

Ask @BrightTegu

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Hover over the relative ones with your mouse and you get absolute ones.

Ah, I see.
Still preferred the old layout though.

Ah, but it is nice that there are now absolute timestamps, not just relative ones.

There are? I'm still getting relative ones.

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Not the anon who talked about commissions, but I just checked and all the artists I know are 100+ dollaridoos for a pic. Damn.

Yeah, art is expensive and artists are generally flooded with requests and hard to pin down, a problem I'm discovering as I probe the dark, seedy underbelly of the online artistic world for people willing to draw things for my terrible porn rpg maker project in the making.

for the person who wanted to commission art, he might want to try Ryo Agawa's year-end stream on the 14th and 15th of december. Check his tumblr for more details.

Guess that depends on what style the anon is looking for.

To be honest I think I kind of glanced over the kitsune bt for the more political bits. Miht not have realized it was kitsune, even. Regardless, I hope my recet comment makes up for the apparent lack of initial interest.

I figured that might be the case considering how enthusiastic some anons are about touching fluffy tail.

So let me see what we know of so far. Ogres, giants, oni, orcs, elves, dwarves, humans, kitsune, sluagh, centaurs, goblins, , dragons, lamia, harpies, nymphs, dryads. Am I missing anything we know of?

I think I've mentioned mermaids/sirens before.

>kitsune confirmed Yes~

Kitsune's been confirmed since my Izumian Empire writeup. I was kind of amazed no-one commented on it back when I posted it.

What are the roles of the blade God and fire God priest, if we are talking about utility to a clan.

War, training the next generation for war, and in the case of the blade God, intelligence gathering on potential enemies for future wars.
Given how important conflict is to keep orcish society from crumbling, those are valuable roles.

Got any reference pics for ash vaki and ur? I'll point the artist to the Google doc and pastebin, but if they ask for more info I'll ask here.

I don't tend to do reference pics, so I'm afraid all you've got is descriptions in the docs, pastes and the quest itself.

Is there anything stopping priests and priestesses of the other orc gods becoming itinerants priests themselves, just wandering from clan to clan and place to place?

It can happen, but it's rarer, since they tend to have an important place in their clans.

Is boat building more of a Zul'orok Zhar thing or a Skor'oz Zik thing?

Both, though in somewhat different ways. Skor'oz Zik is a god of seafaring, so boat building is a part of that, while Zul'orok Zhar focuses more on boat building to arm orcs for war, so tends to be more into huge vicious warships, while Skor'oz Zik prefers lighter, more agile crafts more suited for exploration, long-range travel or raiding.

Hey warlord in planning on commissioning some fan art, but I don't know what to do. I have 40$ bucks I can spend and will go as high as 60$. Just asking if you want to point me in any direction, or if I should blindly find someone. That idea will try include best girls ash and vaki.

Wow, flattered you're willing to spend that much money on fan art at all. I'm happy with whoever you want to go with, and if you need any reminders on details of what any characters look like, feel free to ask.

To be honest I can see Ur being a kind enough master to let even the old harem members get a mouthful of semen when he's done fucking the younger ones, so that could ease the withdrawal period, right? By that time I expect Ur to have enough boons to fuck himself through a whole clan in one session.

Ur's balls will probably have a direct planar gate to the elemental demiplane of semen by then.

So orc dick withdrawal can be prevented through close contact right? So Alieda just needs the occasional cuddle, dicking, or for her to show that this old gal can still suck the chrome off a car bumper to keep sane?

Sure. Hell, you could just give her a cup of jizz to drink once a week and that'd do it.

but that seems dangerous, Sure, get some young twenty year old addicted to orc dick, but when she's in her 50s and can't breed, that's when you take her off? Wouldn't she go through massive withdrawals, which would be even more horrible for someone entering their older years.

Patrick Idleman
Yup, it's pretty rough. No-one ever said being addicted to orc dick was all sunshine and roses.

What is the general goal of a lore demon

Good heavens, is this a Disciple of Elshhu question? I think this might be a first...
Lorekeeper Demons seek to expand their own knowledge and add to the Infernal Archive, and will go to extreme lengths to pursue information which they don't possess. However, they are not at all selfish with the lore of the Infernal Archive, and indeed take a great deal of pleasure in passing on information to others, generally to those who could do the greatest harm with it.

Apart from the last orc king, did the orcslayer kill any other notable orc warriors during the fall of the orc kingdom?

That's a long list.

When Aza'ra decides to go walkabout, will we be able to ask her to explore in a specific direction? Could we request her to explore the city to the south or to head east toward the lands of the old orc kingdom, for example? Or will she just say "Do it yourself, you lazy bitch. I go where I please."

I was planning to give you some input on that.

Will Ur'shal's ability to screw Aza'ra senseless be an important part of keeping her from straying too far and entice her to come back?

Probably, certainly wouldn't hurt his chances of keeping her around.

How sexually frustrated do Skor'oz Zik priestesses get when wandering the wild places of the world?

Pretty frustrated, but that's all part of the endurance training.

Is it acceptable for a Skor'oz Zik priestess to challenge orcs (or even non-orcs if she was so inclined) to a test of toughness and survival skills where finds herself an inhospitable, inaccessable location and they must see if they can reach her. (Whoever gets to her first gets to breed with her.)

Sure, good way of ensuring a hardy breeding partner.

So how bad is withdrawal from Orc? Can you die of it? Do you get the shakes? Would you say its deadlier to be addicted to Orc than to alcohol or cocaine? Will Aleida die of a heart attack from our dick some day? ;_;

>So how bad is withdrawal from Orc? Can you die of it?
Not directly, though the lack of self-control and one-track dick focused mind you get when going through withdrawl can lead to taking suicidal risks.
>Do you get the shakes?
Can happen, yes.
>Would you say its deadlier to be addicted to Orc than to alcohol or cocaine?
Not physically, no. Orc addiction doesn't directly lead to any sort of physical degradation or medical conditions save those that result from repeated pregnancy without breaks if the orc(s) around the addicted individual don't give them time to recover. Mentally of course it is far more addictive than either of those things, and at worse can reduce a person to a drooling nymphomaniac with barely a trace of their former personality. That tends to be in extreme "taking dick 24 hours a day every day" cases mind you.
>Will Aleida die of a heart attack from our dick some day? ;_;
No. Well, I mean, if Ur is still banging her when she's old then it might lead to a heart attack, but that wouldn't be addiction so much as the fact that old women can't really handle vigorous sexual marathons with seven and a half foot warriors with footlong dicks. Presumably though Aleida will be taken off active dick-handling duties once she passes the age she can produce whelps at.

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If we ever fuck the Orcslayer, I want to call her the Orclayer for obvious reasons.

You should also make sure you have another orc around to go "awww snap!" when you say it.


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