

Ask @BrightTegu

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Didn't we also bring Lurashka and Vasha along with us as well as Ashuris down into the Kualkin tunnels? Did they get out safely when things turned to shit?

Yeah, they got out mostly uninjured, though they'll be pretty worn out for several days to come from all the magic usage and fighting.

>the simplest solution in dealing with them is not the best one Is the simplest solution you're referring to here the good old orcish KILLMAIMBURN? Or something that seems the simplest to us, the players?

Could be either, or both.

Well, that's why I said children, because divine servants were souls before being in gods' service, while fey are just naturally born out of the Crones' energy.

I guess in a way you could look at fey as the Crones' children.
The Crones most likely wouldn't acknowledge them as such though.

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Are halfgoblins more curvy than halfdwarves?

Depends on the goblin in question, if they're descended from goblin women who have been bred for curves, then they will be very curvy, if they're descended from regular goblin women who haven't been through the old T&A eugenics, they'll have a body shape more akin to a smaller K'zala.
The main difference between halfgoblins and halfdwarves is that halfdwarves have an overall heavier build and more muscle.

>badass nonorc man on the level of orc If there were these people, or just one, I could totally see Ur letting them fuck any human slave, for better slaves in the next generation.

Well, so far all the males you've met have been kind of pleb tier, because so far your only real contact with other races has been petty mountain tribes and small elf villages.
You're certainly going to meet more dangerous non-orcish males as time goes on. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

In continuation of my previous ask, (image/119462607788 in the curvesandtusks tumblr)waifu when? Sort of reminds me of Sho'ka a little bit, I suppose.

>Sort of reminds me of Sho'ka a little bit, I suppose.
I can certainly see why.

Sorry, don't want to link directly because "muh antiNSFW rules", so is (image/119621597938 on the curvesandtusks tumblr) about how some halfgoblins could look(high class, I guess?)? As far as bodyshape goes, I obviously have no idea about Goblin facial characteristics.

That's a little too stocky for a halfgoblin woman, it's closer to what a halfdwarf looks like in terms of body shape.

Would you say that fey are kind of like the divine servants/children of the whatever lords from whom Arcane Energy originates?

Not really. You don't even know if the mothers of magic, the Crones, even make divine servants, at least not any that can be summoned.
Fey aren't purposefully created from the souls of the dead like divine servants are, they are just what happens when magical energy clumps together naturally and develops sapience, or just sentience in some cases.

While I really would like to not have to kill Vaki, at least Ur has his fey slayer knife with him, that's somewhat of a calming knowledge for me.

Just remember, fey don't always look at things in a way you'd expect, so sometimes the simplest solution in dealing with them is not the best one.

>Human Warrior >Maybe someday I'd prefer Human Mage/Adventurer because Mages don't get enough love in your setting so far. Unless what if we took the warrior and mage and... And... Put them together?

Well, I mean, if I start this third quest I mentioned you'll be playing a guy who draws energy from sex acts and channels it into magically-enhanced martial arts.
So that's kind of a mage/warrior. Or a mage/monk I suppose.

Have there actually been crazy badass non-orc men who could both out-fight and out-rape an orc? If there were, they'd pretty much be considered the same as an orc by their own people and cast out as dangerous lunatics.

Of course. They're hardly common, but such people do exist.

Human Warrior/Adventurer Quest when? The goal is to adventure and seduce Orc women

Green Fever Quest, eh.
Maybe someday.

What if a non orc man is some some insane Gregor Clegane type who's strong enough to take on orcs and is afflicted with the green fever because he believes that raping orc women is good sport?

Then he'd get addicted, of course that would probably just make him eager to rape even more orc women.

(>if it happens enough) Though considering that orc woman don't usually consider non-orc men to be worth the effort, would it be safe to say that non-orc men getting addicted to orc pussy rarely happens? Does male addiction mostly occur when a female orc has no access to green cock?

It's a whole lot rarer, that's for sure, however it can happen, either because a female orc has no access to orc males, because the female wants to claim a particularly powerful non-orcish male for strong half-breeds, or because an orcish female has genuinely fallen for a non-orcish male.
None of those are particularly common events, especially not the last one, but they have happened.

What happens to Non-orc men who have been unfortunate (or "unfortunate") enough to have been raped by an orc woman?

Same thing as happens to non-orc women raped by orc men, if it happens enough they get addicted.

(weapon phenomena.)? Isn't weapon phenomena more Kul'zog Zor's and Zol'gor Tor's area of influence? (I'm assuming you meant Weather phenomena. Bloody Autocorrect.)

Yeah, weather phenomena. I'm going to have to take your word for it on what I typed, since for some reason that one isn't showing up for me on the list of answered questions.

I suppose some people just enjoy jumping to negative conclusions. If you say its going to be like JJBA then I think it's going to be retarded like JJBA, if you don't intend it to be like JJBA then don't say it will be.

Well at least now you've found something new to be salty about I suppose.

Warlord, quick! Imoutos or Onee-sans? What is best nickname for an imouto to call her older brother? What is best nickname for an otouto to call his older sister?

>Imoutos or Onee-sans?
>What is best nickname for an imouto to call her older brother?
>What is best nickname for an otouto to call his older sister?

>I don't think that's fair. Not that anon, but the part about stupidity definitely is. See: 1v4, blaming you for bad outcome

In the thread itself, no-one actually leveled the blame at me, there was a lot of upset people, but they were generally upset at other players. I'm not going to call my players stupid for voting for the 1v4, it wasn't a great idea, sure, but they got overexcited about their new berserker power, and so far Ur has breezed through most challenges due to great dice rolls. Overconfidence is understandable.
Presumably the people who were upset at me weren't awake for the thread itself, because it wasn't until I woke up the next day that I was suddenly confronted with around 20 new ask messages of which about 18 were ranting about thursday's thread.

I'm sorry Warlord. You have a pretty stupid, petty and salty fanbase.

I don't think that's really fair. Most of my players have been reasonable, maybe the occasional bout of short-term saltiness, but we can all suffer from that at times so I can't fault them for that, and I hope they would make concessions likewise when I get frustrated or irritable.
I just have two or three who have taken it upon themselves to dedicate their time to 100+ angry messages on ask and been loud enough to drown out the nicer ones, which is a shame.

>JoJo >a maymay Anon has obviously never read or watched it, otherwise he wouldn't have such low level ultrapleb opinions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4to1-4vaTU0

I was more of a Battle Tendency fan myself, but the first story arc is also good.
I was only really using jjba to explain the general power level and the fact that most enemies will have strange gimmicky powers that you will have to figure your way around. There won't really be posing, there won't be stands, or really much of anything else specific to jjba.
I suppose some people just enjoy jumping to negative conclusions.

>Jojo's bizarre meymey > It was interesting until that point.

meymey is such an overused meme.

>Third Quest. Explain.

Kung-fu sex wizard in a setting whose tone I suppose could loosely be described as channeling Ravnica by way of pre-stand Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
It's... uh... shaping up to be quite a strange concept.

Ur's helping her make up for all those D-less years, that's for sure. Celebration pastebin's when?

Right now my thoughts are on a third quest that I may or may not be starting soon, though probably far less regularly than my other two.


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