

Ask @BrightTegu

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How are the slaves treated by the Stonetusks? Aside from dicking/working, are they treated reasonably (so long as they stay in line) or are they abused/beaten/humiliated?

Your clan doesn't really have a unified position on that. Some treat them alright as long as they stay in line, others take a bit more enjoyment in pushing them around and humiliating them.
As long as it doesn't reach the stage of costing the clan valuable slaves, most of your lieutenants haven't really been enforcing any particular code of behavior towards them.

How many warriors would it take to easily take each ofor the smaller villages?30?50? And whichanging of our lieutenants has the experience to smoothly pull a raid like that off?

Well, the smaller villages are around 30-50 people, which will probably include some dedicated warriors and hunters, and at least a spellcaster or two, so it's up to you to decide how many would take it easily.
The most experienced raiders among your lieutenants would be Koz'rak, Ya'zada and Or'kug. The rest are all pretty inexperienced at it, but they'd all give it a good shot.

And how long would it take for Ur to heal up, with just Y'zagya Zoka's regeneration boon at level 1? Did Zol'gor Tor like/dislike how we eventually handled the elf? I think taking the hit was a somewhat shrewd/cunning, if desparate move.

Less time than natural healing.
Who knows, wait and see what favor you get next time.

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I doubt we'd fine ballistae particularly useful anytime soon. Don't think we'd be doing a lot of sieges in the wastes, especially not on terrain flat enough for ballistae.

Yeah, lack of things to besiege in the wastes.

Since an elf woman can live for such a long time, what happens when their master either dies of old age or becomes to old to bear more children? Do they become something akin to family heirlooms, passed along to the next virile orc relation of the former master? Or does a chieftain reassign them?

It's the chieftain's choice what happens to slaves, so it's his right to reassign them when their master dies, or if their master can't bear children, though doing so might be insulting to the orc in question, so they generally only do that with orcs they don't like.

Once we have access to wood without risking getting shot full of elven arrows, is it possible for us to build ballistae, or do we not have anyone with the requisite know-how yet? I want to get some ogre-portable artillery that our orcs can operate.

None of your orcs know how to make such a thing. You'd probably need to enslave an engineer or two.

Did Ash have lower bonuses or a lower DC when fighting treants than if we had told her to mess with the spellcasters? Since it seems like it'd be easier for her to mess around on ground level, I mean, or did it just make it more effective when it worked?

Just more effective. Her earth magic worked better on the treants, particularly the magma beacause, you know, wood. On the other hand, her mind affecting magics work better on something which doesn't have a brain made out of wood.

How good is Ur at fighting with only one hand? Maybe just using the other for small things. We could totally start dueling our clan members from weakest to strongest to get used to it, couldn't we? Is it Ur's off hand that was injured, or his main one(left or right as wel)?

It's his off hand, the left one.

I got an epiphany today, our harem need twins. Preferably elvish. And don't bullshit me with "But anon, all the elves look the same to me".

But anon, all the elves look the same to me.

Y'zagya Zoka is pleased by taking slaves, right? I sure hope milfgod thinks we've earned improved regeneration, sitting out fights for weeks doesn't sound good.

Sadly life is not always that convenient. Be thankful for orcish powers of healing making it only two weeks to regain full use of an arm that got impaled in the first place.

Has Ur'shal lost a little bit of respect from K'zala and Sho'ka for his unexpectedly mediocre performance against the female elf captain?

Not really, that elf was scary fast, the two of them could barely keep up with your fight, so they're not going to think less of you for having trouble with her since you did win.

So how would you rate our first elf raid? How wold the more experience clan members rate it? We did pretty poorly I guess, but over all, I think it went well, especially if we get some decent loot.

Could've been a lot worse, you succeeded on the assault and your spellcasters were effective at shutting down enemy magics before it fucked your warriors over. The only one who really suffered on the raid was Ur himself, who to be fair did end up in a duel with the scariest warrior the settlement had, as befits an orc chieftain.
As for loot (and favor), you'll find out next time.

What happened to any pregnant slaves left behind the wall, were any not showing when the wall appears, There must be some half orcs over there.

Given the strong anti-orcish sentiments on the other side of the wall, the best said halfbreeds could have hoped for was being taken away to foreign lands which didn't have such a hateboner for them.
Of course this is all conjecture as your people have no way of knowing what's happening beyond the wall right now.

Is it a common strategy for orcs to enslave priests and priestesses of other races to have them cast their god's divine magic for the good of the clan? Or do most gods withdraw their favor to priests that are captured by orcs to prevent poaching of divine power?

Most gods will withdraw divine magic if it's being used for things opposed to their religion, which would most likely include being an orc slave and helping orcs enslave and make war with others, in most cases.
There are exceptions, such as gods like Ylugri who don't give a shit, or gods like Durna who don't see it as a bad thing, but most non-orcish deities will withdraw their favor.

Remind me, have we heard of a clan to the west, beyond the Tonguerippers, at least 150 members strong?

You know nothing of any of the clans further west, just that there are clans who went further west.

How busy has Ku'zag been casting Sanctify Birth on the clan's women and breeding slaves? Anyone we know expecting whelps?

Not yet, most of your women are still too early on in the pregnancy to show. In another few weeks your poor old shaman's going to have to do the rounds of pretty much the entire damned clan's females and slave women though.

Would Ash like it if we had her teach us languages?

I doubt she would have much of an emotional response to it one way or another.

So how did Ku'zag end up as his older sister's mate? Did they have to complete some epic task to prove to their clan they were worthy to mate with each other? Or did Ku'zag just walk up to his sister and say "Hey, I think you're really fit. Let's Fuck"? Or was it his sister that thought he was fit?

Bit of an embarrassing story for your old shaman actually. He took offense to the choice of mate the chieftain picked for his sister when she came of age, so when he came of age he challenged his sister's mate to a duel. After he won, the chieftain just went "well, guess she's your mate now!" The old Stonetusk chieftain from Ku'zag's youth was a bit of an odd one like that.
He took some time getting used to it, but his sister seemed rather taken with him following the duel and came on pretty strong, and in time he came to enjoy it, even if it hadn't really been his original intention.

I wonder if Ashuris actually enjoying licking us clean. She probably developed a taste for our semen already, but what about the act itself? I guess she's used to pussy juice from her coven days.

Well, she wouldn't admit it if she did, that's for sure.

Would getting magic tattoos impact oir growth somehow? I'd rather get to high levels and only use those once we're already strong. Also rather not get the fireresistance, firegod would give that to us ventually anyway, right?

It wouldn't impact your growth, but obviously there's only so much space to work with, and magic tattoos are no easier to remove than the regular kind, so getting a low level enchanted tattoo is a pretty permanent decision.

>Implying orcs won't just into space when they've fucked all the other races out of existence.

Raping across the galaxy.


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