

Ask @BrightTegu

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Man, I was going to ask you something after the thread, but you already left once I came up with it, and I don't remember what it was. Have we written a letter to Quala yet? I forgot. I know I wanted to tell her about the Leshy complications.

You haven't yet, no.

Younger sisters > older sisters. I don't see this reflected in your sex quests

While I disagree with your OBJECTIVELY WRONG viewpoint, you are right that there's not been a single younger sister in any of my quests.
Ah well, maybe someday.

While followers of Kul'zog Zor and Zol'gor Tor don't usually get along, have there been examples of two adherents of Kul'zog Zor and Zol'gor Tor being total Battle Bros, watching each others back and generally being awesome?

It certainly can happen. While they have very different approaches to it, adherents of both gods greatly appreciate martial prowess, and can certainly find a grudging respect or even a (rather competitive) friendship developing as they fight side by side.

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Feeling back in the groove of things yet?

More or less, I think, though I'm still not managing the marathon threads I was doing before.

While Y'zagya was notorious for being a very loving mother, did she also climb back up her family tree to do her own father, uncles and grandfathers?

>did she also climb back up her family tree to do her own father, uncles and grandfathers?
She did enjoy climbing some family wood, that's for sure.

Have you thought about only anouncing sessions on twitter and not using Anonkun's live thing like suggested in the thread? Today wasn't really that bad a shitstorm compared to how poorly things can go, but I feel Anonkun is kind of toxic in general, which I'd prefer to blame on Anonkun natives.

I feel like that would be a bit unfair on the anonkun posters who aren't getting salty. Besides, it's not like I completely avoided shitstorms on /tg/ either.

For example, giving Ur a magical, legendary weapon early on, that we still don't know the full capabilities of, made people less likely to go for shiny new toys, and making Jareth a monk also made sure no weapon obsession occured. It took running into Gozo to get cool magic gear, after all.

My experience is that /tg/ loves to grind, so one should always ensure that "leveling up" both in power and equipment is something that happens alongside the story rather than in spite of it.

Just wanna say that I think you've done a really good job with the protagonist's power progression in OWQ and DoEQ, the systems you have in place make sure the advancement isn't so rapid that we wouldn't be able to appreciate the individual jumps. Can't say for the other quests yet, obviously.


Since when could you get banned on 4chan for calling someone a pedo? Considering all the other things you can call a anon

Wha? When did this happen?

How would you get the water off again? Does her dagger turn into a club of frozen blood whenever she stabs someone? Does she carry around a chisel and some extra thick gloves to remove all the ice on the dagger after every battle?

Jam it in a bucket of water and yes, you'll get a block of ice around the dagger you need to break away.
Stab someone with it however and you won't get it covered in frozen blood, because it's magic, and was intended for stabbing lots of things, and the creator of the dagger had the common sense to ensure that something like that didn't happen.

Do you no longer really look at this thing, or do you just not get many questions anymore? I voted for DoEQ for Thursday, but just so that you'd use it to get back into the groove of writing before tackling GKQ again to be honest, I actually prefer the latter.

I've been a bit lax about responding recently, and as a result of that and my lack of threads, the number of questions have dropped.
Been having some real trouble getting back into the swing of things with QMing, but hopefully that's just a matter of brushing off the rust over the next few threads of whatever.

I have created a short text-based game, but it needs a smut scene to be written. Do you think you could write that? It's about an orc raping an elven girl he found in an oasis. Also best of luck with the exam. I have to redo one of mine as well.

Possibly, depending on what's involved and how soon you want it. Message me on twitter about it.

Next time you run be warned, there's a mis-archiver going rampant. He even has bots to vote/downvote threads.

Well, won't be running threads for a while as previously stated, so hopefully he'll have gotten bored by the time I return.

What do you study?

I'm doing a bookkeeping and accountancy course as step 1 of dragging myself out of the sucking void of minimum wage that is admin work.

Hmm. Well, if you really think it's necessary to reboot the entire day go ahed, but I'm not sure I really like the thought of repeating actions, don't want to differently the times I won, would feel cheap for doing different stuff the times I didn't and am concerned over salty anons spitevoting.

It wouldn't be identical though, so the votes would probably be over somewhat different things aside from one or two.

Thats because its instant shitposting rapid fire instead of a captcha/timed wait. Less time to think, still as many trolls. Can you tell us more about West High? Or Jessica, a lot of the shitposting revolved around us not knowing her and just thinking she's a bimbo.

I'm planning to actually reboot chapter 3, my writing was kind of janky and I rushed things, even before people started shitposting and threw me off even more.
I won't say more about them because I plan to give things a more gradual buildup in the next thread, which will give you all time to learn about them as you go.

How are you liking anonkun?

Ehh, some things I like more than /tg/, others I like less.
It's nice having more space to organize my stuff with appendixes and whatnot, and not having to constantly worry that I might push something too far and have the mods suddenly decide to ban me.
On the other hand, many parts of akun are programmed really poorly or with just some really weird bad design decisions, and the shitposting seems even more dramatic than on /tg/.

Under what circumstances can a person refuse a duel?

Anyone can refuse a duel, it's just that it tends not to go over well with the judges and can result in exile or other punishment.

What's the climate like on the islands(?)/city in DoEQ? Will we just never need winter coats? If there is snowy winter, or places where such things are a thing, then it might be a good idea to ask Gozo if he can make coat that repels water and always keeps you just the right temperature.

The Great City and its surrounding islands are very warm and remains as such all year round, with winter dropping to temperatures of "occasionally mild" at its coldest.

Why run on anonkun?

1. I wanted to try out akun and see what it was like.
2. I felt that it might be a better layout for a quest which required more fiddly voting and picture posting and such during the card game sections.
3. I feared some of the smut stuff in it might finally provoke a ban, and I didn't want to put my other quests at risk.


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