

Ask @BrightTegu

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Y'zaga Zoka used to be a pirate; do orcs have the technical know-how to build boats, or is that the sort of thing they loot or coerce others to build? Do they crew their own ships, or use press-ganged sailors? DO they sail, or is it all rowing with galley slaves? How easily do they learn to swim?

Orcs can certainly build boats, although your clan lacks the technical knowhow to do so since the few old orcs you have, none of them were ever boatbuilders or sailors. Remember that Skor'oz Zik is, amongst other things, a god of seafaring.
Generally they crew their own ships rather than do press-ganging, and they do actually use sailing boats rather than galley slaves. Orc ships will usually have a few slaves on board either for specialized roles, grunt work, or just to keep the crew happy on long journeys.
As for how well orcs learn to swim, about as well as humans.

"Don't get banned again." I'm the anon who got in trouble for the goblin tts, and that wasn't me, actually.

Ah well, either way, you all need to be careful about linkspamming, even if it is something relevant, because I don't think ask really cares to check.

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>Do half-orc whelps do better drinking their non-orc mother's milk or an orcish milkmaid? What about half-orcs whose non-orc half isn't a mammal, like half-dragons? Do they still take milk?

for those who have a non-mammalian mother who can't produce milk, yeah, they need other orcs around to provide it.

Do orcs ever use their animals as beasts of burden? Like, for a long migration, how much gets piled on an animal's back? Do orcs built carts or sledges or anything like that? what about chariots?

Yes, as much as the animal can comfortably carry on long journeys. Yes, they build carts and sledges, chariots not so much.

Orcs don't do agriculture unless they can get slaves to do it, but do they have animal husbandry beyond that required for war animals? Do they milk their mounts, for instance? Herd anything edible? We know they ride wargs when they can, but what's the orcish stance on horses?

Some orcish clans have amassed herds of native prey animals, and yes, if their mounts can be milked, they will do so, but in general they consider tending to herds and such to be slave work too.
The orcish stance on horses is generally negative, they prefer riding bigger, meaner things. Though in one of the faraway orcish lands you understand that they have slowly bred a kind of particularly big, sturdy and foul-tempered horse.

Do half-orc whelps do better drinking their non-orc mother's milk or an orcish milkmaid?

No noticeable difference, really.

What's the main source of water for orcs in the wastes? There doesn't seem to be seem to be much in the way of creeks or oases in their part of tne world.

There are some oases and creeks around, not many though, and they tend to be jealously guarded. You may start to have issues supporting a clan the size of your one in the wastes in time.

How many fingers do orcs have? Are there any special numbers or colors in orcish culture?

Same number as humans. There's no special numbers, though some colors have significance to different deities, like reds, oranges and other "fiery" colors for Kul'zog Zor.

Considering that orc women can give birth to litters of 3 to 4 whelps while having only one pair of breasts, how does an orc woman feed her newborns? Do orc women secrete enough milk to feed all their children, or do they have to organize wet nurses to feed them all until they move onto solid foods?

They secrete quite a bit, perhaps not enough for a big litter, but they move on to solid foods very quickly, while their mothers keep producing milk for some time afterwards. This excess milk can be fed to other whelps, which helps with the communal nature of orcish society.

Does Ur keep that trinket(?) with Zul'orok Zhar's protection on it that helped us against the abyssal monster in the tomb we found our axe in?

He did, but the power has faded by now.

Are whelps of priests and shamans more likely to become priests and shamans themselves when they come of age?

It's possible, there are certainly (unproven but popular) theories that aptitude at magic is hereditary, though since children are generally raised communally, the whelp of a priest or shaman would not be raised any more religiously than any other member of the clan.

Are those Gaunts the bodies we came across on the way here? Would smahing them to dust or burning them have prevented this?

The jewelry on the one you spotted sure looks familiar, though you can't be completely sure. There's a lot more now than there were in that group of bodies you met earlier.

Does Ur know what Gaunts are?

Nope, guess he's about to get a crash course.
That said, Ur doesn't really know what zombies are either, the necromancer you fought only ever had skeletons.

Oh, so we successfully humiliated it?

You beat its ass inside its own abyssal realm so badly that it had to retreat.
Also you convinced Za'zarag to help, which may have actually been worse than the beating.

Those Wurmkillers better still be alive by the time we get to them though. (Those wargs really lost half their tribe to zombies? )

>Those wargs really lost half their tribe to zombies?
Oh no, anon, if those were zombies I would have said zombies. Those are Gaunts, which are something entirely different.

Yeah, I get that, but how is a god being hyped come into play?

He is guessing that Zul'orok Zhar is hyped from the fact you beat up and humiliated an abyssal creature, I believe.

"Given how hype the god was about..." One of the questions you answered had this, and I don't know what it's referring to.

He was referring to the fight with the horror in the nightmare realm alongside Za'zarag.

>protect these guys from guants >cool, get iron blessing >wipe out Tonguerippers >more iron blessing?

Purging abyssal influences from the wastes would certainly earn you some big points in Zul'orok Zhar's book, yes.

>how hype the god was about I do not remember any god being hyped at any point in time. Help me out, Lordy?


Meant to ask, if you can give me a description what the troll/orc would look like.

No idea, but let's break it down if you are insistent on knowing.
Firstly it would be orc-colored and orcish looking in general terms, add to that that it would have a height somewhere between orc and troll, so around 9-10ft tall if the "doner" was an average young adult troll as per the ones you've met. Arms would probably be a little longer and posture more slumped than an orc, like a troll. Additionally, like a troll it would take on traits from its surrounding environment while maturing, which in the case of the wastes would make it an Orc/Rock Troll, so it would also probably gain patches of harder, rocky hide along the shoulders, forearms and spine, and beady gem-stone looking eyes.

Given how hype the god was about us fighting the abyss demon in that fever dream, what's the odds of getting a boon in this guant fight? Them buring bodies and saying Guant was a dead giveaway btw

Hmm, that would be telling.


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