

Ask @BrightTegu

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Sorry Lordy, looks like new best girl has appeared in the Shokugeki no Souma manga, Alice and Meat have a serious contender for top place and she has yet to say a single word.

I'm going to hold off judgement on that.

Is Za'ria's attitude towards Goblins typical of orcs who have interacted with them regularly? It seems that Za'ria believes that Goblins are barely a step above pests.

Ur isn't really sure. Ku'zag thinks they're pests too, but then again Ku'zag things everyone is a pest to some degree. Vor'zal just doesn't care, so he's not a good one to ask either.
Or'kug harbors some vague feelings of respect for the goblin capability for cunning and deception, but he will admit that at most only one in a thousand rise above the petty ambitions and short, brutal existence of life in the warrens to strive for something greater. So he would also consider the majority of goblins to be pests.

What would Aleida say about her treatment as a breeding slave for an orc chieftain so far? Some thing along the lines of "Sure, I've been kidnapped and held captive by a clan of bloodthirsty, psychopathic rapists, but honestly? It's not as bad as I thought it would be"?

Well, Ur hasn't been abusive towards her and he hasn't threatened to sacrifice her to a foreign god, so that puts him well above all those who have controlled her life in the past.
She has settled into comfortable acceptance of her position, enjoys the sex, and is looking forward to having some children of her own again.

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Would learning to swim and training to improve Ur'shal's lung capacity so he can properly make love to Vaki underwater be pleasing to Skor'roz Zik?

Skor'oz Zik always approves of orcs improving their ability to survive in new and difficult surroundings.
He wouldn't particularly care about the underwater sex part though.

Did Y'zagya Zoka birth her fair share of half-breeds when she was mortal? If so, what was the strangest thing she got knocked up by?

During her middle years perhaps a decade after she rose to become a pirate queen, Y'zagya was involved in an ongoing dispute with the navy of Akahb, a prominent power on the eastern continent which has since fallen into obscurity, who were trying to establish colonies in the southern isles.
During the conflict, Y'zagya had several run-ins with the priesthood of the five-faced god Okol, the patron deity of Akahb. At one time in an attempt to remove the troublesome pirate queen, the high priest of Okol summoned forth a full circle of Okol's divine servants, one representing each of the five facets of the god, as crocodile, dog, eagle, strength and agriculture.
Each was a powerful divine servant, strange amalgamations of beast, man and concept bound in enchanted flesh, and they laid waste to many of Y'zagya's ships before she got the best of them, luring them into an ambush where her sorcerers and shamans could trap the divine servants with their magics.
While it was assumed that the circle had been destroyed, as a final insult to Akahb, some fifteen years later Akahbian interests on the coast of the eastern continent were subject to persistent raids from orcs who bore the traits of Okol's own facets, born from Y'zagya having her way with the circle of divine servants bound within her island fortress.

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What is your opinion on the vaguely latina milfy maid in Incase's "The Mess" series of comics? I personally find her quite agreeable.

My boner also finds her quite agreeable, yes.

Would the likes of Benjamin Franklin, the mad monk Rasputin and Genghis Khan earn the respect of orcs for their dedication to boning hot women? Are there any humans in this setting that can match their sexual exploits?

>Would the likes of Benjamin Franklin, the mad monk Rasputin and Genghis Khan earn the respect of orcs for their dedication to boning hot women?
To a degree, although Genghis Khan would earn the most since he was both a boner of hot women and a conqueror. If you want the mongol horde expy of the setting that would be the orcish nomadic warg clans of the savannas of the eastern continent.
>Are there any humans in this setting that can match their sexual exploits?
There are, not that Ur knows who any of them are.

Ride on shooting Star, The Last Dinosaur, or Little Busters? Bran-new Lovesong by any chance?

Bran new Lovesong, for sure.

Anime is most prominent, so let's go on that. You can also do the manga if you want, though it's been a while since I've read it.

In that case, yes, Haruko is great, and despite her using Ganta you do get the impression that she does actually care about him on some level.
Manga Haruko is more of a shit.

