

Ask @BrightTegu

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If Orcs were to team up with giants and form an alliance (or non-aggression agreements) popular giant opinion could be swayed toward helping their ogre bretheren, in time affecting the way the gods look on them, and weaken/remove the curse. Hearts and minds and dongs.

I will tell you this, of all the races out there, giants (that is, actual giants, not the various giantkin races like ogres and oni) are the ones who would be least receptive to any sort of alliance, even a non-aggression one.
Giants have the winning combination of massive egos and very long memories.

>tfw no Kajilapa to cuddle with and fall asleep while listening to the breathing of

We live in an imperfect world.

If a non orc woman lets a male orc infant suckle on her breasts to breastfeed, can that woman get addicted to the sensation of a male orc infant sucking on her nipples? If an orc woman breastfeeds a non-orc male infant, can that infant get addicted to orc fluids from being fed orcish breast milk?

>If a non orc woman lets a male orc infant suckle on her breasts to breastfeed, can that woman get addicted to the sensation of a male orc infant sucking on her nipples?
It might have a minor effect, but nothing particularly noticeable.
>If an orc woman breastfeeds a non-orc male infant, can that infant get addicted to orc fluids from being fed orcish breast milk?

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In GKQ, has anyone ever managed to do something so bad-ass that it made an Iquani King go "You. Shut up and take my daughter"?

Sure, great achievements in wartime, either against the raiding jotun and their slave armies from the north and east, or against the empire in the two wars, have both resulted in Iquani being married into the royal clan.

Alternatively some giants would work better.

Yup, you'll run into them sooner or later.
Probably a bit later yet, since you'll want more warriors and more power before you get the giants riled up against you.

As rare as an orc willing to be fucked by the Skyhunter stud ogre? Its a safer more worthwhile gamble. Hail ogre Satan!

That's the spirit!

>tfw won't get to touch lips with cutest behemoth today >tfw won't get to be licked by best girl today >tfw won't get to fall asleep while cuddling her today Why live, when Kajilapa isn't with us?

Kajilapa exists in all our hearts, anon. Have faith in best girl.

>anon doesn't know that there already was an event when an orc got drunk enough to play with the ogre female we have

Don't expect such a thing to happen often. It was on a dare more than anything.

Before Y'zagya ascended to godhood, who did the orcs pray to for fertility?

There have been various other fertility deities throughout orcish history, some have died, others have faded away into obscurity or shifted their domain to other things. There has never not been a fertility deity of orckind, even when there hasn't been a dedicated one and a deity has just absorbed fertility as a minor part of their main area of worship.

Who was the strongest mortal orc in orcish history or myth, the orcish equivalent of Hercules or Samson?

Hard to say, since there are a lot of orcish myths which talk about the star of them being the STRONGEST ORC EVER!
Basically, asking that question in an orc camp is a good way to provoke the orcish equivalent of the old Goku vs Superman argument.

Nier is getting a sequal get HYPED Warlord. What did you think of the first game?

Never played it, I really should though, it looked good.

>Why I bet the queen loves a good bit of anal. See, the PM is just enforcing the royal monopoly. Everything is as it should be.

Can't have the peasantry getting ideas above their station, they'll take their boring missionary and be thankful for it!

What happens when a female servant of Y'zagya Zoka is summoned and then impregnated? Do the resulting whelps belong to the clan or the divine servant? Does the servant hang around in the mortal realm until she reaches term or does she go back to Y'zagya's realm to give birth?

Not really a hard and fast rule on it. If the servant is summoned long-term and births the whelps, then they will probably stay with the clan, if the summoning wears off and they return to Y'zagya Zoka's divine realm then the whelps might stay there.
Of course there have been occasions in the past where a priestess summoned up a divine servant of Y'zagya Zoka and got a litter of a half-dozen whelps dumped on her for her clan to raise.

How regularly can servants of Y'zagya Zoka be summoned? Can they only be summoned on special holy days? Or could a Y'zagya Zoka priestess summon one whenever she's bored and wants a boy-toy to play with?

Divine Servants can be summoned via spell or ritual. Spells tend to be quick jobs, but require more power to sustain and tend to fade away quickly, those are generally used for more martially focused divine servants when the priest finds themselves in a tight spot and needs some backup.
Via ritual, they can last a lot longer, even indefinitely as long as the summoner has the power to spare, and summoning them during holy days and such takes a lot of the casting burden off of the spellcaster. It wasn't unusual for Y'zagya Zokan priestesses to summon up at least one divine servant during important religious festivals for a good, pious orgy.
Given the concentration required to just summon them up on the spot with a spell though, they are not generally summoned up for a quickie.

Are the chances good that Aleida's whelps with Ur'shal will be, in some way, exceptional? Or is it more likely that they'll be fairly typical half-orcs: More solidly built than the average human, maybe slightly smarter and more magically inclined than a typical orc, but ultimately nothing special?

Aleida is a regular human without any magical abilities or supernatural traits, so they will not inherit anything fancy from her.
Of course given that Ur is not an average orc, they will be in general bigger and tougher than your average half-orc.

What was Aleida like when she was younger, say, around 18-20?

Bright, young, optimistic, and in love.
It was a few more years from there before the floodgates opened and the shit just poured on in.

As breeding slaves go, how would Aleida rate with the average orc?

She's attractive, well-behaved and has good childbearing hips, so pretty high. She does lose some points for not being stronger though, gotta double up those inherited stat boosts!
Just fyi that was me making a joke, because I know at least one person will read this answer and start asking if all the haremites can do pressups until they bulk up enough to give their offspring better attributes.
There will never be grinding in this quest, at least not of the stat variety.

Have Sho'ka and Aleida found out many whelps they're carrying?

Sho'ka's got five whelps, Aleida's carrying twins (I actually messed up before talking about non-orcish litters, non-orc females do not have litters, but twins, triplets etc. are a lot more common).

So warlord do you think your country will pull out now that greece is getting kicked out for not paying debts?

Don't know, though if anything I'd say greece getting kicked out would make the uk more likely to stay.

No Lordly minustrations of brown girls and giants! PANIC! THE NANNY STATE HAD HIM PARTY VANNED FOR ALL THAT ANAL, DAMN THE QUEEN!

It's the prime ministers who we have to blame for all the nanny state stuff.
Why I bet the queen loves a good bit of anal.

Is there a way of contacting you outside Twitter or Ask? I have writefaggy questions for writefaggy things I would like to do for Golem Knight Quest (not lewds)

Well, I suppose you could send me your steam name over private message on twitter and I'll send you a friend request.

(>most of your orcs will not willingly bang an ogre.) Not all our orcs? Only most? Does that mean we have a few degenerates in the Stonetusk Clan that would consider banging an ogre if the circumstances were right? Or if they were just very, very drunk?


Implying my porn was shifty anime ships, nigga mine was quality milf hernia.

I'll take your word for it, I could've sworn it said something about kancolle when I followed that link though.

The correct answer is find more Ogre Covens. Orcs will line up (in one redheads case they already have) for shots at Ogretits and Husbandos

Good luck, covens are very rare.


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