

Ask @BrightTegu

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Let's say we are on as good terms with our fire god(Kul'zog Zor?)as we are with Y'zagya Zoka, how long does it take to learn flamethrower?

Depending on how good your teacher is and how much time you spend studying it, a few days.
Now gaining enough skill at manipulating magical energy to maintain it for as long as Lor'gul was, that requires more time and effort.

Can our shaman do the flamethrower the young shaman was doing? How long would it take for us to learn that?

Ku'zag can do that, sure, he just doesn't fight much because he has trouble moving fast enough to survive on the battlefield.
As for how long it would take you to learn that, right now it would take quite a while and some very good rolls, the more favor you earn with the gods though, the easier it would be to study their magics.

Would an orc who was gifted a well used communal slave care that his new slave probably carries someone else's whelps in her?

Probably not, since a personal slave is quite valuable, and he can just keep fucking her after she births her first whelps.
Now giving someone a communal slave past breeding age would probably just be seen as an insult.

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Good, then can you give me some thorough descriptions of how a troll looks like an an orc in this setting?

>how a troll looks like an an orc
Uh, what?

Can i commission an artist to do the semen pit troll idea?

You can commission an artist to do whatever you want. I can't promise I won't be horrified by the results however.

Would they figure it out from our actions, or is it a "my priestly sense is tingling, blessed orc nearby!"

A little of both, though a more powerful priest would pick up on it a lot quicker due to "priest sense tingling".

Let's say we have been blessed by god X. Would a priest of X know that we have been blessed by X as soon as they saw us? When would they realize, if not?

Depends how you've been blessed, some are more obvious than others.
After spending some time around you though, they'd probably figure it out either way.

We aren't lucky enough for the elves to have disproportionately high birthrate of females, are we?

Probably not, they won't have a whole lot less females than males though, like the orcs of the wastes do.

Top1ThM,ZvM88Th,lDM2VMR,nV0IGKZ,eNZQkK2,L5ASlpf,ShKaqJY,uIVJlW2,kJO5sZy,rfNmFbR,8X0FloM,cXxjsy3,MBr6Cqb,KeeBmCB,RfaMFAk,wNYeILI,M32HRqP,hf2mm61,9ikf890,EJFQf65,nTd9mGE,CSuCfht,LbcSkaH add this after the comma from previous ask

Try not to get banned again.

Orcs and men is a decent game in need of polish and extra development, I like the devs and their new ideas, so I usually get their games.

Fair enough, I wasn't incredibly impressed with what I heard, but perhaps there's more to it than I heard.

The dialogue is a bit cliche but still funny. Overall I suggest it, you might get some inspiration from it. If you want I can give you some more pics, including funny dialogue.

Go nuts.

Of Orc And Men anon here. I started playing the game, so far it's not BAD, a bit quirky, more fit for someone who prefers to plan things out, but I still find it fun so far. But you are better off pirating it.

Fair enough. I guess it's probably the best Orc PoV game we'll ever get since I doubt the world is ready for a quest about a conquering serial rapist.
I mean the world outside of Japan anyway.
Thanks Alicesoft.

Poor Marta, she was my favorite girl as well, I wrote most of her write-ins.

Get down to that hospital and channel your inner Shinji, anon!

Did you draw inspiration of a game called "Of Orc And Men"? The story is quite similar, and if you didn't. I think the orcs in there could represent yours, at least the males: http://imgur.com/5HOVb8p,vcTUTGP,B2puZSo,EVzFaC2,vvZiSzR,y4jrAJt

I am aware of the game, didn't know about it until after I'd made my setting though when I started looking for images and such to use. Then I discovered the whole "big wall to keep the orcs out" thing.
I considered buying it, but I heard that the gameplay is arse.
As for whether the orcs represent the orcs in my game, I think most orcs aren't quite that HUEG body/ tiny head. Probably a pretty decent representation of the Tonguerippers' general body shape though.

Do you plan/expect a smut scene tonight? Because if no, I won't hold back and will jack it to MSQ.

Hmm, not sure. It's unlikely but possible, depending on where you go and what you do.
>Only jacking it once.

Who was impressed by our pacifying Ya'zada? Are we more respected among the new clan members now?

Pacifying her hasn't necessarily resolved your problems, but it has certainly shown both the former stormhowlers and goatfoots that Ya'zada is under your control, which has its advantages (and maybe some disadvantages too depending on how things go).

Not being sarcastic sir. I just dont use twitter so im just saying thanks on ask. Also more Ashuris smut please.

I'm giving it a slight cooldown before more Ashuris smut since she's had the most scenes so far, but there will be more in the future, don't you worry.

Did you just reveal that gnolls exist in the setting, or was that just hyenas? I think the former might not be a good idea to reveal, since you've said before Ur doesn't know(guess you could say our new clan members knew?). Would Ur fuck these hypothetical gnolls in-quest?

There aren't gnolls per-say in the setting, but there are intelligent hyena-like things out there.
Not really interested in furry stuff though, so Ur won't be giving the D to any of them even if for some bizarre reason you go far enough south to meet them.

>tfw there are people on /tg/ RIGHT NWO who think hyenas aren't cute as fuck I never understood the hate that gnolls get(outside of anti-/d/ people), or why they're automatically considered ugly.

Hyenas are pretty cool. Since Orc Warlord Quest is happening far away from the lands which they are native to though, don't expect to see them in the quest though.

> we tell the old stormhowlers the female ogre that isnt a witch is the best lay in the camp. "Wait, which one is the female then I cant tell" That's the best part!

You really want that ogress to get boned, huh.


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