

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does Skor'oz Zik tend to attract younger or older devotees? Young orcs looking for adventure and fun times before committing themselves to their duties with their clan? Or older orcs who just want some alone time?


What kind of duties and responsibilities would a Skor'oz ZIk priest have towards his clan? Do they even serve a single clan, or do they just wander from clan to clan just to see what's going on and if anyone needs help, (or a foot shoved up their ass if need be)?

Skor'oz Zik priests tend to prefer a mobile lifestyle. They will stick with a clan that's on the move, but get frustrated by a sedentary or comfortable lifestyle.
In general, they do just wander, sometimes staying with clans, sometimes just on their own. You'd find a fair few on ships too, since Skor'oz Zik is a god of the sea among other things, and many orcish fleets like to have at least one or two Skor'oz Zik priests between them.

(>wandering female orcs who are equal parts survivalist and rapist) Pleasing to both Skor'oz Zik and Y'zagya Zoka. Fund it.

Day 27
Have been following the adventuring party for ten days now. Have judged three of the five of them as being worthy of mating. Have familiarized myself with their routines. Elf scout enjoys separating himself from the main group to explore the surrounding region. Next time he does so, I'll make my move.
Day 29
Yesterday's mission was a success. Moved camps to prevent myself from being located. The rest of the party found the elf two hours after mating was over. Elf did not tell them exactly what happened, and all they know is that he was "attacked by an orc". Party is now on high alert. Will lay low and increase distance between myself and them until guard is lowered.
Day 36
Guard of party has lowered. Argument between human warrior and human sorceress spotted while watching from a tree near the adventuring party's camp. Human warrior has stormed off into the woods away from the group. I will seize this opportunity. Praise the gods.

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I dunno, having some extremely tough orc women wander far and wide to find the most worthy and strong males, whatever the species, having them put their seed into superior orcish wombs, and then return to their clan to birth all kinds of weird and wonderful halfbreeds has its own appeal.

The idea of wandering female orcs who are equal parts survivalist and rapist scouring the countryside for strong males to capture and have their way with is an amusing one.

Well we could set aside some of the better looking slaves next time we got a influx of slaves how butt flustered would the average Stonetusk be if we did this?

You might get some anger from that. Of course you could always rotate, after a good looking slave has spent some time as a communal slave for the orcs and popped out some orc whelps, give her a break from orc dicking and send her over to the male slaves for a bit, and get the next generation of slaves out of the bargain too.

Could be a way to give male slaves an incentive, they do good shit, they get pussy. Not sure if we should have the best females slaves do this, the worst, or the middle, though, all have some points to them. Good night for now.

Time off from backbreaking labor to have sex is probably good incentive for male slaves.
>Not sure if we should have the best females slaves do this, the worst, or the middle, though, all have some points to them.
Up to you. Obviously the less attractive slaves will breed less attractive offspring, so it depends on how hot you want the next generation of slaves to be.
>Good night for now.
Goodnight anon.

My plan of having some slaves breed with each other is looking more and more attractive. >keep up variety in slaves >keep up number of slaves >get better behaved slaves with the next generation Obviously we'd have to select for the best males and avoid inbreeding, but still.

Up to all of you, it is true that if you don't sort out some sort of breeding program of slaves then you will have no non-orcs left within a few generations.

>No-one thought to suggest it at the time though, as I recall. >>40096217 >>40096267 I would say that this counts as bringing it up, and you could have corrected this discussion if you had remembered right or checked. Just to be fair.

I see, my bad, guess it was vaguely mention in passing, not sure that really constitutes a vote for it though.

Is it easier to handle slaves who were brought up as slaves? Like maybe a family got enslaved and they had a small baby, would the baby grow up to be a very good slave? Generally?

If all they have ever known is slavery, one would assume so.

Disgusting, orc females are worth more than to be used to charm inferior men! Their role is to support the clan as an orc, and to birth strong orcish whelps!

A view many orcs share.

I don't think it was excitement over the new toy, the initial suggestion for 1v4 didn't include going berserk. Ah well. Hey other anon, I was the other guy who brought up that maybe Vaki could heal Ur! I greatly regret doing so, at this point.

Trying to 1v4 the divine servants without the boost from your berserk rage would have been even worse. You might have had a chance to call in reinforcements before you got beaten near to death, but Ur still would have been in a lousy condition.

