

Ask @BrightTegu

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(>she fucked pretty much every whelp she ever birthed) Oh my. So it's possible that she birthed her son's grandchildren and her grandson's great grandchildren? Did she have any favorites among her sons?

Not just possible but entirely likely.
She had some favorite sons, of course, but even her favorites list numbers in the hundreds.
She had some daughters she favored too, though never as much as her sons, still, a daughter who could a) take a good dick and birth a lot of whelps, b)make mommy feel good, or c) both of the previous options, could earn a fair bit of care and attention from Y'zagya Zoka.

Is there any particular reason that Y'zagya Zoka is so seemingly permissive of incest among orcs, or is it just her fetish?

Orcs require a lot more generations of severe inbreeding before it starts to become a problem, so from a practical standpoint, it's just a good way for orcs to increase their numbers.
Also yes, it is Y'zagya Zoka's fetish, she fucked pretty much every whelp she ever birthed, and that's a LOT of whelps.

How does Zul'zrok Zhar feel about our deal with Vaki? What is his general opinion on fey? Divine Servant level or just another race?

Zul'orok Zhar wouldn't be opposed to a deal with Vaki that ultimately benefited orckind.
Zul'orok Zhar is an orc after all, he just doesn't like magical beings messing with orcs, giving them the D is absolutely fine, as long as you come out on top when it's all said and done.

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Jingrock used to do some mother/son stuff, though nowadays he's more about NTR I think. Karasu did some great stuff, check out Mesu Kano

Thanks anon, will check them out. Mesu Kano is fantastic.

Ultrahung goblins died out as an evolutionary dead-end because their dongs got caught in traps too easily, as they couldn't control it like they could their legs.

The thought of a goblin getting its giant dick caught in a snare and hanging from a tree by it is both horrifying and hilarious.

Ultrahung goblins died out as an evolutionary dead-end because their genitalia was a too obvious weak point and so it's what got wounded first in a shank fight.

Ultrahung goblins really were an unfortunate mutation.

Ultrahung goblins died out as an evolutionary dead-end because whenever the time came to breed they would die from not getting enough blood to their brain, as their erection used up too much of their total blood volume, and also required too high blood pressure to be sustainable.

Also a good reason, RIP in peace, dongoblins.

>>rival orcs in cock size >goblins >rival orcs in cock size KEKEKEK

Ultrahung goblins died out as an evolutionary dead-end because they kept tripping over their dicks while fleeing predators.

Do goblins have special insight into the art and science of eugenics and selective breeding that can also be exploited by other races? Or is goblin scholarship, on eugenics or any other subject, considered laughable?

(some) goblins know more about eugenics and selective breeding than other races just by dint of it not being a big thing for other races, at least not to goblin standards. 99% of goblins don't know shit about it of course, they're more interested in shanking another warren goblin in the kidneys for his rat on a stick.
Some people might laugh at them for their primitive understanding however, but those people are biomancers, and most of those who follow the arcana of flesh are considered pretty freaking weird.

A long long time ago there was talk of a timeskip. How can we skip time if we've become so trapped in it?

Can any of us really "skip time" or are we all bound to its rules by our petty mortal shells?
Or to answer your question in another way, you'll get a timeskip soon enough. I was planning to have one right after you'd finished with the Kulakin, last thread's events set that plan back by two or three threads, but it's still coming.

Since goblins use selective breeding to make curvy shortstack goblin women, have any enterprising goblins decided to try the process on male goblins to make goblin men that are bigger and and stronger than the average goblin and rival orcs in cock size?

Goblins do seem to enjoy eugenics, and there are certainly breeding programs designed to produce stronger, hardier goblin males for use as bodyguards and elite troops.
They tend not to bother with dick size though, because the goblins who finance the breeding programs are also the ones who tend to benefit from them, and no goblin noble wants to carefully control his family's breeding to ensure that his descendants have big dicks when he could just be banging expensive curvy shortstacks whose job it is to tell him how great his dick is whatever its size.

>porn only available in Spanish I don't use French or Spanish enough in my daily life to keep the fluency needed to carry out more than the most basic conversation, but I can read them well enough to enjoy non-English porn. Not what I thought I'd be doing with my skills when I took languages in HS.

Reading non-english porn is the best reason to learn other languages.

Wait, wait wait, what about a 1/2 orc 1/4 harpy 1/4 angel. HOW MANY WINGS WOULD IT HAVE?

50, rainbow colored, also it would be born wielding a katana.

How special snowflake can a halfbreed get? Can you get Half orc/elf/human/dwarf/ogre/harpy/fae/dragon hybrids?

It all tends to dilute with too many halves, so you'd end up with an orc which was just a little odd looking, but was for all intents and purposes just a regular orc.

Smuggle dakimakura erryday

You should carry your dakimakura proudly, anon, let all look on with jealousy as you hug the soft, comfy form of your waifu.

>I had another setting where half-elves were deranged monsters which caused dangerous poltergeist-like activity as a result of their bodies being incapable of holding both an elven and human soul at once. Was soul magic a thing? Or were they doomed to turn everything spoopy?

Soul magic was a thing, sort of, but actually separating out and calming the souls of a half-elf was considered to be far more trouble than it was worth, so they tended to just be put down.
That setting in general was a bit of a crapsack world.

How was Fury Road? Have you seen the new Mad Max?

Just got back, it was great.
Well worth seeing in the cinema, and I think I might even buy it when it comes out in the shops.

>tfw still no new Yours chapter< Have you even read chapter 5 yet?

I have indeed, I'm not really checking for updates regularly though, so feel free to let me know when the new one appears.

Taboos are generally very closely linked to eroticism, and I think that's what you're talking about. Like Agata's manga with the mother helping keep his on healthy, or with the orgy in the onsen's owner and guests. Lots of stuff relies on it, cheating for some people is this too, exhibitionism, etc.

Yeah, I suppose it's not all that unusual.
Also, Agata's stuff is very good. I've read a couple in the past, but I looked up the ones you mentioned.

>appeal of /ss/ That really depends on if you self insert as the shota or not, if you do, then it can be a way to relive your younger days while at the same time fulfilling your desire for a guiding/authority/mother/mentor figure. Then it could be conquering such a figure while young, if shotadom.

There you go, other anon, there's one answer which I would imagine is quite widespread.
I'm not sure it's exactly right for me, but most likely for me /ss/ is all just part of my overarching fetish for scenarios with at least one character who sink into depravity in-spite of the feeling that what they're doing is wrong or goes against what's normal/right/proper. I don't really know if there's a specific term for that.
This can run the gauntlet from stories which end with the characters happy and comfortable in their kinky and strange new lifestyle to full-on mindbreak, I can enjoy either.

>I shall have to track down an english version Hbrowse has it, in case you haven't found it yet.

Nah, it's cool, I found it.

What exactly is the appeal of /ss/?

You know, usually I've got a pretty decent handle on why I find certain fetishes hot, but for that one I can't really explain.
Perhaps some other kind anon on my ask will step in here to answer.

Are human/Elf half-elves a thing in this setting? If they are, what are they like? Just more solidly built elves or something more exotic?

They are a thing, yes.
>If they are, what are they like? Just more solidly built elves or something more exotic?
Yeah, more solidly built elves.
(I had another setting where half-elves were deranged monsters which caused dangerous poltergeist-like activity as a result of their bodies being incapable of holding both an elven and human soul at once, but this is not that setting...)


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