

Ask @BrightTegu

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Well I personally am "sad" about Ur not hooking up with Y'zoa, and the scarred girl with the fire in her eyes. But Ya'zada has really reduced my Y'zoa thirst anyway. Which of them is taller, again?

They're both 7'2".

What has been your favorite scene so far in the quest. Doesn't have to be smut, or I guess you could give 2 answers if you want, one smut and one nonsmut. Mine was either the fight ror Stormhowler chieftainhood, Ur appearing from Sho'ka's PoV, or the Ya'zada dream sequence.

Hmm, hard to say, possibly something from the dreamquest bit where you met Za'zarag and fought Lorsyth. I enjoyed writing the freaky abyssal nightmare realm stuff in that.
Honestly I think I'm too much of a perfectionist to have a favourite scene, I just keep thinking about how I could have done things better.

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What were some of your ideas for the other stonetusk females? (Still kind of sad that Ur'shal didn't hook up with A'ska in the end, but oh well. Such is Life.)

I'd rather not say, because some of them are still ideas I might use to a lesser extent during the quest.
>Still kind of sad that Ur'shal didn't hook up with A'ska in the end
Don't worry anon, there are other milfy tittymonsters out there to acquire.

Out of the 6 initial Stonetusk females, did you have one(or a combination) that you would have preferred we choose as mate(s)? Who did you expect us to choose(it was Sho'ka wasn't it)? Give us a ranking of your initial hopes/preferences? Doesn't HAVE to represent your current views.

I didn't have any preferences in particular, I had some ideas for all of them.
I mean, Sho'ka was always going to make a move on Ur if she wasn't picked, because she had a thing for Ur and wanted to take some initiative once she was free of her previous mate, but you were still perfectly free to reject her.

Are orc ears sensitive?

Not in particular. I mean, K'zala's would be, since she's got a touch of elven blood.

Huh, I would've thought it be something like 4 hours because of superior orcish metabolism and healing factor allowing the body to get in shape durig that time, but I guess the brain is more complicated than that. Okay, then how long can an orc go with no sleep? Effectively?

Around about four to five days before they started going a little crazy.

Oh I almost forgot to ask. The ideal nightly sleep for humans is about 8 hours on average. What's the ideal nightly sleep time for orcs?

Around the same, although orcs being orcs they can go quite a while with very little sleep before it starts to really affect them badly.

We should get Aleida a hobby later on, once the harem is more stable and less on the brink of someone doing something very very stupid.

Aleida likes looking after people. Honestly she kind of finds dealing with the likes of Inka to be, in a strange way, a lot like having a daughter.

>Sho'ka asking Aleida to pleasure her >not Ashuris Does she just like Aleida more? Ashuris is obviously way more skilled, from what we know. Is Sho'ka the biggest hornball in Ur's harem, aside from Inka's obsession with him?

Sho'ka's just a massive hornball. She's happy being pleasured by any of your harem, although she enjoys Ashuris most of all, more on account of how humiliating Ashuris finds doing it than because of Ashuris' skills.

What does Aleida do all day when she's not servicing Ur'shal?

Repairs clothing, cleans up Ur's tent, pleasures Ur's mates when they demand it (mostly Sho'ka), tries to keep certain other members of the harem from doing anything crazy.

So is Sief's views on sexuality right now that it's pig disgusting outside of a committed consensual mutual relationships, and ideal marriage?

Not exactly, but he doesn't approve of just sleeping around for fun.

Although don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy you're not about to let Sief turn into some hedonist just because anons don't want to keep it in their pants.

I doubt he'll ever go full hedonist, just very out of character for him. He may well acquire a few waifus though, depending on what happens.

Well, ask.fm character limit, but by casual flings I didn't mean just laying with some fun gal we meet on the first night, more like say we spend some weeks at an inn and the waitress is quite nice and we share stories and shit, lets us relax, after getting to know each other, just no commitment.

Given his issues with his father's behaviour, Sief isn't really interested in casual things right now, even if they are very different from his father's rampant hedonism.
As I say though, I am intending Sief to grow and develop as a character over time, so who knows.

Can Ur juggle knives?

He's never tried, so no. He could probably learn pretty easily though, he has good hand-eye coordination.

Do you plan on keeping Sief's smut more just somewhat casual flings with a variety of girls(e.g. a kind barmaid, a guard), or do you have some waifu planned? I personally think the former would work better, unless you're ready to turn it into a harem, or are fine with smut being relatively very rare

As Sief is now, casual flings would be quite unlikely, although of course Sief is going to change over the course of the quest. Waifus (plural) however, is a thing that will probably appear as the quest progresses, I'm not even going to try to deny that.
Still, whatever happens, it's going to be pretty light on the smut, probably switch to FTBs if there are too many smut choices voted for in quick succession and save actual written out scenes for special occasions.

>I generally consider Monday to be the beginning of the week Good to see you're not some turbo pleb, Lordy.

I'm confused why anyone would want to consider Sunday the beginning of the week, because that means most people get a day off on the first and last day of the week, which just feels weird to me.

"Until the coming week", as in during the week of apr/20-26, or the week of apr/27-may/3? Do you brits also consider Sunday to be the beginning of the week like other plebs?

20-26, most likely this Thursday.
I generally consider Monday to be the beginning of the week, because that's when work starts, but I don't know if that's a universal thing in my country.

Can the crippled giant move, just relatively slowly? How long would it take it to crawl to Sief's home.

Several days, probably, you did mangle both its legs.

How would Sief rank/value his first golem mission so far?

He's a little embarrassed about his fuckup where he let the giant hit him, but overall he's pleased with it.

What's your favorite Gorillaz song and why is it either pre-2007 or Rhinestone eyes/Stylo?

That would be either 19-2000 or Clint Eastwood, because they were on one of the first albums I ever bought.


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