While orcs obviously love to get non-orc women addicted to thick orcish meat, can a chieftain set aside some of their clan's females to have them play a honey trap for non-orc males who can't easily be combated or have specialized knowledge and expertise the chieftain wants to make use of?

It would certainly be possible, you have never heard of such a thing happening however.

People got excited over their new toy, it happens. And then one toy breaks, and then you break all our other toys to rub it in our faces, and then we step on a lego brick when we go to cry in the corner. Fuck you.

Anon plz, you've been at this since before I woke up this morning, go take a walk or something, it can't be healthy for you having this much salt in your blood.

I'm not going to beg for a retcon, but you have to admit that Ya'zada's fight would have gone a whole lot differently, if we could have made Ash summon Rik, since Ur was already out of the fight she had access to the shell as well.

No-one thought to suggest it at the time though, as I recall.

>what if plan got ruined by unknown factor Well anon, I'm the guy who provided most of the salt in the thread, and I wouldn't rage over that, you know why? Because the reason I'm salty over this is that we could've easily avoided the situation, but didn't because what I suspect is "lol let's WAUGH!"

People got excited over their new toy, it happens.

I'm the guy who proposed calling Vaki. Sometimes I even vote! How much do dwarves/elves know about orcs anyway? Do they know about the pheromones thing? They must right?

They do, yes. Save for more isolated groups, every race out there has fought orcs enough times in the past that they know that people get addicted to orcs, even if they don't entirely understand the reasons behind it.

Regarding the fey question, what would you consider "miracle level shit"?

Granting incredible power to an individual or warping reality on the scale of a small country.

I think the butthurt is mostly either shitposting or from people who voted for the 1v4, since I'd think most like me who were against it would blame the players instead of you.

Who knows. I certainly don't recall anyone accusing me of being the root of the problem in the thread itself, hence why I was a little surprised to wake up the next morning to an ask.fm full of angry posts and some heavy downvoting on the suptg archive.
C'est la vie.

Have orcs ever run into the equivalent of Gurkhas? You know, a people who seem remarkably chill and not all that physically imposing, but, when pushed, turn into extremely capable and dangerous soldiers?

The lands just beyond where the wall now, north of the city-states, are rugged and harsh badland giving way to tough, sandy scrubland beyond. You still have to travel quite a way before you reach the more fertile grasslands of the east.
The humans who live there, despite being deep in orcish territory during the orcish kingdom days, never stopped being a point of some frustration for the orcs. Unlike the Miradian humans in the more comfortable lands to the east, the humans on the edge of the waste are a mix of Cragfolk stock and Hothite tribes who settled in the area long ago.
They were always a pain, they know their lands damned well, they were tough and capable, and they had a frustrating habit of playing the good slaves for years at a time only to suddenly turn commando on the local orcs when pushed too far. The orcish kingdom estimated that there were probably several thousand humans in that area living in hidden settlements or on the move who were never proper slaves, and plenty more seeded throughout the local slave population (all male, the female ones tended not not to keep their loyalties to their people after extended captivity, for obvious reasons).
So I suppose they would count.

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Rabbit stew is BASED How well can Sief cook?

Sief is a reasonable cook, nothing special, but he can reliably cook up a filling and palatable meal. He also knows how to forage for ingredients and prepare them on the move, because Paxton has served on enough battlefields with lousy supply lines that he knows his shit.

I'm not asking you to tell anything, don't worry, my slight maschistic tendencies let me enjoy it. It's fun anyway.

Glad I could aid on your boner, anon.

Are there stories of people making deals with fey for miracle level shit?

For miracle level shit that would require making a deal with one of the most ancient and godlike fey such as the Eel King or the Dancer of the Golden Bell. There are stories of people getting the best of them and gaining amazing things for their cunning.
There's just about a hundred times as many stories where it all ends badly.

What kinda food did Sief bring with him?

Dried meat (mostly venison and rabbit), dried fruit and water.

It may be melodramatic, but I think it fits. It's not about the severity of the situation, just how I could describe what anons made you do, and how you're now enjoying anons' despair now by expertly dropping tiny little droplets of truths or neutral comments, which included the knife metaphora(?).

I don't want to just say what the outcome is though, because otherwise that spoils things for the thread to come.
I might just ignore any question related to yesterday's thread for a week or so, I feel like that conversation's been run into the ground already anyway.


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