

Ask @BrightTegu

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Inka is getting MORE training? Isn't Pia basically servicing the whole clan, while Inka is only one of like 10 women Ur fucks? I can see Inka getting BETTER training, but not more.

Yeah, I meant better.

Are you sure reviving GKQ so soon after a month of no questing is a good idea? Not saying not to do it, just asking.

Eh, we'll see, it probably won't be a long thread, unless I get really into it.

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Could a human even fit all of Ur's sack into their mouth?

Probably not. Single ball maybe, if they could open their mouth pretty wide.

I'm interested what Bra'kur's reaction would be if Ur went away for a couple days and came back with a clan/family of 25+ nymphs, all obediently following him, looking to him with reverence, all vaguely smelling of Ur'shal. kek

"Did The Great Bra'kur say 25 nymphs, he meant 50, royal nymphs, and their attendants."

Do Sluagh come in different flavors(like dog tails or cat tails)? Do their tails resemble only mammalian animals? Do Sluagh have animal ears, or just the tail? If yes, do they also have elf ears?

Sluagh are all cat tailed, and have elven ears. There are other creatures out there with animalistic features, but they are not as widespread as the Sluagh.

Is that a self-fulfilling prophecy? The chief's slaves should be the best at sex, but the girls who become the chief's slave eventually become the best at sex because of constant sex with an Übermensch orc with blessings? Or can for instance Inka never surpass Pia?

Pia has the benefit of natural talent, Inka is getting the benefit of more training. Inka will probably end up better at sex.

SInce Sho'ka took it upon herself to tell absolutely everyone about the blowjob Aleida gave Ur'shal, would that also mean that evey Orc in the clan knows that Aleida is a champion cocksucker?

Probably, yes.
Not that the orcs think that's anything noteworthy, after all, a chieftain's slaves SHOULD be best at sex.

Did any of Dra'koz's halfogre honor guards leave any whelps behind that we took into our clan?

Yeah, there's a fair few larger than average quarter-ogre whelps among the clan's young, be a fair number of years before they're adults though.

Have there been any Ogres who have been either been staunch enemies of the abyss or have turned to the abyss to escape their curse?

Most covens, as spellcasters, loathe the Abyss, beyond that most ogres don't really thing about things hard enough to be a staunch enemy of anything.
There have certainly been ogres who have turned to the abyss for various reasons, promises of freeing them from the curse being one of the most common. It inevitably ends badly, as does believing all promises of the Abyss.

One Anon in the last thread said that we don't have to be a wizard to cast spells. Is he correct? My understanding that to cast a spell, you must know the magical Arcana associated with that spell, and that knowing an Arcana essentially makes you a wizard by default.

Well, since you aren't from one of the "civilized" lands which does things like give you a diploma for finishing your studies at an arcane collegium, the title of wizard is rather more vague. You do have to learn an Arcana as the basis for spells though, which some would consider to be the basis of being a wizard.

How do Orcs grieve for the loss of loved ones? Are they open with displays of grief or do they try to put on a brave face? If an orc was particularly attached to a breeding slave that dies on him, would he be allowed to mourn her passing, or would be thought weak for mourning the death of a slave?

Orcs are not big on public displays of affection or sorrow. If an orc wished to grieve for the loss of a loved one, they would probably do it privately, or hide their sorrow behind a murderous rampage against their enemies.

Have there ever been other Ogre Witch Covens that have been enslaved by Orcs and made to serve the clan with their magic? How did that work out, for both the coven and the Orc clan?

Not of which Ur is aware.

Given Zo'rok's taste in women leans toward musclegirls, does Isika possess great muscle definition?

Isika was formerly one of the settlement's warriors. While elves don't really get huge, Isika has some pretty good muscle definition by elven standards.

Is Pia still the reigning sex champion amongst the communal slaves, or has someone else taken the title from her?

Pia is still reigning undisputed on her throne of orc dicks.

Did we get around to rewarding Ya'zar with another slave for his harem? Because seriously, he went well above and beyond the call of duty in the fight with Krag'ur.

Not yet, remind me next thread.

Told we wouldn't get to the smut, told you mate.

Yeah, I'm still getting back into the swing of things, so I'm even slower than usual.

How far removed from orcish is ogrish, compared to elvish?

Orcish is mostly similar from human, but does share some vague similarities with elvish. Ogrish is closely tied with giantish, which are closer to dwarvish, which in turn has some vague similarities to human. So ogrish is further removed (just barely) than elvish.

Is it common knowledge that Ku'zag shagged his sister and knocked her up with his whelps? Or does he keep that to himself, if only to prevent his clan from pestering him about it?

Ku'zag isn't the sort to talk about his past, and most of the clan are too young to have heard about it. There are maybe about five older original Stonetusks who know.

Why did Lorsyth eat a ton of orcs instead of converting them with magic mushrooms? Does the conversion have to be somewhat voluntary? Was he just a retard who thought eating was more important than amassing an army? Was he really as retarded as I think he was, now that we know how the battle went?

Lorsyth wasn't stupid, wasn't all that smart either, and being a Horror it didn't really operate on sane logic. It consumed because consuming was what it did. Also, the physical conversion didn't have to be voluntary, but converting an unwilling victim just resulted in a mutant retard-orc in an uncontrollable (including by Lorsyth) violent rage.
Part of the reason Lorsyth might have seemed dumb in the battle was because you rolled damn well through most of it, if Lorsyth/Za'zarag had had the chance to unleash some heavy duty abyssal magic it could have turned the tide of the battle pretty dramatically.

Are (forest?) nymphs a thing? Would they be some fey-related thing?

Nymphs, Dryads, definitely things, they are indeed fey.

Our resident rock dragon was said to have an Ogre mage working for him, was that an ogre male mage? How'd that happen if all ogres go insane?

Sanity is not a prerequisite to magic, you just need to be capable of focusing long enough to learn how to cast it.

24 hours left, I'm hyped. I'll link you a good smut story I've been reading once the thread drops. Only if you like BDSM though, since that's the central theme of the story. It's a bit edgy/angsty at time, but eh, it's worth it imo.

I see, well I'll certainly check it out.

It's strangely appropriate how the quest's first significant hiatus after a long period of scheduled session is right after the "prologue" ends and Ur'shal becomes a warlord.

Yeah, let's go with that excuse.


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