

Ask @BrightTegu

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The kinda hammers that Zo'rok has right now? Does he even use that? I feel like he'd be a better fit for a blade.

Zo'rok has a blade, you gave him the chieftain's enchanted sword. Dru'ak is the one with the bigass giantslaying maul, and Dru'ak is a big guy.

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So Zul'orok Zhar priests fight with hammers and have GOAT stamina?

Yup, often bigass two-handed warhammers.

So, if someone in the clan was to make a temple to Zol'gor Tor, it'd have to be outside of the camp?

No, not necessarily. The Killer's Sanctum is a special kind of shrine for a specific purpose which glorifies Zol'gor Tor in his aspect as a shadowy killer and assassin.
The bigger temples tended to glorify him more in his war god aspects.

Would one of the Criticisms Of Zol'gor Tor's art of war be that the discipline he instils often becomes too rigid? That orcs become too afraid of questioning orders and using their own initiative if they can see a better way of achieving an objective for fear of getting shanked by their leaders?

Definitely, yes, rule through fear and unquestioning loyalty has its disadvantages.

If elves are descended from fae doesn't that mean that dark elves/high elves are still possible stemming from a different fae progenitor?

It's possible.

Also also, more on elves: Being long-lived, how many generations of a single bloodline are typically active at the same time in elf society? What are elf family units like? Like, assuming he's still alive, does an elf have much or anything to do with his descendants? His kids almost certainly, his g

Elven lifespans are not a standardized thing, some elves life a couple of hundred years, others can live for thousands. Given this, as they age, many elves start to sever ties their former families and are reluctant to form new ties, well aware that they could die at any time.
However during their first few centuries of life elves do tend to live in an extended family structure, often with three or four generations of families in regular contact with each other.

The Abyss presumably just is- it's an intrusion into this reality from outside of it, right? Or am I remembering that wrong? What about Vaki's home? Is that a landscape made of magic in the same way fey are people made of magic, or is it part of a Divine Realm she found a way into, or what?

The Abyss is best looked at as an infection in the space between realms, a growing, aggressive and destructive "realm" which seeks only to turn everything it touches into an extension of itself.
As for Vaki's home, I answered that one a couple of questions down.

Do Divine Realms occur naturally and the gods choose and occupy them, or do the gods create them themselves, or is their creation a result of a new god's ascent, or what? The Crone Lands aren't quite a divine realm; did the crones create them, or is that naturally occurring?

A god has the power to shape the raw stuff of magic into a divine realm of their own choosing upon ascension. Though since it's easier, many simply reshape the pre-existing realm to their liking if they are stepping into the position of a now dead god.
As for where the crone lands came from, there are a lot of theories, but all agree that they are impossibly ancient, perhaps having existed since the dawn of time itself, and that none who live today are old enough to know the truth of the Crones and their domain.

Can you tell us a little about the planes? There's obviously the physical world, and we know about the Divine Realms of the gods and about the Crone Lands, and there's the Abyss, and there's stuff like Vaki's home or the dreamscape where we fought Lorsyth. How do those work?

Dream realms are tiny, temporary realms that spring into being as a result of ambient magical energies, they often piggyback on the imagination and dreams of mortal beings as a foundation by which they take shape. Most only last a matter of hours or days before collapsing back into the raw stuff of magic existing between realms.
This is a slight spoiler since Ur probably wouldn't know this, but he could find out the moment he got back and asked Ku'zag about it, but fey are naturally attuned to dream realms, being that both are born from raw magic. Fey find it easier to step in and out of dream realms, which they can use to travel or as a home. A fey's presence can help to stabilize a dream realm for as long as it desires to do so, some fey understand this and actively do so, dominating and shaping the drealm realm to their liking, others simply do it subconsciously by their presence.
Of course the longer a dream realm exists, the more danger there is that it will attract the attention of other fey, or more terrible entities existing between realms. Even without such invaders, many dream realms spring into being with their own existing and bizarre ecosystem which can be deadly in its own right.

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Best girl seems to be winning in Kangoku Gakuen(Prison School). Today is a good day.

Glad to hear it. I'm not a fan of that manga personally, so I will take your word for it.

Everyone too frustrated/sad to molest dwarfu? Plus there's the fact that it's not certain Ur wants her yet, I guess.

Pretty much, yes.

Also, elves are really long-lived, right? Are there elves or elf-ancestors alive now who would be old enough to come from a generation that was closer to being fey than the current breed of elves? What would such beings be like? Do elves have more regular dealings with full-on fey than other races?

>Are there elves or elf-ancestors alive now who would be old enough to come from a generation that was closer to being fey than the current breed of elves?
It's entirely possible.
>What would such beings be like?
Very powerful, most likely.
>Do elves have more regular dealings with full-on fey than other races?
Yes, elves regularly deal with fey.

Elf descent con't: Like, are jungle elves descended from fey that coalesced in the jungle, or are they just elves descended from the universal elf progenitor and who happened to adapt to that environment?

Good question.

Is skin tone the only non-cultural difference between the varieties of elf? They're all descended from fey, right? Do they have a common fey ancestor, or did they descend separately from different types of fey?

>Is skin tone the only non-cultural difference between the varieties of elf?
Some minor changes can also exist like slight differences in height, eye shape, ear size, etc.
>They're all descended from fey, right?
>Do they have a common fey ancestor, or did they descend separately from different types of fey?
You have no idea.

Depending on the info we get from the Dwarf, and after wriggling the location of her boat of out her, we could do raids on the underground dwelling races! I wouldn't think her scavenger's camp would be too far away from civilization.

Who knows.

How is dwarfu been acclimating to her captivity? I can only assume she's been told if she leaves the tent she's likely to be used by all the orcs. None of the girls kept in the tent are the molesty type, but i wonder if K'zala has been using her to cuddle against in her sleep. She still in the bag?

You'll find out when you're back at the camp, but no, she hasn't been molested by anyone yet.

Would Vaki be hurt by Iron Voice?

Unless she acknowledged someone favored by Zul'orok Zhar as her master, yes.

Do we have any idea what kinda elfblood K'zala has? Is it regular/chocolate/drow?

Nope, since the orcish skin tone has overwritten whatever her elvish skin tone would be.

What was the other stuff you had planned? Negotiating with some? Fixing some problem around the camp? Outside factors?

Negotiating, fixing some problems around camp. Outsider factors weren't going to be a problem unless you informed Koz'rak and his group of Ur's disappearance for some reason, because then Slaagyr would have found out.

Man, I thought fixing politics would've been more annoying, but that was a fast and easy fix. Did you expect us to go differently about it, since you said Ur would likely only appear in the next thread? What could we have done afterwards? Spoke with Ya'zar and Or'kug? Could Za'ria have helped smhow?

I figured you all might try to take a more roundabout and slower route to fixing it. Instead you chose the high risk high reward option to just rip off a motherfucker's head, which is also a fine weapon within the orcish political arena.
As a result you blazed past other stuff I'd figured might come into play during that section, so we got to Ur straight away.

How quick would Ur sleep with his mom if she was still alive, unmated or her mate was a shit, and was still reasonably healthy, considering you said sphis mom is/was the orcish ideal of feminity? What of he did/didn't know she was his mom, would one o pf these cases be faster/harder?

Well in the end it would be up to all of you to vote on that if it happened. As I've said before, orcs really don't have a problem with incest, and this qm has no problem with writing it either should it come to it.

No, sorry, 6 out of the N races, just one of them has yet to be actually banged.

There are many races still to be banged, I promise you that.


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