

Ask @BrightTegu

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How long util our harem's pregnancy starts to show/become a problem?

Very soon now, in fact you'll probably be seeing the first signs of baby bumps within the next couple of threads.

To be honest, dominated Aurora was pretty cute. >m-mistress? >f-fuck?! ...n-no, nothing like that...

Glad you liked her, almost enough to make you forget she is responsible for the horrible deaths of many of your clanmates, eh!

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We forgot to ask Aurora how she and Slaggyr kept in contact woth the spies, can you reveal that?

She contacted Juk'ruk by way of coded messages after their first face to face meeting. She doesn't know how Slaagyr keeps in touch with his spy because he never told her.

THE OPTIONS! so much shit we could do. so many things we can do in the future. I'm just glad we're able to bring family together.

I'm sure Ur will see to it that their reunion is touching, heartfelt, and not at all sexual or depraved.

Or would the cult split, part of it supporting one dragon and part the other? When two dragons with cults mate, do their cults merge? And how do dragon cultists feel about other dragon-descendants, like drakes or zmeys?

>When two dragons with cults mate, do their cults merge?
While the two dragons were together, they would, but the cult would split again if and when they went their separate ways.
>And how do dragon cultists feel about other dragon-descendants, like drakes or zmeys?
Drakes are to be respected, but not worshiped, a dragon cult will still deal with drakes if they become an issue and refuse to coexist peacefully with them.
Zmeys do not have dragon cultists, nor do they play nice with them, but they do tend to attract their own brand of crazies sometimes.

Dragons are solitary, right? If a dragon moved into another dragon's territory, would they fight, negotiate, or what? If one of those dragons had a lamia cult, how would the cult react to the other dragon? What if the two dragons fought? Would the cult refuse to fight so as not to sacrilege?

>Dragons are solitary, right?
>If a dragon moved into another dragon's territory, would they fight, negotiate, or what?
Depends, it does often end in violence however.
>If one of those dragons had a lamia cult, how would the cult react to the other dragon? What if the two dragons fought? Would the cult refuse to fight so as not to sacrilege?
The cult wouldn't attack another dragon directly, the other dragon's followers would be fair game however.

You need a helper. Like an organizer/compiler. A quest sidekick.

I don't know, what exactly do you see yourself doing to help?

If anon is so hung up on the slaves, you could just put the scene in the list of pastebins to be done. That's still a thing, right?

Yes, it is still a thing.
Unfortunately right now I have next to no free time, so it won't be anytime soon.

>not opening with a recount of our past exploits+links >not beginning the smut in the second post

Well who knows, we'll see how I feel when the thread starts.

Are we starting tonight's thread with/after the scene with the 5 human girls?

After, since I'm not putting smut in the OP post. That gets you banned.

Now that I think about, Slaggyr showed up personally to get the Skyhunters under control, so he can't be all that incredibly powerful with a huge army, if he needed the Skyhunters that much. Plus, we just killed a lot of his human followers. Seems like we've been overestimating him, to be honest.

You'll find out soon enough, no doubt.

Can one retroactively gain blessings from gods he just discovered? Like, let's say there's an orcish god of leadership that we don't know about, if we only discovers his existence after becoming Warlord of the Wastes, would we be retroactively rewarded for our past deeds?


Is bestowing blessings and favors something a god has to consciously/intentionally do, or is it an automatic thing?

One or the other, it's not always something they actively do, although they certainly can if they wish.

Does killing one dragon get other dragons pissed at you or do they generally not care about that beyond how it indicates your threat level? How do Lamias view killing a dragon that's not the one they are worshipping?

Unless a dragon has some personal connection to another dragon, it's unlikely to get mad at you killing it.
Lamias view killing dragons as sacrilege, at least dragon cultist lamias do, non-dragon cultist lamias have their own varied views on the matter.

Were there no survivors of Ashuris' rockslide left behind.

There were plenty, but the rockslide also buried the path they were coming up, so they had no way to reach you without going a long way around.

Nothig about Slaggyr's size, then? I'm just going to assume he's like 5 m tall or something.

About the size of a bus.

Next time on MSQ we deal with Peggy, and she's pissed. What do? How do we get out of it with best girl?

Come on strong.
She's been proven to like that sort of thing, and even if she is an ex-marine, we can call upon some bullshit levels of power in our own home, as we've seen before, so she's not going to overpower us.

Did the Skyhunters say anything about how big Slaggyr was, and when they last saw him? It feels like the only really big problams are Slaggyr and Joachim, maybe what trolls/ogres they have as well. Plus whatever the name of Inka's father is, Casimir?

Kasimir, although from what Aleida told you, Kasimir is far away to the east, so it's unlikely he'll be having a direct hand in your conflict with Slaagyr.

Is there a "how to ride spirit vultures for dummies" crash course?

Yeah, it's getting one of the Skyhunters more skilled in vulture riding to give you a few lessons.

So would it be impossible to ride a Spirit Vulture without training, or would the DC just be very high?

The DC would be very high, and failure would be very painful.

Do orcs know what telescopes are?

Well, some of the older orcs in your clan might. The kingdom never produced them, but a few orcs had them from raiding those who did.

So, every person has some sort of divine-spiritual powerlevel? Since those too weak can't handle blessings? Are these powerlevels different for each god? Would going on pilgrimage or staying in the blazing sun without water be a way to please Skor'oz Zik?

>Are these powerlevels different for each god?
It's more a general example of the mortal's power. As mortals get more powerful they tend to start to absorb some of the stuff of the divine realms naturally as a result of coming to further embody divine ideals, which makes the more attuned to further blessings and boons. Even mortals who don't go out of their way to please the gods can wind up with blessings and boons just because they are so infused with divine essence as a result of being awesome.
>Would going on pilgrimage or staying in the blazing sun without water be a way to please Skor'oz Zik?
Sure, as long as you didn't die.


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