

Ask @BrightTegu

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How dark would an orc's skin be if their mother was some black skinned ebony beauty?

It would be a darker shade than the olive green shade common among your clan, for sure, though whatever color the mother is it will never not be some kind of greenish shade.
Well, I'm sure you'll get to find out someday. Black skinned ebony beauties are a thing in this setting, just as all things an orc might potentially want to put his penis in are, you just haven't been in a position to run into any yet.

Can you occasionally get albino orcs?

Sure, though it's no more common than albino versions of any other race. Kind of goes without saying, but albino orcs don't tend to do well in the hotter, sunnier climates you inhabit.

Does orc culture have any psychopomps? You know, divine servants that guide the spirits of the dead to their place in the afterlife?

Not really necessary with how the spirits of the dead move on in the setting. They linger in the body for a while then either find their own way to their afterlife or sink into the Cronelands if no god claims them.

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I think you said earlier that Zul'orok Zhar faced an Abyssal Lord to save the woman he loved. Did you take inspiration from the stories of Orpheus and Izanami-no-Mikoto, who also braved the underworld to retrieve their loved ones? Or are any similarities between OWQ and real word myths coincidental?

Well, the idea of a heroic figure's descent into the underworld (or the abyss in this case) is a pretty classic story. I can't say that I specifically thought of those when I first wrote it, or that I actively try to copy real world myths in OWQ, but no doubt I'm being subconsciously influenced to some degree.

Should we have K'zala and maybe a few of the more sneaky whelps keep an eye on Bootknife? Might be a good learning experience to have them observe what kind of underhanded shit he gets up to, as well as to discourage him from getting any funny ideas like freeing his comrades.

Up to you, you could do.

How often does Ur wake up to one or more of his body parts being fellated/used as masturbatory aid by one or more of his girls?

Fairly often. In the case of Inka, pretty much every night.

Is Ya'zada our most vanilla harem member?

Pretty much, although she does enjoy it pretty rough, as in, bordering on a fight.

If Zol'gor Tor has the Iron Warriors, do the other orc gods have their own elite units dedicated to them?

Well, berserkers are technically all dedicated to Kul'zog Zor, though some are more religious than others.
Aside from that, there have been various specialist units dedicated to orcish gods throughout history, though none as widespread.

Good thing YouTube a fast travel river network now eh. Speaking of which have the orcs started using it yet? You would think that we have enough slaves to make some boats, and have the muscle to make holes to get out of the tunnels.

A bit, but there's only one or two tunnels to the surface been made aside from the odd naturally occurring cave entrance, so it's uses are limited as of yet.

Are there other nations with which the imperials have relations?

Is this a Golem Knight Quest question?
If so, then while the Empire is aware of a few other nations beyond the ones they border, they don't have active relations with any. The majority of the known world is still titan-controlled after all.
There has been a push to start trading golems to other nations in the hope of bolstering them against their titan neighbours, but that's being slowed down by concerns of the risks of leaking imperial tech.
If you didn't mean GKQ, then you'll have to be more specific...

>ogres are angry retards and goblins are sneaky backstabbing little assholes.// And orcs are rapist brutes. We complete each other!

It's like a beautiful multicultural rainbow.
Liked by: RageBob

I don't know Lordy, if the continent we're on right now is about the size of Western Europe, then the Wastes would be smaller than France, and you can probably get from one end to the other of France in a week if there were no mountians and forests, which there aren't in the Great Wastes.

The Great Wastes is flatter in the south, but still far from smooth. The further north you go the rockier and more uneven it gets, with crevasses and jagged outcroppings and such. It's not easy terrain, hence why your clan doesn't really use wheels despite knowing what they are.

How much area does the island the Stonetusk clan currently occupy cover? Is it roughly the same size as say, for example, the United Kingdom? Bigger than that? Smaller?

It's around the size of Western Europe. Hence why I said not to think too heavily about the travel times and distances I've mentioned so far in this quest, because I did not think those through properly when I started, and travelling the waste should really take a whole lot longer than a few days.

Supposedly he also drew porn under a different name.

Huh, well if you ever happen to come across that name be sure and let me know.

Aza'ra mentioned in the last thread that she often argued with her teacher. What did they argue over?

As Ku'zag implied when he was talking with the two of you, Aza'ra has a trait she shares with Ur'shal in his opinion.
Young and unusually talented for her age, she sometimes gets careless and arrogant because she's a little too sure of herself and her impressive abilities.
Needless to say this was a cause of regular frustration for her grumpy old Skor'oz Zik priest mentor.

>cont. I'd much rather we stop pining and asking after literally every variety of waifu in this setting and just wait until we're either in the appropriate area for Japan/China/whatever-else-scratches-your-itch to start looking or get pleasently surprised by traveling exotic waifus.

That's how it's going to be.

It's not even just the empress herself I don't want to sperge over right now. I mean, we already have a shitton of variety, especially for the boonies, so clamoring for this or that specific species or archetype, just because it exists somewhere seems more than a bit entitled. >cont.

Nothing wrong with a little bit of hype, but yes, no matter how much you clamor for kitsune you ain't going to get it for quite a while.

For the art request anon, maybe Plague of Gripes? He does enjoy drawing butts and 4chan. His patreon thing gives you an option for art requests i think

I guess that depends on whether anon wants naughty bits in his art request. Despite drawing a lot of cheesecake and having five million people screaming "just draw porn already" at him, he does not draw porn.
Shame, because when it comes to his cheesecake pics he knows just what I like.

Personally I didn't react to the kitsune "reveal" because A) It was to be expected. B) Bringing up stuff that's still ways off doesn't help with anticipation, unless I have actual world building questions about it. C) I didn't want to be the guy sperging over the first mention of fluffy tails.

Yes, getting your hands on fluffy tailed empress is a loooong way off.

>ask no longer shows on the page's tab when you have new notifications Wow, this is wonderful, not like I wanted to know when one of my questions gets answered!

Seems like 95% of all updated layouts on websites just get worse and worse every time.
Looking at you, youtube.

Does Skor'oz Zik deal with espionage as well?

Not to a great degree. Skor'oz Zik priests make for good scouts, handy for locating enemy camps, finding out their numbers and what sort of weapons they've got, but the finer points of espionage are generally not their area of expertise, that's more of a Zol'gor Tor thing.

Have you read g/724357/138662fe70/ ? Maybe you should.

Nice, can't believe I've never come across that before.
Not sure about the ol' tumblrnose on the goblin, but aside from that it's gold.


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