

Ask @BrightTegu

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On that note, what claim do bastards have?

None, unless they are legitimized by a High Lord, in your case High Lord Vere, or by the Emperor himself.

To Siefs knowledge, if there a rank, royal president, title or law he could enact that would give him/take power from his father to protect his line? Also, has there been any bastards or has his pa been careful with potions, herbs, and magic? (How would he afford them as much as he cut back?)

>To Siefs knowledge, if there a rank, royal president, title or law he could enact that would give him/take power from his father to protect his line?
Not personally unless he's planning on straight up usurping and imprisoning his father and hoping that none of the other lords care.
>Also, has there been any bastards or has his pa been careful with potions, herbs, and magic?
Sief thinks there might be a few, though they would be babies right now.

You could just say that the orcs thought the Wastes were bigger than they were, or the Great Wastes is the name of all the wastes even the places covered by the Abyss.

Nah, the wastes are huge, they have always been huge, your clan just didn't notice before or something.

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So, with father being a hedonist layabout, what real powers does Seif have when it comes yo making policies, changes, or promises in his lands?

Unfortunately for Sief, while he can probably put through minor stuff without his father caring, anything big would require his father's say-so, which he might get, or he might not, depending on his father's mood at the time as much as anything.

Since you said wewon't smut for a while, why not pastebin the scenes glossed over as well(Ya'zada, Aleida, possibly Za'ria joining in if she does) Not at once of course, but since we will be doing actual plot things, you could spread them out or something.

Yeah, might well do that.

In the last thread, Zo'rok asked Za'ria was finished playing with the slaves. Does Za'ria fuck the slaves as well, or does she not bother because they're just not equipped to handle her voracious sexual appetite?

The slaves can't really handle Za'ria, and she doesn't find the idea of fucking slaves all that interesting, she does sometimes make them try to pleasure her though, just to laugh at them when they fail.
By "playing with the slaves" what he more meant was Za'ria making them engage in humiliating sexual activities for her amusement, or to better train them for greater obedience to hear Za'ria's version.
You get the feeling that it's a little of both reasons.

Yo Lordy, assuming we could just remove the ogre curse from all ogres, how magically talented would ogres generally be? On the level of elves? Beyond?

On the level of giants, which is to say that most would not be magically talented, but those who are can be incredibly powerful.
All Ogres aren't witches, it's just that Ylugri picks out the ones who are smartest, most focused and most driven among the cursed ogres, who in turn make the best spellcasters when the curse is lifted.

Do shamans require raw power and potential high levels for versatility and utility? Is Ku'zag maxed out, or can he still get higher level shit? Is he maxed our, but weaker because of the Orcish gods only recently starting to care about our clan again?

Shamans don't particularly require high levels of power, since most don't reach the level of raw power of a more focused spellcaster, versatility and utility they require more of. A shaman with raw power, versatility and utility is a terrifying thing though.
Ku'zag is still a shadow of his younger self due to a combination of the orc gods withdrawing a lot of their powers and Ku'zag having slacked in his magics and rituals for many years. He could certainly improve with time and effort.
Sadly he'll probably not live long enough to return to the power of his youth, and honestly he's more interested in seeing your clan flourish and training up a new shaman than becoming a personal powerhouse again.

I wish I was a rich spoiled kid who could just throw out a couple hundred bucks to commission some quest pics from cedargroove now. Wouldn't even need to be smut. I guess I should just learn to art.

>I guess I should just learn to art.
Shouldn't we all.

I don't know exactly how new it is, but yes, it's by cedargrove. I think he has two pics with the same orcess, both have the strange face but the body and hair is just UNF

Can't argue with that.
Yeah, the second one just came out very recently, I know because it showed up on the hentaifoundry "popular new images" list when I was checking out muh hentais earlier today.

>tfw found pic with amazing orcess >tfw the face is horribly ugly to me DAMN IT

Is it the new cedargrove pic by any chance?

The smuttening cometh. Do you plan on getting to the timeskip by the end of the session tonight, or will you wait till next time for that! Was kinda hoping every haremette would get a scene, or a scene shared between two or something, but I'm quite biased.

Well, we'll see how it goes, I'd like to get to the end of the celebration by the end of next session at the latest though.

Should Ur wash his cock before doing anything lewd, now that it was just inside an asshole?

Consider it to have been washed off-screen.

But they totally have gay threesomes all the time, right? Did our coven ever fuck any males(I assume they had their slaves available at least) after becoming witches?

>But they totally have gay threesomes all the time, right?
>Did our coven ever fuck any males(I assume they had their slaves available at least) after becoming witches?
Part of the reason that coven members only tend to fuck each other is because of the aforementioned narcissism, they don't consider most people to be worthy. It's possible that they may have fucked a particularly attractive slave or two over the years, but perhaps they never found anyone that lived up to their standards.

Is a coven for life? As in, once an ogre enters a coven with 2 other ogres, can he not enter covens with other ogres? What if one or two of the others die, can he no longer make new covens?

Covens don't tend to break apart after they're founded, however they can find other ogres to induct into their coven with Ylugri's guidance if they lose a member. Given the rarity of ogres with the brain power and focus to take part in the necessary rituals though, it can take months or even years to track down a suitable candidate.

Are the exclusively male covens /y/?

Not /y/ per say, more bisexual narcissists like the exclusively female ones.

Can a Ogre coven's membership consist of both men and women? Or are Ogre covens exclusively either male or female?

There are mixed ones, although they're far rarer than exclusively male or female ones.

Does Ylugri only take female priests(are the coven priests?)?

Nope, I think I've mentioned it before, but there are fabio-looking male ogre priests of Ylugri out there.

How easy is it for people to realize that the witches are ogresses? Would most people assume that they're giants?

Probably, many people have never encountered an ogre, and even fewer have encountered a coven of Ylugri worshipers.

Were there contest for who could piss farthest during the celebration?

Sure, there were a lot of contests during the celebration.

Oh, okay, I had thought for some reason Y'zoa was taller. Damn, I was even thinking she was taller than Ur for some reason. Strange.

No, I mean, at 7'2" both of them tower over a sizeable portion of the clan, indeed the only orcs taller than them are Ur, obviously, as well as Dru'ak at 7'4" and Or'kaz at 7'3".
Sho'ka, Vor'zal and Ya'zar are also equal to them at 7'2", though none of those three have the raw power of the two musclegirls.

Damn right, and there's gonna be 3 milf orcs in our harem relatively soon anyway. Is Za'ria a milf as well? Although I guess none of them have the stereotypical milf body/personality.

Well, Za'ria is older than Ur, but you don't know if she's ever had kids, suppose it would depend on how long she's been barren for. In terms of body type, Za'ria's relatively blessed in the tits department, but she's probably a little lithe to be considered to have a milfy body type overall.


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