

Ask @BrightTegu

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>Oops, didn't write that in. Basically the ones he's got, one for fire resistance and one to boost will. Could we get those right wawy? What does getting them entail?

Time, effort, magical rituals, and the right reagents to make the ink from. So no, not right away, but you could speak with him about it and have some of your orcs go out looking for the necessary ingredients.

How about from The Wall to the far end of Tongueripper territory, to the far end of the Skyhunter territory, and a bit into the southern jungle, for abyss sense area?

A long time.

Orcish eugenics are wonderful, shame that orcish genetics are roo dominant and eventually get rid of beneficial traits from other species.

The Orcish dickpocalypse is a terrifying inevitability.

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That's fine, since you confirmed that it is possible. We might get there eventually, and we'll find out then.

Good luck.

What sort of tattoos does Bra'kur know how to enchant?

Oops, didn't write that in. Basically the ones he's got, one for fire resistance and one to boost will.

At what level will Sense Abyss let us pinpoint the location of every abyssal being in the whole wastes? In our territory?

That would be telling, but you've got a way to go before it can cover an area that large or be that accurate.

So does Brakur use Divine or Arcane? He seemed to imply that he's not a normal shaman and more of a spellcaster.

Bra'kur is a sorcerer, so arcane magic, his clan didn't have a shaman.

Can a priest or shaman also study arcane magic? Or does being a divine magic user mean that you can't cast arcane spells?

Divine magic and arcane magic work on quite different principles, so while a spellcaster could learn both kinds, it would be very inefficient and difficult, so most don't bother.

So how much larger than normal orcs will our halfbreeds with ashuris be? A considerable increase in fighting power? What about half dragons? would a half dragon naturally be considered a valuable asset to the tribe on par with it's shaman or priest?

Half-ogres will be around 8-9ft tall on average when fully grown.
Half-dragons are a valuable asset, but a clan shaman is a unique position, so they probably wouldn't be considered on a par with that.
Of course given their natural talent for magic, a half-dragon could easily end up as a shaman or priest.

Could you host a small vote for bringing Sho'ka and K'zala next thread? I'm afraid i might not make it.

I'll try to remember, sure.

Are Sho'ka And K'zala staying behind?

Probably, unless you specifically want to bring them with you.
Bring it up next thread if you do.

Do the other orc gods have divine servants that can be summoned by their priests and shamans?

All gods have divine servants.

I mean, just look at that half giant chief, not only does he take slaves, he's also a dick to his clan members and a tremendous asshole. That's already someone worse than us.

Rest assured you have a whole parade of assholes still to meet.

Can Zol'gor Tor's blade sharpening boons and Zul'orok Zhar's weapon strengthening boons both stack and be used on magical equipment? Ur'shal's axe+Blade sharpening+Weapon strength=Pure pwnage.

Sure, boons can stack.

>implying having 20 or so women as breeding slaves to the race best at sex is so horrible They don't have to work, fear poverty, or fear their lives. We really haven't been all that horrible. Not hard to top us.

No doubt, while Ur couldn't really be called the good guy, he's a hell of a lot better than many things out there in the setting.

When Aleida called Kasimir a monster, has she taken into count that Ur'shal has ordered 20+ women to be pack raped and used as brood mares for his clan, and has no problem letting his ogre witches perform human sacrifices? Has Kasimir managed to top that?

Guess you'll have to find out from the woman herself. It does certainly seem from the way she's talking that she considers Kasimir to be worse than Ur, but that might just be personal bias.

Warlord what happens to the kids Ashuris gives birth to (AKA our handsome/beautiful half-orclings untainted by the curse of the giant gods)? Will they be magically inclined like their mother? But because orc genes are dominant they would not be able to use Ygulri-worship-based magic right?

They will be magically inclined, however they won't be magically inclined towards any particular kind of magic, which is just as well, since as you say, Ylugri won't grant them divine magic if they worship him.

How do Ur'shal's slaves like his approach to 'question time?' Is it unusual for an orc to take an interest in his slaves opinions and their history?

Well, both the slaves he's taken that approach with seemed to enjoy it, and yes, expressing any real interest in a slave's background is fairly unusual, though not unknown.

What possible reason could an orc warlord have for bringing his entire clan's warriors leaving his women, chldren and slaves unattended? Why was that even an option?

It wouldn't be the entire clan (especially since many of your females can fight), but it would have left you with very much a skeleton crew.

In the next thread, can we ask Aleida about what she thinks about Inka's begging Ur'shal to not steal her soul? On one hand, it seems a fanciful notion. On the other, though, Ur'shal came very close to losing his soul to the abyss when it invaded his dreams.

Sure, I'll bring that up.

What could favors with Y'zagya Zoka be used for? Successful births? Successful mindbreaks?

Rerolls relating to slaves, including allowing the slave to make a reroll for the likes of Ashuris whom you can actually use in battle.

What kind of life has Aleida lived if she considers being an orcish chieftain's breeding slave to be relatively safe and preferable to some other fates that could have befallen her and Inca?

You'll find that out next time, since she still hasn't answered that part of the original question.

Although breeding slaves can't earn boons, can they spend favor to improve rolls relating to Y'zagya Zoka's sphere of influence i.e. resisting disease and receiving protection from violence?

No. Instead you can spend your favor with Y'zagya Zoka to allow rerolls on failed rolls by your slaves or relating to them. In the same way, Tak'zaya Ska favor can be used for rerolls relating to any beasts or mounts you have.


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