

Ask @BrightTegu

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How big is the Tongueripper chieftain? Relative to use, relative to Dra'koz, or relative to a Troll?

He's not much taller than Ur is, perhaps 7'8", but he's so grossly overmuscled that he's practically square, and he probably weighs about as much as Dra'koz, if not slightly more.

So what's the skyhunter shaman like? Is he any good at what he does, or has he become too jaded by having a crap chieftain like Dra'koz to care about what his new chieftain wants?

He's barely an adult and a pretty lousy shaman, honestly. As you understand it, Dra'koz killed the previous shaman for disagreeing with him and promoted his apprentice to the role long before the apprentice was ready for it.

What if the second spy ends up being one of the slaves? Would the orc gods, particularly Y'zaga Zoka, want the slave spy killed in their name, or would they not interfere with a non-orc in order to not spark another Divine War?

No divine war is going to start over some random mortal getting gutted in the name of the orc gods.

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If we used the spies as sacrifice to Ylguri would that work? Would a disgraced orc lieutenant be considered a high quality sacrifice? And what would he award our ogress coven for someone like that?

>If we used the spies as sacrifice to Ylguri would that work?
It might.
>Would a disgraced orc lieutenant be considered a high quality sacrifice?
He sure would.
>And what would he award our ogress coven for someone like that?
Who knows.
It should be noted as I've said before however that the orcish gods may look poorly upon you sacrificing an orc to a foreign god, even a treacherous one.

dat feel when you hold your beautiful half ogre baby and realize she won't have to make the same sacrifices you did to stay sane

We of course, what sort of violent rapist quest would I be running if it didn't have heartwarming moments...

so what is making you run outta steam? Running too often and irl seem to be the biggest things, but is the atmosphere of your threads getting you down. Anything we can do to help?

Atmosphere of the threads is fine, despite what some people have said I have no complaints in that regard, the arguing is at a pretty chill level compared to some quests I've followed.
I just can't keep running such a regular schedule of quest threads with how things are for me right now, and doing 2-3 a week in addition to irl stuff was starting to burn me out. I think we're going to be on one Orc Warlord Quest a week for a while.

What did Aurora say/think when she saw her younger sister was safe and so-well safe in his tent? And tgen after she regained her sense after Inka's fun with her

You don't know yet, have to wait and see.

>Thread this Saturday Again? Wow, thank you. Seems like you never run out of steam.

Threads will be getting less regular for the next few weeks for various irl reasons. Might be cutting back to one Orc Warlord thread a week for a little while, but I'll at least try to make that one thread a week a long one.

So, no thread this Saturday ?

Thread this Saturday, I'll announce the time on twitter soon, but probably 1600 UTC.

Did you take care of the thing? Taaking care of it right now? The thing that came up, I mean.

Kinda, yeah. Things might be a little messy for the next few weeks, but I'll try to fit in some threads. Hopefully I can run something this weekend.

And if it could have been a slave, do we know which bycicles the orc that was assassinated frequents?

None in particular that you're aware of.

Are some of the female slaves possibly the spy? I know they're not really involved in the decision making, but could anyone on bycicle duty (including a certain pissed off ogress) have overheard enough stuff to pass it onto a sneaky as fuck Divine Servant?

It's possible, your clanmates aren't always particularly careful about what they say around slaves.

How common are orc halfbreeds? Are there any in our clan that haven't been noted (like K'zala and Bra'Kur)? How much different are halfbreed from the normal orc? Are they typically as different as Dra'koz was to an average orc, or do they typically blend in with the general populous of orcs.

You don't have many first-gen halfbreeds in your clan. Ones like Bra'kur and K'zala are not full-fledged halfbreeds themselves, more like 3/4 orc. How different they are varies from race to race, human/orc halfbreeds just tend to be slightly smaller and more lightly built orcs with a less orcish skin tone, while the likes of half-giants, half-lamia, half-harpies, half-dragons etc. can be more exotic.

Wait, so Slaggyr had his personal spy since before we got Inka? DAMN. Okay, that helps a lot, don't need to play detective and suspect/investigate over 300 people at least.


Is the spy being one of the captured human from Slaggyr's troops too easy of a solution?

All of Slaagyr's troops are kept imprisoned, they would have no way of knowing about your plans.

I hope we can soon bring Ur's Stealth and Negotiation up to lvl2, wouldn't be proper for a Warlord to be weak in any way.

I'm sure you'll get your chance.

Numbers management and things like that. Easy google doc updates like spent boons and stat upgrades. The ever fluctuating number of clanmembers we have. Small updates like Dra'koz's death and Lo'zol reclaiming his mate and slaves. Things that are minutia that don't need your attention.

Hmm, possibly. Send me a message on twitter and we'll discuss it.

Gear up soldier, MSQ imminency at level 3, possibility of incident confirmed, probability levels hopeful.

The happening did not happen, sadly.

Can the coven dominate people in their sleep? Can they make them sleeptalk? Would they be able to remember?

Considering the loud chanting involved in the domination magic, it's unlikely that someone would sleep through it.

Well im all for being more of a Hands on kinda father, making sure the whelps take good care of their mothers too. And soon we'll have orcharpys, and laugh at their poofy down. (Mfw orcdown jacket)

You'll have a hard time being hands on with the hundreds of children you'll probably end up having, but good luck anyway.

Damn. What was the first time Aurora heard about this spy, then? Or when Slaggyr knew shit about the Stonetusks that seemed strange?

The first time Aurora heard about the spy was when Slaagyr told her that some upstart lowlander clan had raided one of the villages he controlled and utterly destroyed it.

no Valentine's day themed Orc Warlord quest? Man, I was prepared. We were going to get heart-shaped chocolates for all our slaves.

Orcs don't celebrate Valentine's Day, only Rape Appreciation Day.
and every day is Rape Appreciation Day.


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