

Ask @BrightTegu

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I assume learning a spell will make learning additional ones significantly easier. Or is that just for spells that are similar? Regardless, I expect the very first one wil make all others easier.

Once you learn an arcana, learning additional spells within it is a lot easier. It's learning arcanas which takes time.

Why does Slaggyr have such a hate boner for orcs? I mean, I get why he wouldn't be happy with Ur'shal destroying the Cloud Tribe and taking Inka, but why is he telling his people that Orcs will eat your soul? Did an Orc fuck his mum or something?

Guess you'll have to ask him.

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Would it be wise to get K'zala to learn some form of melee combat from Loksai since she has almost no real experience? even if the style doesn't exactly mesh with her she could use is as a foundation to build upon?

Might be, provided you felt that Lokasi could be trusted to teach her to fight without trying to pull something.

Would it be possible to have Lokasi teach K'zala and maybe some of the clan's whelps her style of fighting? Or is Lokasi's fighting style a uniquely Elvish thing that can't be taught to Orcs?

Most of your orcs lack the body shape and natural agility to mimic it. K'zala might be able to learn, but even she'd find it a little awkward.

Was Dra'koz's behavior typical of half giant hybrids, or was he just unusually highly strung?

Dra'koz was just an asshole.

Aside from Orcish, Human and Elvish, what other languages does Za'ria speak?

Giantish, some Dwarvish and Goblin.

Are half-ogres generally dumber than full orcs? Is there a general iq ranking of half-breeds?

No, most halfbreeds are fairly similar in overall intelligence, though general thought processes out outlook can vary by halfbreed type.

So would it be possible to over a timeskip (which will be coming in the near future i think) to be able to learn some basic small spells from Bra'kur?

I will give options on how people wish to spend the timeskip, so yes, some basic sorcery lessons will be one of them.

While Dra'koz's antics have shown that forcing your clanswomen to breed with an ogre is ultimately counter-productive in terms of maintaining clan loyalty, are there any incentives or inducements that a chieftain can offer to persuade his clanswomen to breed with ogres?

Who knows, you could always try to think of one.

If Dra'koz was more able to keep his ego in check, would he have made a halfway decent chieftain?

Yeah, unfortunately his ego was both rampant and fragile, a bad combination.

>invalidate Ur's right to be chief in the eyes of many orcs, Why?

Because shamanic magic is for shamans, shamans are not chieftains, they are the advisers of chieftains. This is a very fundamental view that many orcs hold on clan hierarchy which would take a lot of time and effort to dismantle.

Doesn't Ash know some arcane stuff too? Or are hexes/antihexes not necessarily arcane?

Ash's magic is all divine magic of Ylugri.

Hmm, so you can't even learn just some simple level 1 spells to strengthen weapons or control flames without being devoted to a god? Well, I will just hope that this can be remedied with blessings. We have only really had passive blessings after all, I wonder what active ones are like. Need chants?

>I wonder what active ones are like. Need chants?
It varies, some require as much setup as magic, others require nothing at all other than willing them to happen.

>tfw will never be the übermensch combat god who is also a magic prodigy >tfw even just being real good at magic will take years I assume Ur had really no opportunities to learn the arcane arts before, otherwise he really fucked up by not starting early. How long does learning divine magic take?

The necromancer was the first arcane spellcaster Ur ever met, and Bra'kur is the first one he ever met and didn't bury an axe in, so no, he's never had the opportunity before.
Learning divine magic takes less time, but it also requires a greater degree of devotion to a single deity. Shamanism is a little different, but also takes longer to learn and would invalidate Ur's right to be chieftain in the eyes of many orcs.

Yeah, we'd have to learn, but assuming we did, it sounds really cool against swarms of enemies. By derived I THINK I mean if we can modify it and such, derive another version from it.

Developing new spells is pretty advanced stuff, learning sorcery will take Ur probably several months at least.
Learning sorcery to the level that he can start designing his own spells is many, many years away.

Do orc women sometimes get jealous of the fact their mates can form harems with as many women, both orcish and slaves from other races, as they feel comfortable with, while they generally only get one male they have to share?

Some do, sure.

Is Malrach the Butcher still out there or did he get retconned

He's still out there, he's just not relevant to the plot right now.

so level 5 in that pheromones ability is demi-god like. But do steps 2 - 4 progress evenly or exponentially.


Bra'kur knows some neat spells. How long does it take to cast Thunderous Voice? Do arcane spells also need constant chanting? Would learning Thunderous Voice fir Ur, since he's been making battlefield-sweeping, echoing battleroars? Derived spell? Is Iron Voice about commanding people or something?

>How long does it take to cast Thunderous Voice
It's almost instantaneous, just a short few words.
>Do arcane spells also need constant chanting?
Varies, some do, some just take a few words to trigger the spell.
>Would learning Thunderous Voice fir Ur, since he's been making battlefield-sweeping, echoing battleroars?
Ur doesn't know the first thing about sorcery, you'd have a lot of learning to do.
>Derived spell?
I don't understand
>Is Iron Voice about commanding people or something?
Yes, it amplifies the voice and adds power to ones words. It's not straight up mind control, but it certainly influences those who hear it.

I'm not sure if this want through the first time, if it did then just delete one of them. So can I assume that the exSkyhunter shaman is now Ku'zag's apprentice?

See below.

Me thinks we might have found a possible apprentice for our shaman then.

Too old to be taken on as an apprentice now, but Ku'zag is certainly willing to give him some pointers.

I assume that the new shaman will be learning from Ku'zag and Bra'kur?

Ku'zag, sure, not so much Bra'kur, since sorcery is arcane and shamanism is a form of divine magic.

If the dominated elf sorcerer (and potentially dominated elf sorceress) summon elementals to our aid would that do what the elves want (and by extension, the ogresses want) or attack us?

It would do what its summoner wanted it to, even if what its summoner wanted was as a result of magical influence on the summoner's mind.

>(Dra'koz killed the previous shaman for disagreeing with him) Harsh. Was the disagreement about anything in particular, or did Dra'koz kill the old shaman just for the very act of disagreeing with him?

Shaman recommended leaving the mountains and trying to link up with another clan to resist Slaagyr's influence.
Dra'koz thought that the shaman was implying he was a coward.


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