

Ask @BrightTegu

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is Ur going to have one of his future daughters ask to become part of his harem?

Considering the number of daughters Ur's likely to have, I'd say it will be surprising if it's only one who asks.

So what's up with this city? Rampant gangs, guilds, massive scale sizes. It makes me think of a hyper Venice or Bravos

It's a city built onto a cluster of islands, and is around the size of a small country.
Basically, after goblins zerg rushed the entire continent, the refugees all fled to the city of Adruat, which led to the collapse of the monarchy and the rise of the displaced guilds of the mainland as the real powers of the city. The city has swollen to ridiculous proportions since then, building up on top of itself until entire districts have been lost to history, and even overflowing into the sea between the islands and out around the edges. It has a population that most likely measures in the hundreds of millions, and only supports itself through the crops of the highly fertile (and magically enhanced) Bounty Isles and very heavy duty trade with the nations of the other continents.

Does Ylugri have summonable divine servants? Would he mind them being put to more...unconventional use if he does?

Ylugri does have summonable divine servants, yes, and he might take some offence at you using them for breeding purposes.
That is of course setting aside all the problems they could cause for you all on their own, since Ylugri's divine servants tend to be skilled manipulators with added mind-influencing magics.

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While Y'zagya Zokan Divine Servants are obviously valued for their sexual prowess and as breeding stock, what are they like in combat?

They're tough, as all Divine Servants tend to be, but don't expect them to stand up to the Divine Servants of a more martially focused deity in combat.

How butt hurt, rectally ravaged and anal pained would a group of Y'zagya Zoka worshipers be if they finally found the tomb of Y'zagya Zoka...and there was a Skor'oz Zik priest waiting for them inside?

I guess that would depend on if said priest was willing to aid in the celebration of this momentous occasion in proper Y'zagya Zokan fashion.

Have some chieftains made an organized, concerted effort to have their clansmen and women breed with the divine servants of the orcish gods to get those weird and wonderful half divine half breeds? Or does the logistics of summoning lots of different servants make breeding programs unfeasible?

It would be difficult, and require a lot of powerful priests on regular summoning duty, not to mention the defensive magic required to keep certain divine servants from just accidentally killing the people they're boning, but some particularly powerful orcish warlords and kings with access to a lot of resources have probably tried it at some points in the past.

>the coven tended to work through the uglier slaves first because they didn't like having to look at them. KEK Understandable though. Does that mean they pre-filtered them for the best looking ones, so we'd get those?

You did get a fair number of attractive ones, save for the newer ones that they hadn't filtered yet.

>terrible secret Eh. Seems a bit too obvious for a mystery game. We'll see, if it's not that bad, then it's fine. Plus she sounds like she genuinely cares about Henry. Granted, this might just be misdirection, but still. It's confirmed that the relationship with her is an important part of the game.

Well, we'll wait and see, as you said, it might be a bit too obvious, so let's hope the writers are better than that.

Does Aleida hold any grudges against the Ogre Witch Coven for taking her from her tribe and turning her into a brainwashed slave? How lucky was Aleida to survive roughly 2 years as an Ogre Witch Coven's slave?

>Does Aleida hold any grudges against the Ogre Witch Coven for taking her from her tribe and turning her into a brainwashed slave?
Yes and no, it's not like they took her away from a happy life, but she is aware that they could well have killed her and that they stole two years of her life from her.
>How lucky was Aleida to survive roughly 2 years as an Ogre Witch Coven's slave?
Fairly lucky. It also helped that she was qt, because the coven tended to work through the uglier slaves first because they didn't like having to look at them.

(>Ira which are constantly on fire and all.) Has any orc, who got the appropriate magical protections, ever actually managed to successfully mate and breed with an Ira? What were the whelps like, if they did? Are Ira male or female?

Yes, whelps of such unions are, aside from their natural aptitude for magic common from all divine servant crossbreeds, characterized by large size, sharp teeth, extensive body hair, impressive muscles and a short temper.

Lordy I need my magic mechs of steel and stone plus delicous brown with guest appearances by best girl fix

Tuesday, anon.

