

Ask @BrightTegu

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Will music become more important as the horde grows? There is a reason why old school military had music or something that can reach a lot of people for order back than.

It certainly wouldn't hurt, you can develop such things as you get bigger.

Would the orcs have the sinilarvnusical set up as the mad max bad guys did, Except with more drums and vocals?

Such things have been done in the past, usually from the backs of massive warbeasts.

Who's the most likely to give Ur a rimjob of her own initiative?

I don't think you've really got anyone in your harem right now who would exactly fit that, unless Inka somehow got it into her head that Ur really wanted one I suppose.
That said, I'm not going to be writing a scene of Ur getting rimmed for the simple reason that I don't personally find it arousing at all.
If someone else wants to write some rimjob fanfic though I guess you're welcome to.

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(If they can, they will keep the mother around to pass off to the nearest orc tribe) I take that Skor'oz Zik priests can become quite popular if they can regularly bring back breeding stock that has the Skor'oz Zik seal of approval to an orc clan?

Skor'oz Zik priests are generally popular with the clans they visit, they not only sometimes pass off women they've taken to the clan, usually with the priest's whelps in her belly, but they also provide information on the surrounding area which can be useful for orcs to locate supplies or raid targets.

(most likely to produce the hardiest children) Would this mean that Skor'oz Zik devotees have different standards with who they choose to breed with? Say, for example, would they prefer to mate with a skinny little goblin gal who fights for survival daily rather than a pampered curvy shortstack?

Yes, the skinny goblin gal who fights for survival would be more appealing to a Skor'oz Zik devotee than some pampered shortstack who grew up in opulent luxury. He'd want his whelps to inherit that scrappy determination after all.

I can just imagine some amazing female warrior of great renown who goes across the country doing mighty deeds constantly getting pestered by orcs specifically looking to fuck her. Like, she's in the middle off fighting off some abyssal monstrosity and some orc just shows up to try and give her the D

Yeah, if you're a powerful female in the setting and word of your achievements get around, it's pretty much a sure thing that some orcs will come looking for you sooner or later.

I'm guessing milf God does not look kindly at the hobo priest who leave behind their children.

She's not particularly fond of it, no, given how low the survival rates are for orcish whelps who aren't passed off to a clan.
Skor'oz Zik's argument is that he'd rather one strong orc survive to father the next generation rather than a hundred weak ones.

Would it be a mistake to think of Skor'oz Zik as the orc god of No Fun Allowed? While he's not as focused on debauchery as Y'zagya Zoka, he's an orc god. Which means that he's a violent sex fiend at his core. (Plus breeding is essential to the longterm survival of the orc race.)

Skor'oz Zik is as big a violent sex fiend as any other orc, he just doesn't like orcs who get too wrapped up in it and grow weak as a result, which means that he's often one of the more gruff ones when it comes to orcs who take to the Y'zagya Zokan lifestyle a little too much.
Skor'oz Zik's priests extend their views to sex and breeding too. The tribal peoples they meet when wandering the harsh wilds of the world, who are most likely to produce the hardiest children, often end up fair game for a few half-breed bastards before the Skor'oz Zik priest moves on. If they can, they will keep the mother around to pass off to the nearest orc tribe they can find to raise the whelps, or if that's not possible, they simply leave her and their offspring to take their chances.

Turns out LostTribe is alive, in both meanings! He got tboned by a car, broke a rib and several bones in his leg, but is going to qm again in a few days.

I saw, hyped for the next run.

Has any Orc had the daring to knock up an princess (or get knocked up by prince in the case of a female orc) and then claim that the resulting whelps are legitimate claimants to a throne?

Not really, since most kingdoms would not recognize the right of an orc to rule.
Not to say that some orcish warlords with a sense of humour haven't made claims to that effect just to rub the kingdom's nose in the fact that they knocked up a member of the royal family.
Hell, there's been orcish warlords who have invaded kingdoms just because they've heard a lot of stories about how beautiful the princess of the kingdom is (or how mighty a warrior she is, that's good too). Kul'zog Zor, back in his mortal days, did it on four separate occasions.

Would an Orc a Protoss? Could an Orc a Protoss?

>Would an Orc a Protoss?
He's give it a good try.
>Could an Orc a Protoss?
I'm afraid I'm not up to speed on Protoss reproduction so I couldn't tell you. If all else fails I suppose the orc would just have to settle for intercrural or jerk off in the Protoss' freaky blank face or something.

Have we missed the opportunity to add Aza'ra to Ur'shal's harem?

Not necessarily, though she's starting to get that itch to travel again, so you should probably move soon if you want the chance before she goes exploring.

Are you saying that sneksex would be a good way to train stamina/END? Is that the way to please Y'zagya Zoka and Skor'oz Zik at the same time?

Ur's endurance is already at a level where sneksex is obsolete for stamina training purposes.

>implying best girls when one lost townhouse pussy and the other is only for ntr

Townhouse pussy? Is this some turn of phrase I'm not aware of. Does Isyil's pussy somehow resemble a townhouse?

I will say a universe where we dont team up with ogres and goblins feels very un-orcy

Go for it, just remember that ogres are angry retards and goblins are sneaky backstabbing little assholes.

Warlord is racist to Orgres. Rise up my brethren the tyrants days are numbered!

How are you even using a computer without smashing it?

Really? I know we haven't talked about her in a while, but has Bra'kur finally gotten Rasha to calm herself a bit?

Yeah, he's broken her in.

Would Kul'zog Zor priests and devotees, and possibly Zul'orok Zhar's as well, balk at the use of naturally occurring hallucinogenic fungi to induce battle rage for fear of drawing Mul'orog Grul's attention?

Yes, in fact most orcs who are aware of Mul'orog Grul's existence would. An orc who regularly used such things would have reactions ranging from suspicion to an axe in the face.

I mean, I know this might be hard to judge, but from an objective standpoint, Dru'ak, Zo'rok and most of our sexually active lieutenants are top tier at breaking in slaves right? We have 11 lamia or something and I understand we gotta hand em out, but they need to get on that shit ASAP, fam.

They seem to have done good work with all the other slaves you gave them.


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