

Ask @BrightTegu

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Lordy, there are fair consequences and then there is going overboard, we already had more than enough fair consequences and then some before you pulled that crap in the last thread. That was more than overboard, that was salting and setting the boat on fire before jumping overboard overboard.

What happened to Ya'zada was a result of her own bad rolls, not some ongoing punishment for Ur's decision.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you say Ur fucked up? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you say Ya'zada is panicking out of "love"? On a scale of 1 to 10, how desperate was Ya'zada to trust Vaki? On a scale of 1 to 10, how furious will Ku'zag be?

Tens all around.

I hope that the physical manifestation of appalling cliffhangers breaks into your house, kills your dog, breaks all your stuff and shits on your face while you're tied up and can't do anything.

But anon, there's four of us here, and only one of him. That's bad odds for the manifestation of appalling cliffhangers any way you look at it.

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Still, in some ways I think it fitted quite well Well you either just killed the quest with that last thread, or you have a long road ahead of rocky ground to work your players into ever trusting you and having faith in you again, because we don't after you pulled that shit.

Just think, if all this hadn't happened, you might have even gotten some qt dwarf girl smut. Fuck You.

>Fuck You.
But not the dwarf girl apparently.

I hope what happened today didn't sour anyone to the quest You would have to be retarded and delirious to think the shit you pulled didn't sour your players, I didn't enjoy any of that shitshow of a thread.

So it was a shitmonster shitshow shitstorm?

Orcish Fury provokes a berserk rage in other orcs who follow you into battle, if you let it. Oh hey that would have been useful to know VITAL INFORMATION YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD US

I did, when you first acquired the power.
>Kul'zog Zor Boon uncovered, Orcish Fury, from now on you will have the choice to slip into a berserk rage during combat, which will increase melee ability, strength, and resistance to injury, as well as inspiring your orcs to join in on your rampage. However while under the effects of the fury, you cannot command your warriors to do anything other than kill harder, so tactics are right out.

I wish you would have given us +1 Strength instead of Orcish Fury or something :/

You haven't reached max in natural strength for an orc yet, which is 4. Once you do, you can start earning strength increasing boons.

So theres no chance of Ogretits following us into the orcish afterlife? She'll turn ugly if she turns from her god.

Who knows, you won't be doing anything about that soon, but maybe you'll have your chance to change things someday to keep ogretits.

I wouldn't even be that mad if you killed Ur'shal now, it's entirely reasonable after what happened.

I'm not going to kill Ur for one bad decision. He's just really fucked up.

Lordy, am I understanding it right that Rik can't be killed by physical damage to his body, and can only be actually destroyed by destroying the runic shell that houses his spirit? I assume high level would be needed to actually permanently kill him with magic on his body as well.

Yes. If his manifestation is destroyed by physical harm, his spirit simply returns to the shell to recover. Powerful spirit arcana magic or the like could possibly destroy him permanently by targeting his manifestation, but most things will simply disrupt the corporeal form.

So if we get some priestesses of foreign gods to convert to orc gods, we would have cause for celebration?

Yes, convincing a priestess to turn away from her faith to follow your gods would be cause for celebration. Though most orcs don't so much convince non-orcish priestess slaves to worship the orc gods as convince them of their place as orcish slaves according to the tenets of Y'zagya Zoka. Worship the orc gods by way of your master's dick.
She would lose access to her magic of course.

Can Trolls be tamed/enslaved effectively? Are orc/troll halfbreed possible? Could we start a Kulakin based Troll farm? Meaning: controlling a horde of Kulakin through the Broodmother then finding a Troll, butchering it, and implanting its bits into the live Kulakin to grow young Trolls. Possible?

>Can Trolls be tamed/enslaved effectively
Only with magic. Trolls don't understand fear or pain to much of a degree, so they are very hard to keep under control with traditional methods.
>Are orc/troll halfbreeds possible?
No, trolls reproduce via a form of budding, they lack the equipment to mate with orcs.
>Can we start a Kulakin based Troll farm?
Quite possibly, though since you would have no real way of controlling numerous newly formed trolls it would most likely all end badly for everyone.

Sief was engaged!? Was she pretty? Who's fault(?) is it that it was called off? Was it Dad? It was Dad wasn't it.

You'll find out in-quest sometime.

Would you have allowed it if anons voted to straight up fuck Loren right then and there? Basically, how out of character would that have been?

Sief would have panicked before he went all the way. It would have been very embarrassing, writing it would have amused me greatly.
You would have gotten to grope the meido before the fear set in though, so I leave it to the players to decide whether or not that would be a good thing.

Just to be clear, did you expect anons to go straight for actual smut, go for something on the level of a kiss, or to keep things nonsexual with that write-in prompt?

Beats me, I just hope my decision on how to balance it out doesn't upset anyone.

Does Sief play any instruments?

He's passable on the lute, but he never really had much of an ear for music.

I imagine orcs more like the ones in Uprising from Fan no Hitori, except more muscular, with hair, a bit wider maybe, bit lighter skin, and such, you know, the finer details.

Pretty much, yeah.

All i'm getting for yuugiri is a young anime girl? What gives?

Maybe you ought to try typing it in on sadpanda.

Funny enough yuugiri's orcs are what i imagine our orcs look like and hell they even have the same power.

yuugiri's orcs are kind of fat and piggy, so that's not really how I intended them to appear.

What's the youngest age that an orc boy managed to become a father?

Around about the onset of puberty. So 10-11.

Check out yuugiri for some good old orc fuckings.

Those were some good old orc fuckings indeed.

So basically our Chestplate will be one of those pieces of armor that's still around a thousand years later that some adventurer get's to find and go on a quest to reforge.

Most likely.


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