

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do divine mission and save a lamia priesthood from destruction when? Lamia god of fertility bro'ing it up with Y'zagya Zoka when? Y'zagya Zoka and lamia god giving a combined blessing of double dicks to Ur when? Or like an ability to grow another one once very month.

You'd have to head south for any chance at that scenario.

About the similarity, I meant more the feeling of channeling energy into your hands and making it do shit outside of your body might make getting a feel for doing this with the other type of magic easier. But the feelings of a divine and an arcane fireball spells aren't alike then, I suppose.

Nope, completely different.

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I forget, do lamia/naga have gods?

Those who don't worship dragons do, yes. There is a great deal of tension between dragon cults and those who worship the lamia gods.

Let's assume that there is a boon that lets one control fire, and for instance throw fireballs out of thin air. Would someone familiar with arcane magic learn how to do this faster? Would learning how to do this make learning similar/using arcane stuff easier? Is using arcane/divine energy similar?

>Would someone familiar with arcane magic learn how to do this faster?
Boons do not rely on magical knowledge. Part of the reason I included boons in this setting was so that non-mages could achieve the sorts of crazy bullshit the likes of hercules or cu chulainn could without straight up casting spells, allowing me to avoid the dreaded caster supremacy.
>Would learning how to do this make learning similar/using arcane stuff easier? Is using arcane/divine energy similar?
Not really, if anything trying to learn a whole new method for channeling magic after learning one makes learning a different one near-impossible, hence why you don't tend to get many spellcasters who learn both arcane and divine.

Regarding Ur's boons, I assume you have your plans, right? Should we just not pay attention to it, or should we try to come up with way to test if anything's changed, or try to do things in a way that could lead to a dramatically appropriate reveal, or will you take care of everything, as planned?

Rest assured they will be revealed in due time, you don't have to do anything special.

Is forgot, is Ku'zag teaching the noobie shaman stuff, or is he letting him handle his own shit and instead looking to take up an actual apprentice he could train up from zero? How's the cleaning of the Tongueripper territory coming along? I assume we found nothing useful in their camp?

>Is forgot, is Ku'zag teaching the noobie shaman stuff, or is he letting him handle his own shit and instead looking to take up an actual apprentice he could train up from zero?
Apprentice, one of A'ska's children who will soon be old enough for apprenticeship. He should start training him within a few weeks.
>How's the cleaning of the Tongueripper territory coming along? I assume we found nothing useful in their camp?
Slow and steady. You found plenty of stuff, but none of it was useful since all of it was tainted by the abyss. Your warriors have just been heaping up all the Tongueripper stuff into big piles and setting light to it.

Are those spells and rituals thing that could be written down and then learned by reading them and practising or somesuch? Does Ku'zag plan on writing them down at some point for future generations? Who else could he put to shame outside of our clan that we know of? Joachim? Ogremage? Slaggyr?

They probably are written down somewhere within the chaos of his tent, unfortunately besides Ku'zag you only have one very inexperienced shaman in your clan, and most of those rituals and spells would be even more useless to him than they are to Ku'zag.
>Who else could he put to shame outside of our clan that we know of? Joachim? Ogremage? Slaggyr?
Not going to do a power ranking, but Ku'zag was a powerful, experienced shaman in his prime. He never reached high enough levels of power to achieve renown throughout the orc kingdom or anything like that, but he was a well-respected figure in his region.

So if Ku'zag was in top form, he would be able to do such a ritual? So he does KNOW of such a thing, but is unable to carry it out?

Ku'zag has a list of rituals and spells knocking around in his brain that would put every other spellcaster in your clan to shame, he just lacks the power to use most of them.

Does Ku'zag know any cleansing rituals of the Zul'orok Zhar sort? Can he do one of them, or does he still not have enough power with the gods? Or is this more the domain of Zul'orok Zhar priests?

If Ku'zag had magics capable of removing Slaagyr's control, he would have offered to cast them already.
Unfortunately your old shaman is still far from top form.

Would Zul'orok Zhar be interested in getting rid of Slaggyr's disgusting, cowardly curse? Would one of his wards help with this? Would the Elixir be able to enhance our god's magical influence/power?

Perhaps, can't hurt.

The Elixir wouldn't register the gods' blessings as things to be cleansed, right? I assume members of the races are always saturated with a bit of magical and divine power, and blessings just enhance this. As you said boons are awarded once the subject is ready for them.

A boon is not going to register as an imperfection, no, since it's not something that feels unnatural to your body or spirit.

Every thread with Ashuris smut makes me all happy inside. Thanks for running this morning warlord.

My pleasure.
I'd been meaning to write a scene where Ur got to break in Ashuris' big ogrish ass for a while, and since people picked up on my passing comment about it I figured it may as well be now!

Can the Vials of Elixir we've found possibly be used to get rid of Slagyr's bullshit scrying magic infection from the clan's infected orcs? Would Slagyr's magic count as an imperfection to be cleansed in this instance?

It's a curse of a sort, so yes, quite possibly so.

Since it appears that Vaki can understand, and be understood by, her audience no matter what language they speak, could Vaki perhaps find a role in the Stone Tusk Clan as a translator, as well as an exotic piece of ass?

Perhaps so, if you could keep a fey focused long enough to be a reliable translator.

>tfw The Chieftain's choice (2nd part) by cedargroove (bit disappointing, to be honest, the shout on the right especially)

Yeah, not his best work, still alright though.

I dunno about alla these hard numbers with height, I'd prefer it more vague since they break my immersion.

feel free to ignore them.

Will Y'zaga Zoka ever bless Ur with another Dick?

No, unless I write some totally non-canon smut scene about it.

Would you say that halfhumans are 2/5 human and 3/5 orc? or 1/5 human and 4/5 orc?

1/4 human to 3/4 orc would be about right.

>“Yeah, short for Rik'zagak.” >“Oh, I see. Yes, I suppose it does look a lot like that,” What's a Rik'zagak?

>He doesn't know what a Rik'zagak is.

Can we fuck the broodmother? SHOULD WE?

>Can we fuck the broodmother.
Good lord no, you will just get crazy uncontrollable offspring who chew through everything.

Did Y'zagya Zoka, when she was mortal, and her sons commemorate 'Orcish Mother's Day,' if you know what I mean? (Protip: Any day can be Orcish Mother's day)

Boy did they ever.

Nothing says Happy Mother's Day like a facefull of Orc Dick. K'zala gets a nice new shortsword, Ashuris an actual bath!

Being a filthy limey as I am, Mother's Day for me was months ago.


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