who might someday have some value, while being additional mouths to feed in the meantime.

How come other gods don't curse orcs or orcs that annoying to them? Can orc gods we don't know about curse us, or us it the deal of as long as we don't know about them they don't know about us? Mainly asking since I was wondering what would happen to a wife beater orc who doesn't know about miflgod

You have to have some sort of connection with the deity for them to have direct power over you, so no, an orc who was not aware of Y'zagya Zoka's existence would not be susceptible to curses from her, directly.
Of course deities have other means of expressing their displeasure, like sending divine servants after you, or charging one of their worshipers with taking your head.
Of course Y'zagya Zoka's cult is very widespread in orcish society, so there's few orcs who don't know of her.

Is the old dwarven caster still alive or did he get culled by Zaria? Did Zaria kill old people and infants? If the dwarven caster is alive, can we add him to the pile of slave casters?

He's still alive, because he's useful.
>Did Zaria kill old people and infants?
She did, she is a pragmatist through and through, and it's not like Or'kug, who you sent to assist her, was going to disagree with her choice.
>If the dwarven caster is alive, can we add him to the pile of slave casters?
Unless you tell her otherwise, Ashuris is just going to keep him dominated.

What would Orcs think of Shaka Zulu's method of conditioning his troops? (i.e. banning the use of footwear and then getting them to run over thorns and brambles to toughen their feet, clubbing anyone who refused to run?)

Sounds pretty orcish, particular Skor'oz Zik.

In OWQ, can a priest summon a specific individual divine servant, or does a priest's god have total control about which servant a priest summons? Do different divine servants of the same basic type have different personalities and quirks?

Summonings are spells, priests have to learn them, as for which divine servant of a type gets summoned, it varies, some priests just summon a new one each time, some develop a particular connection to one divine spirit and summon it over and over again whenever they cast that spell.
Different divine servants of the same type have personalities and quirks of their own, sure, since they were all once individual orcs, of course since most gods tend to draw a certain kind of personality to their divine realm, divine spirits of a deity tend to at least be a little similar in their attitudes and outlook.

What the fug happened with Razi during that kiss? Is she just filled head to toe with neutron star density sexual frustration or something?

Oho, guess you'll just have to find out.

I just wish you would've put in a little "I'm not ready to do this" from sief, but ah well, I guess that conversation basically ended up being >but your dad >oh come on, be realistic >I... >Ah well, let's leave it at that for now

Sief still has a heavy dose of social awkwardness about him when it comes to women at present, unfortunately.

How final is this proposal? It's funny, I wouldn't have thought Quala would be more mature and realistic about this stuff than Sief.

There's nothing final about it at this stage in the quest. Sief may still end up with Quala, just not quite yet.

How are your health and sleep problems and stuff?

Better-ish, thread times are going to be a bit spotty for a while I think.

That Vek wasn't the part dark elf we fucked, right?

No, that was Ven. Vek was some male ganger whom Jareth has never even met before and, for obvious reasons, now never will.

Are there actually any gods of bureaucracy, with divine servants, in OWQ? Or at least gods who are in charge of making sure boring but necessary shit gets done? Do some pantheons organize and present themselves as a celestial bureaucracy?

There are gods for most things, and some pantheons are more organized than others, so some might constitute a celestial bureaucracy, yes.

(If you want paperwork done, just dump it in front of some educated slaves) So no adventures of Kron'mak the Spine Ripper and Father of Armies: Chartered Accountant?

Truly he was too organized for this world.

Is part of the reason Skor'oz Zik gets upset with orc empires because the logistics of feeding and administering such empires means that either orcs are required to do unorcy things to maintain it (like farming and paperwork) or become reliant on soft non-orcs to do it for them?

It's more the increasing comfort, lack of hardship, and more sedentary lifestyle that establishing an empire leads to.

If a priest or priestess of Skor'oz Zik is in the middle of nowhere, hundreds of miles away form the nearest orc, and are hit with the need to breed, are they allowed to summon one of his divine servants to mate with or does he frown on such degeneracy?

Skor'oz Zik is an orcish god, he may be a bit more of a cranky old man than most, but he still approves of the propagation of the orcish race, and what in his view would breed a hardier halfbreed than an orc mating with one of his divine servants.

Would surviving in an urban environment count with Skor'oz Zik?

If there are significant hardships to overcome, then yes. Not ever urban environment would count, but there are certainly places out there brutal enough for Skor'oz Zik to appreciate them.


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