

Ask @BrightTegu

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So just checked tg and it seems you have dropped golem quest. Does that mean good news (threads) for us fa/tg/uys that only follow orc warlord quest?

I haven't dropped it, I'm just spending some more time thinking about how to run it.
As for your other question, no, it will make no difference. I promised at the start of Golem Knight Quest that it was always going to be running around Orc Warlord Quest, not instead of it.

How long did it take for us to fight off the poisoning?

Once Ku'zag had treated you, you fought it off the majority of the effects within a matter of hours.
Ur's still feeling a little ill from the aftereffects, but not enough to interfere with his life (or his dice rolls).

What kinda sorceror is our new halfdwarf?

He's more of a generalist than specializing in any one type of magic.
He does love big, flashy spells mind you, but that's more to do with his personality than anything else.

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>a bit So more pecks on the lips, rather than tongue kisses?

Sure why not. Kissing isn't really a big orcish thing though.

Was Inka schlicking because of all that orc-warrior-back-from-battle-with-his-harem-on-top-of-him musk?

Who knows, she was certainly getting all hot and bothered about something.

I forget, did we ever do oral on someone? We should gt Inka riled up like that next time.

I don't believe you have so far, no.

So... did she orgasm while blowing us, or while deepthroating us? When and how/why?

She didn't, but she was pretty damned turned on by the time she was done.

>Aleida took it to the base >orc woman would have trouble with the size I certainly hope that wasn't some heresy just now, implying orcs aren't the bet at somethig, especially something related to sex.

She still has one tusk is the issue here. Ur has no desire to risk getting his dick shredded.

Can orcs kiss, or do te tusks get in the way of that? Couldn't Ya'zada blow us now that she's missing one of her tusks?

Tusks kind of get in the way, although they can, a bit. Mostly Orcs rely on close physical contact over kissing to express affection.
Ya'zada might have trouble with that even with one missing tusk, given Ur's size, in general don't expect to be getting a blowjob from any orc women.

How big is Sief's dick?

About 8.5 inches, not that he's aware he's got a big dick considering how naïve he is about such things.

Does every non-orc thing have to be a slave? I understand not a mate, but at times when orcs negotiated with other kingdoms and were given princesses I'd think part of the deal would at least be concubine in title if nothing more.

Orcs do not have to enslave every last non-orc they come across by law, a chieftain or warlord is more than capable of making exceptions for individuals or other groups for a variety of reasons. Negotiations with another kingdom to be given a princess might end up with the princess being a "concubine", sure, but it would be pretty obvious to both sides that she wouldn't be treated any differently for the title.
There have also been non-orcs who have worked for orcs as mercenaries and hired specialists, or simply out of some sense of friendship or camaraderie with an orc, though most non-orcs would consider anyone who does so to be an amoral traitor to their own kind.

Further, do more bizarre half-breeds need to learn the ropes from their non-orc parents? Like, would half-dragons have to spend time with their mothers learning how to breathe fire, as obviously no orc will know how to do it? Does such time spent together produce any kind of bond?

Firebreathing comes natural to dragons and half-dragons. In some cases though, yes, a halfbreed might need to learn something from their non-orc parent, and in that case there might be more of a bond formed, though too close of one forming would be frowned upon.

Half-orc children are raised communally and don't have much too do with their slave parents, but in some cases who their parents are is inescapable, like for the children of the only slave of obvious species X. Do such half-breeds have more to do with their parents than other half-orcs?

Not in particular, since most halfbreeds are raised to think of themselves as orcs and their slave parent as just another slave. Some might be closer than others, but it isn't a common thing even for more unusual halfbreeds.

I suppose a gift of the guants is I bet the tonguerippers arnt free from fighting them either. We still get our buffer.

Perhaps, maybe you should ask the gaunts.

I think the mitigation is write in since Warlord seems to give us extra mods for good ideas.

Errm, yeah, okay.

Is there any way to mitigate this kind of string of failures in the future? I don't mind failing because we did something stupid, but this feels like there was literally nothing we could do to prevent this from going to hell; no amount of planning can change the roll of the dice, and it sucks.

I really don't know what to tell you, dice always have the potential to fuck one over.
Seems like nowadays the answer to all bad rolls is "copy Soma", but I'm reluctant to do that because just ripping off someone else's dice system seems cheap to me, also because I don't have the whole magic points to downgrade failures or upgrade successes thing.

Ah yeah. I was wondering when you were going to write the next smut scene. But it seems like this entire thread has been Ur'shal getting fucked.

Hot steamy Gaunt on Orc action.

I swear, if you dare kill muscletits, I don't know what I will do, but it will not be with good intentions. No depressed amputee waifu either, please. She's one of out best warriors and she hasn't even given us any kids.

She's not dead yet, you baby.

Awwwwwwww yeah. Failure time in Orc Warlord quest!

Every time I worry I've made the rolling system too generous, /tg/ dice find a way.

What do you think about the scene with Mr. Wyatt?

I liked it, hell I voted for it.
I was the one who said he would have liked more buildup to it, would've been cool to see how they went about seducing Mr Wyatt before the smut happened, but I understand that Joe was tired and was really only putting that scene in as one last favor for people.

Lordy, is the ideal situation that an orc truthfully loves their mates? I think some anon implied being mates was just a fuckbuddy+commitment thing. Ideal as in what is supposed to be what mateship is, you know what I mean.

There isn't really an ideal of mateship in orcish society, as long as your mate is popping out litters than, as far as orcish society is concerned, she's doing her part.
Some orcs love their mates, some orcs do just see it as a fuckbuddy+commitment thing, both are fine as far as orcs are concerned.

>a single hour left Maybe you should announce on twitter? Considering you didn't do a half-a-day warnig or anything.

Yeah, I was about to.

Actually, I contacted the ask team and got my ask account recovered by "Victor". Took only 4 or so days, I'll just have to get back to him about it though because I'm still IPbanned/considered a bot on my PC, sending this from the app on my tablet.

I see.


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