

Ask @BrightTegu

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What does Za'ria say, how good is or other slavemistress(forgot if she even is fully one or just likes to hang out near the pens) at handling slaves?

Not bad, not great, she's young though so Za'ria figures she just needs more experience.

Is Orcish universal, or do some orcish communities speak regional dialects or dialects different enough to basically be a different language?

Orcish varies by location, but it's generally close enough that orcs can understand each other with some difficulty.

Do we have any idea what magic naga(/lamia? not sure which is the name used here)/dragon cultists have?

Since worshiping dragons does not give one divine magic, cult leaders tend to be sorcerers. While you couldn't say for certain what sort of magic they would have, in the case of the ones following the fire dragon to the south, magic that fits with her nature would be the best bet.
So magic to aid in combat, and a whole lot of fire.

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I'm not sure if I've asked you before, but were us players seriously retarded enough to not make Aurora draw us a map of the Northern regions while she was dominated even though it was a thing we could have done? Assuming it WAS a thin we could have done, that is.

Well, I mean, Ashuris and the rest of the coven have a reasonable understanding of the layout of the mountains since they traveled about a fair bit, you could always ask them sometime.

To befair, like, I don't think Ur has even committed any mass murder so far. TR was self defense, and elves were below 100 probably, plus it was a battle, not systematic.

Not like he'd balk at it either though, as long as it wasn't a waste of good slaves.

So the ogresses are supposedly expert lesbians. How long were they together for? Years? Lewdness every night?

From around the time they became a coven until the time Ur enslaved them, so yes, years of regular lewdness.

Well okay, how about if we changed "whenever she wanted" to "whenever she wanted, as long as it's at a reasonable frequency"? Sex is fun and all, but she has slaves to take care of, and Ur has orcs to lead.

Probably still Ur.

Has Za'ria met Pia? Any comments she had on her?

Lot of natural talent, needs some training to refine her technique.

>>you honestly don't know all that much about her or what she likes. >tfw Za'ria just wants to be loved and treated like a precious little thing KEK (to be clear, this is a semijoke, because I suppose it's not entirely impossible)

Who knows, perhaps you should ask her sometime. Probably not at a time when you're buried balls deep in her ass, mind you.

Why is Za'ria such a cunning slut? If I didn't see the dice rolls myself, I would have suspected her of losing on purpose. She was the real winner of the bet!

Years of experience.

If Za'ria wasn't barren, would it have been expected that Ur take her as a mate, since she's literally the best fuck in the camp? Anyway, I suppose she might like fucking others too much for that though, since I don't think mates are usually allowed to fuck others, and she definitely likes that fun.

Nothing's really expected of Ur, but he could have taken her, sure.
>Anyway, I suppose she might like fucking others too much for that though, since I don't think mates are usually allowed to fuck others, and she definitely likes that fun.
Who knows, while you have given Za'ria the D more than once, you honestly don't know all that much about her or what she likes.

When do orcs stop growing?

Around maturity, which is 14, some stop growing a little before or after that of course.

Which would Za'ria rather choose, getting fucked by Ur one-on-one whenever she wanted, or the occasional DP with Ur and someone else? These are exclusive choices.

Probably Ur one-on-one whenever she wanted.
Be warned that "whenever she wanted" for Za'ria would make Ur a very busy orc.

With the arm wrestling competition, what was Dru'ak wagering on the bouts while his clanmates were using communal slaves?

Other communal slaves, they're communal after all.

What would have happened if one of the nameless orcs in the knife throwing contest got lucky in his dice rolls and turned out to be some drunken, knife throwing savant?

Nothing in particular, he just would have gotten to claim Za'ria for the evening. Might have earned himself a name too.

Hypothetically, could a Ogress coven get knocked up with a litter of half orc/ogre whelps and, when they're born, brainwash them into total loyalty and use them as breeding stock to birth more orcs and make their own orc/ogre clan? (Granted, Zhul'orok Zhar would be 2000% Mad if that happened.)

Hypothetically, yes.

Oh, I hadn't realized Sluagh were goblin sized, thought they were just straight up fluffy tailed elves. That changes some things...

Yup, tiny sneaky cat-tailed elf-like things with fey blood. Also very good at climbing, highly flexible toes.

Are the sluagh basically Elin, without the ears?

I had to google what Elin were.
Well, they are similar in the sense that they are small and have tails, but everything else about their culture seems pretty far removed from the Elin, that's for sure.

Are Fey magical bullshit at least internally consistent?

To the fey, maybe, but they have a pretty interesting idea of what constitutes "internally consistent".


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