

Ask @BrightTegu

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Since he's properfucked, what was Ur's dream wirh Lorsyth supposed to reult in? It didn't seem like t was trying to trick and take over him, since Ur was completely conscious from the start. Ii guess just hope he wanders somewhere bad? Was that intentional on Lorsyth's part? Was it Zul-orok Zhar?

It was Zul'orok Zhar trying to further enhance Ur's hateboner for the Abyss.

How much will Slaggyr shit his pants when he learns we took out a clan of 150+ abyssal orcs on magic steroids and Angel Dust?

You seem to be underestimating Slaagyr's levels of ego.
"I could have done that too, if I'd felt like it!"

Well, I guess Dra'koz's taunts/boasts weren't completely baseless at least. But of course, with his arrogancy, he couldn't have known Ur'shal's lover levels. I kinda assumed Za'ria was walking about his prowess from a while ago and he had become infertile/something, which is why he had no kids.

He had kids, he just didn't give a shit about them.

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Why did Dra'koz not have any children then?

He did, some of the whelps you acquired from the Skyhunter camp were his, not that he was ever enough of a parent to them that they are likely to be seeking revenge.

Still need to kill that stud ogre, can't leave that legacy of punishment walking around camp with the Skyhunter women speaking of it being used as a form of torture.

That'll be something to vote on.

Is Dra'koz's stud ogre in any exceptional or is he just a typical ogre good only for his 'tard strength?

Tard Strength, he's got a hell of a lot of it though, he's quite massive even by ogre standards. He also, although it's hard to tell since he's an ogre, appears to have brain damage resulting from the injury which left a big, nasty scar on his head.

He's dead now, so I'm gonna ask. Was Dra'koz impotent/infertile?

Nope, Za'ria can confirm from personal experience that on the very rare occasions that he wasn't being an irredeemable cunt, he was actually quite a competent lover.

Would making a combat tournament for our clan and beating everyone be something that could please Kul'zog Zor and get Ur a favor? Or is this too easy/casual(not enough glory?)?

A combat tournament could be good and please Kul'zog Zor, although actually taking part in it yourself would be seen as a bit of a cheap.

Are anons' concerns that Ur will have literally no time for anything and will become a failure of a chief if he tries to learn magic as baseless as I think they are? (Bra'kur was a chief)

Learning magic won't doom Ur to mediocrity, be aware though that he will most likely never be as good as any of your dedicated spellcasters since he's learning late and he has a lot of other responsibilities. Bra'kur for example was learning magic from a (now deceased) sorcerer of his clan since he was 5 years old.

If we do get another dream this one won't be a choice right? Since the first one was special because it was our first time. More like a cinematic?

Perhaps, not every boon will be accompanied by a dream.

Can one only get +1 favor at a time, or is it just that something REALLY impressive/embodying the god's aspect has to be done to get a +2 or +3?

Both you and Ya'zar earned 2 Zul'orok Zhar favor, since you both earned the listed +1 for everyone taking part in the battle, and the +1 on your individual bonuses. Taking down Za'zarag and Krag'ur pleased Zul'orok Zhar a lot.

Did you write only the one smut pastebin with Ur and K'zala, or are there more? Just asking since I didn't see any more as I was going through the archives.

Only the one so far.

So, how did our darling little K'zala manage to bag four Tonguerippers? Is the frostbite dagger that we gave her really that lethal? Or is her skill at stealth such that the Tonguerippers just never saw her coming?

As Sho'ka would remind you, K'zala only killed three, the fourth one slipped and rolled down the hill into the lava on his own!
Anyway, it's a combination of the two, yes, the frostbite dagger is a nasty little magic item, and K'zala proved pretty good at getting in vicious little stabs to vital areas darting out from between other defenders.

Does Za'ria have any concerns regarding Dra'koz's former stud ogre now being part of the clan's slaves? Or is she confident that she can keep him in line and away from our clanswomen?

She doesn't seem to like having him around, but she is confident she can keep him in line.

You mentioned that Ogres often live in large, severely inbred family groups. Is this because they are so vicious and ugly that they have no other prospects besides their relatives? Or were Ogres fans of 'Fun For The Whole Family' even before they were cursed? Was Ashuris also the product of incest?

Ogres before they were cursed were pretty decadent, so such things weren't unknown, though they certainly weren't as widespread as they are now. With cursed Ogres, most of them are insane, violent, act purely on impulse and have no moral boundaries to speak of, so without proper training (as has been the case with your ogres) most ogres first reaction to getting horny is to grab the nearest living thing and try to fuck it, which when you live in large family groups is often a family member.
Ashuris doesn't know who her father is, so she may be a product of incest or she may not.

Does Ylugri get turned on by his covens of super hot witches being captured by orcs and turned into broodmares for halfbreed orcs?

It's probably best not to dwell too long on what may or may not turn on Giant Satan.

What happened exactly with Ashuris and the coven that made them such staunch enemies of the Abyss? It must have been something extremely serious for such a proud and self centered woman to declare that it is the duty of all sane spellcasters to oppose the Abyss.

Ask any (non-abyssal, non-sluagh) spellcaster and they'll say something similar. It's not even altruism or anything like that in many cases, it's simple self-preservation, the Abyss is a danger to everyone, but it particularly loves corrupting and possessing spellcasters.

Can ogres breed with other races besides orcs?

Ogres are a kind of giant, so like other giants they can breed with humans.

>Cont. But fighting a new type of enemy during the timeskip seems narratively questionable, whereas raiding the elves or having skirmishes with the skinchangers seems far more fitting an activity for the timeskip.

My idea about the timeskip was that the vast majority of your resources were going to be focused on properly absorbing your new territory, scouting it out, figuring out the best hunting grounds, locating sources of fresh water, removing any leftover gaunts or other abyssal unpleasantness still lurking around, etc.
If you had the warriors free to focus on a serious raid then I wouldn't make it downtime.

Can we raid the unafiliated Lamia conclave during the timeskip? I want to take them out before we mess around with the Skinchangers, Elves or the Elder Serpent too much so the Firedragon can't spread her territory and potentially absorb them yet, >Cont


Will we finally get the opportunity to actually make a decision on what to do with the captured Skinchanger during the timeskip? I'm kind of annoyed at how we it's been weeks since we captured her and never got the opportunity to vote on actually doing something with her.

Yeah, sure, although you should probably remind me in the thread to make sure.

Goddamit, Warlord. I know it's important to give choices, but there's so much other stuff Ur'shal needs to learn and /tg/ is notorious for chasing after the magic, even if there's no real reason for the character to do so.

Well, we'll see, Ur is perfectly capable of becoming superhuman (superorcish?) without learning magic, that's kind of the purpose of boons.

Did an Orc fuck his mum or something? If we ever find her we will.

Who knows, orcs have fucked a lot of people's mums.

Is there something other than Divine and Sorcerous Arcana?

Abyssal Arcana, which you should probably avoid learning.
There may be other things out there, but none that Ur or any of his followers have ever encountered or heard about.

Are sluagh a matriarchy? I think I found what they are based upon.

According to Ku'zag, they are ruled over by witch-kings and witch-queens, so no, no matriarchy. Leadership in Sluagh society is based on how powerful your magic is and how much of a ruthless, backstabbing fucker you are.


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