

Ask @BrightTegu

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How hard was Zol'gor Tor shaking his head during the fight? When did Kul'zog Zor start shaking his head, at the beginning already or only when it was obvious Ur wouldn't win?

>How hard was Zol'gor Tor shaking his head during the fight?
Pretty hard.
>When did Kul'zog Zor start shaking his head, at the beginning already or only when it was obvious Ur wouldn't win?
The second one.

Just to show anon how absolutely retarded they were being, would you please tell us what the DC would have been if Ur hadn't tried to solo the 4 divine servants? With or without Orcish fury.

You would have lost at least a couple of orcs unless you rolled a 20, but with proper tactics you could have dropped the DC down to around 15, and Ur certainly wouldn't have gotten dropped from a single failed roll.

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Rerolls overwrite the previous result even if they're worse, don't they? Combined with there being degrees of failure being a thing that kind of disincentivizes using them to beat a high DC, and instead makes them more useful for preventing really bad rolls. That intentional?

Rerolls will never make the result worse, no. If your rerolls are lower, then you stick with the original result.
I do wonder how people will react to it when you encounter your first enemy with favor though.

It keeps baffling me how few people understand probability and DCs here. 18+ has a 38.5% chance of happening, so it's more than reasonable a DC for a difficult fight. 17+ meanwhile happens like 48.8% of the time. You don't want to reroll since average is much lower, but it's likely to only mitigate.

Indeed, 18+ is hardly unreasonable for a hard fight.

I'm... not sure what "bullshit" people are complaining about now. The bullshit was what he pulled on Ya'zada and using whatever excuses he can dredge up to justify what he did to her, oh and by the way Lordy, she did roll an 18...

and that's when you won the fight, you just didn't win uninjured.

>cont. Neither any twists that should have been unexpected nor any confirmed consequences horrible enough to justify random accusations quite yet.

It's the most activity my ask has had in weeks though, so that's something.

I'm... not sure what "bullshit" people are complaining about now. I mean, people made a horrible call, didn't choose to retreat and rolled too badly to salvage much. Then they chose a deal with a fey over a massive loss in rep from being seen in that state.

Well, whether the fey option was for better or for worse remains to be seen.

What I'm asking is, does using Orcish Fury again in such a short period qualify as overuse?

Nah, you had enough time to come down off your first high, so Ur should have been fine with that much, he passed out from injury, not exhaustion.

;_; Oh boo fucking hoo, now you feel a tiny amount of how disappointed, pissed off, annoying and fed up we feel. Those two threads were fucking terrible, were not fun to read or participate in, and will taint many more threads to come because of the shit you forced down our throats.


I'm the anon who was a salt mine in during the thread, and I will continue to be salty, misanthropic, and what seems like the most intelligent player in this whole fucking quest, but even to me the people raging at you here are too salty and pathetic, seems more like just simple shitposting now.

I suppose I'm flattered that people are invested enough to get this worked up about my quest.

I'm sure when they have a few days to cool down they'll be fine. No, we won't be, not if you keep up your bullshit, calling those rolls "bad" is fucking delusional, the only way they would be bad is if your bias against Ya'zada was so firmly entrenched and you just wanted an excuse for that shit.

Ya'zada was fighting in a very unfavorable situation, a good result would have required an 18+.

Had Ur not been halfdead at the end of the fight, and had he managed to kill all 4 divine servants, would he have passed out from overuse of Orcish Fury? I'm just asking so I can feel even more smug and so I know just how enormous of a moronic f-ggot the anon who kept shilling for the 1v4 was.

As I said in the thread, there was no way to get through that fight in a 1v4 situation without serious injury. A 20 would have killed all of the divine servants, but he still would have been in a bad state, and while he might not have passed out, he would have been a long shot from best condition.

I'm sure when they have a few days to cool down they'll be fine.< That's kind of what's annoying me. Anons calming down isn't going to solve anything. That just means they continue voting for stupid things with just as little care and kick up a shitstorm afterwards. Part of 4chan, I guess.

C'est la vie, to borrow a phrase from my nation's most hated enemies.

Well, that was... something. Since I haven't really spent enough time here to know myself, how often does players fucking up majorly and having to deal with the consequences actually lead to an improvement in decision making? Will players that stay now be more careful or just salty and spiteful?

Time will tell, I suppose.

never a bride. Because you burn everyone who ever trusts you with complete bullshit.

Well that's a relief, I thought it was because I wasn't pretty.

>cont. Central part of the format I guess, but there being no personal consequence for the anons that actually caused this, not even something as worthless as a loss of rep on the internet, is just demotivating. Still, I think you handled this as well as you can given the constraints of the system.

That's 4chan, if I wanted downvoting and public shaming I'd be running a quest on spacebattles or some shit like that.

As much as I'm willing to man up and deal with the consequences of anon fucking up, it's kind of depressing that the people responsible will likely either leave or refuse to learn their lesson and continue voting for shit ideas.

Eh, people are just stressed out right now, I'm sure when they have a few days to cool down they'll be fine.

Okay, the "So... do you want to reroll" was kind of cute, but the noncute severely out-weighed the cute in that thread. Also anons are fucking retarded, just to be clear, not only did we lost the fight, it was also short and wouldn't have been entertaining even if we won because of Orcish Fury.


Is he? If that last thread and your terrible cliffhanger is the result of the not bad rolls we got that you think justify killing Ya'zada, then yeah, he's as good as dead, and so too is the quest unless you seriously turn your shit around.

I don't recall ever saying Ya'zada was dead.

I retract my previous statement that referred to you as someone cute

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

How long would it have taken for Ur to heal had we not called for Vaki and just taken him to Ku'zag? Too bad he's as good as dead now.

A while.
>Too bad he's as good as dead now.
Is he?

So it was a shitmonster shitshow shitstorm? Very funny, unlike your thread and what you did to us.

Well, I mean, it wasn't supposed to be a comedy thread.

Tens all around. Including for how hard you fucked over your players, and how little they trust you, and how much of a massive asshole you're being.

Anon, plz. If that's how easy it was for me to lose your trust, then maybe you never trusted me to begin with.

That's bad odds for the manifestation of appalling cliffhangers any way you look at it. Nah he'll hunt you down one by one and stab you before leaving you to be found in a cliffhanger, then forcibly delay things so you bleed out before moving on to the next victim.

The manifestation of appalling cliffhangers seems to be rather good at dramatic tension. I look forward to reading his quest when he starts one.
I mean, unless I'm dead by then.


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