Why was Haruko such a shit yet still such a best girl? Is it because even though she was really just using Ganta, she was still insanely hot and fun and still helped Ganta mature and shit?

Depends, are we going by the anime or the manga?

Are gods all species-specific, or are there gods (actual gods, not dragons or fey or whatever) that accept the worship of multiple peoples? I'm sure Abyssal Lords do, but they're all about aggressive expansion, and after a while an orc and a human worshiping the abyss are both abominations anyway.

There are, but they tend to only flourish in less developed lands or cultures, for the simple reason that it is in the best interests of most races to promote their own racial deities so that there's no possibility that their gods might start favoring their enemies.
There are plenty of more primal deities who do not distinguish by race though, things like nature gods, gods of various species of animals, elemental gods, things like that.
and yes, Abyssal Lords will take anyone, don't care what you look like.
After all, they don't need eyes where they're going.

Before Y'zagya ascended to godhood, were any of the orc gods interested in protecting orc women from abuse as she does now? Was the abuse of orc women worse in the past before her ascension?

>Before Y'zagya ascended to godhood, were any of the orc gods interested in protecting orc women from abuse as she does now?
Not in particular, no.
>Was the abuse of orc women worse in the past before her ascension?
Orc females were expected to look out for themselves same as any orc, and if they got abused it was their own fault for being weak, which is still the case to a certain degree.
The difference now is that Y'zagya Zoka frowns on those who victimize orc females who don't have a fair chance to defend themselves, especially when it affects the birth of new orcs and the growth of the orcish race.
Abusing those who are pregnant, those who are imprisoned or coerced by larger numbers of individuals or through magic, purposefully crippling a female orc, situations like that are what get Y'zagya Zoka angry.

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So you are saying we should make orc clans as separate as they are meant to be and trying to make them unified will grant us less boons to orcs.

I'm saying that random orcs are not going to get boons, and you're probably better focusing on just making sure your orcs have good equipment and skills than trying to get the gods to bless every last member of your horde.

So if we gave our troops actual hard battle training and spent some time honing the strength of our warriors would it be possible to get the entire clan boons for one of or both of the War gods?

You cannot get a boon for your whole clan, it's just spread too thin, the gods tend to look at things on a more personal level.
That said, something up to the size of a pack might earn enough favor to pull it off, so any particularly noteworthy squads of orcs you build up might earn a boon if they do some crazy shit.

Will Ur be smart and keep the dwarven underground river network a secret at least from Slaggyr's spies? Was he smart enough not to take any of those orcs down into the caves?

You sent all the spies south along with a bunch of other orcs to raid along the edge of the jungle.

>calls himself a god >is working with humans instead of enslavin/converting them >employs the priest of another human Slaggyr a shit, wouldn't worship/10

Just as well, I'm not interested in running "cultist of a pleb-tier dragon quest".

Do the gauntlets only work through weapons, or can they be used directly on an enemy as well?

You can lightning punch a motherfucker, if that's what you're asking.

Do the gauntlets works so it's 1 charge/lightning effect per hand?

It's magic, so no, it's more a case of a combined charge that can be channeled out through either gauntlet, or both.

>cannibal god Fucking humans and their degenerate deities.

Well, to be fair to the humans the cult of Mhoiru is outlawed in most places, might explain why Joachim is working for a dragon in the ass-end of nowhere.

Isn't eating brains only bad when it's the brain of the same species because of prions and stuff?

True enough. Maybe you should ask Joachim while you're there, the priest of a cannibal god would probably know.

I meant if the kingdom/kingdom's religious authority had an official stance on them.

Doesn't have much of a stance on anything these days, but no, they were just deities that never really took off in your lands during the kingdom days beyond minor cults.

Can Ku'zag ask for advice or approval from the gods? For example, if coating one of Zul'orok Zhar's wards in the Elixir, then re-casting the blessing on it, and swallowing this work for removing a curse or something? This is the sort of thing that I've been thinking of.

Might work, might not, you could always ask.


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