>since you have divine servants like Ira which are constantly on fire and all. Sounds hot meng

It sure is.

Based on what I've seen so far, Delayla or however you spell her name in Firewatch is total waifu material, and we weren't even told if we'd ever physically see her.

She's probably got some terrible secret, you realize?

What other races are there thatve been long foes of mankind or scavengers, raiders, or parasites? You'd mentioned kulakin but their hive mind madness makes them poor for negotiations...

In some places, goblins.
However the full-time pains in mankind's collective asses would be hobgoblins, bugbears, ghuls, gremlins, oni, and probably several others Ur and Ku'zag have never heard of.

Maybe merfolk then for allies? Very location specific but less chance of national incident of orc rape. >qt shardmind people

>qt shardmind people
This isn't d&d so don't assume everything exists out there.

Aleida is best human. First racegirl pride, saved her from dickass tribes and sacrifice by ogres, shown her lots of love, best human.

I'm sure she'd be flattered to hear it.

Wouldn't the humans have info about Cornish gods since they were ruled by them, or a book written about the orc gods? I can imagine that being an easy way to introduce the other orc gods.

The orc gods you know about are the gods that the orc kingdom worshiped. There won't be a great deal of information on the others among your former subjects, but there might be some bits and pieces gathered up by scholars when studying foreign cultures.

Asking if he can share it with you, knowing full well the second you stop paying attention he will break it again, even though you had the warning signs of past actions to rely on. So basically anon I doubt your plan will work unless we leave the areas owned by the Irish kingdoms.

Well, I'm not saying alliances can't ever work, just that a lot of races, especially in the surrounding area, will not be receptive to them without some very solid incentives.

Kek you keep shooting down that alliance anon who forgets that orcs raped and burn down any bridges with most races where orcs were in power or considered a problem. Especially trying to do that shit when we have so little orcs is like a bratty kid who has broken your shit before asking 1/2


>(before the floodgates opened and the shit just poured on in.) Did the execution of her husband mark the point of where it all started going wrong for Aleida, or were there more unfortunate happenings before that?

Her husband's execution was the turning point.

Have orcs tried to mate with not only the divine servants of Y'zagya Zoka but also the servants of the other gods of their pantheon?

Yes, though some do require magical assistance to mate with successfully, since you have divine servants like Ira which are constantly on fire and all.

(>not the various giantkin races like ogres and oni) Oni? As in Japanese style ogres? Intriguing. I wish to learn more.

Yes, nearest ones to where you are would be on the holy isle of Hisari, which is south-east of the southern city-states.

Are Oni or Joutun more receptive then? Umies too varied and numorious, Goblins shitteir, Dwarves too much grudges muh honor, Harpys too small and tribal. Maybe Lamia. Hobgoblins, bugbears?

The Jotun Empire are actually giants, just giants with a propensity towards ice elemental features which are particularly prominent in the upper classes. Oni Ur doesn't know much about beyond the basics, which is that they tend to be less self-absorbed, and more prone to violence, drunkenness and other things that orcs understand.
Some humans might be receptive to alliances, but probably not the ones in the former kingdom lands, many of them were enslaved to or at war with orcs in their lifetimes.
Goblins, well, as noted before, they have had alliances with orcs in the past, but they did stab the orcish kingdom in the back.
Dwarves, yes, a bit too much "muh honor", maybe not with the nomad clans, but they also tend to be less valuable as allies since they're prone to just disappear.
Harpies lack any real value as allies because they have no civilization beyond tribes.
Lamia you would probably get the same thing, you'd be better trying to establish an alliance with the dragon of a dragon temple and getting lamia as part of the deal if you wanted lamia allies.
Hobgoblins and Bugbears are not native to this land, so it'll be a while before you run into them, but they have a whole other host of problems in regards to alliances.

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Hell since we'd want to work with more hostile civilizations/groups/tribes in an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" we should think of a long game future ally. Goblins and Slaugh were just allies of convenience and untrustworthy. But a warring or cruel race would be a better ally. Or Dworfus

It would take some effort, but it's not impossible for you to make some alliances.


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