

Ask @BrightTegu

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What happens to an orc woman if she's found to be barren and unable to bear children?

If she's got useful skills she wouldn't be exiled, she'd always be looked at with pity or contempt by other orcs though.

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1. Are Orcs green in this setting? 2. Do orcs have a system of writing/alphabet? 3. Is there a breakdown of our clan (number warriors, families, war beasts, etc) somewhere?

1. Yes, shades of olive green.
2. Yes, though a lot of it is ripped off from human and elven letters and words
3. It's been posted in Ask and in one of my threads, I'm going to put it up in a paste soon. In the meantime, here it is again:
Stonetusk Orcs - 143 males, 30 females, 23 children (14 male, 9 female), 3 harpy halfbreed eggs.
Stonetusk Slaves - 7 human males, 22 human females (2 too old for breeding), ogress coven (3 witches), 4 ogre males, 1 ogre female, 6 human children (4 male, 2 female)
Prisoners - 7 human males (Slaagyr's zealots)

If a troll ate corrupted orc flesh, would it survive? If a troll ate abyssal fungus, would it sruvive? Would it be corrupted in these cases? If a Tongueripper ate troll flesh/drank troll blood, would it survive? Which cancer kills faster?

You appear to be reaching some sort of question singularity, here, have an ahegao and relax.

Would getting impaled by a stone spike count as a fatal wound? What about being bathed in lava afterwards?

That would probably do it, provided the spike went through vital organs or major arteries.

Okay, but would clearing out the tunnel/trenh itself and only leaving the roof help immensely when e.g. using it against charging enemies?

Sure would.

Well, okay why not tell you, I meant digging out deep and wide spiked tunnels in the earth so they only need to collapse the thin roof left under the foot of the enemy. How long/hard to flood a trench/tunnel w/ lava?

They would still have to pump up the requisite amount of lava, so it wouldn't help a great deal.

Nigger, go and watch that shit right now, find a 1080p torrent of the original 1995(I think?) movie and wath it with English subtitles and Japanese audio. Your powerlevel is unacceptably low.

Maybe someday.

How long does it take for the ogresses to do their "surprise, lava geyser!" magic trick? How about when at the zenith of their power, and how strong would it be? Can they physically prepare some stuff so they can do shit quicker?

Depends on the size of said geyser as to how long it takes. At the zenith of their power and working as a full coven they could probably unleash quite an impressive lava spray, the downside of which is of course that once the lava is up they can no longer control it, so be sure to do it from a long distance!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "physically prepare some stuff" though.

We know some stuff about the Tonguerippers now, right? I know they're basically orcs fed only steroids and drugged up on abyssal PCP, but how superhuman are they? They aren't "jump 20 feet ahead from standing position" type, are they?

From what you've been able to gather from the second-hand accounts of Stormhowlers and Goatfoots who used to be part of clans the Tonguerippers attacked, they are freakishly overmuscled monsters with pulsing red veins through the skin and unpleasant fungal growths. They aren't "jump 20 feet ahead from standing position" types, no, but they can tear apart a regular orc barehanded and shrug off most non-fatal wounds.

Whatever happened to that acid worm we brought back with us when we found Vor'zal? Has Ku'zag or the coven been able to figure out how to store its acidic fluid?

Ku'zag tells you you need glass. Sadly you lack glass right now, or the knowledge of how to properly make and shape it.

Welp the Ghost in the shell movie new ruined mah day.

Never watched any of the movies myself.
SAC was fantastic though.

Would it be cool to enslave the whole harpy population in the north? Possible? Can harpies fight? I assume they're cool if we have bombs or something they can drop enemies, plus maybe recon, but seem more non-fighty

It might be cool, although harpy nests are located all throughout the mountains, so you could never enslave them all. The ones nearby though, sure, you could try it.
Harpies can fight, thanks to sharp toenails and sharp teeth, preferring to wear down prey by divebombing and inflicting dozens of smaller injuries before going in for the kill. They also have a solid aptitude for magic, and pass it on via oral traditions, which they cast through song.

Would it be feasible to link our territory with the Skyhunters' once we absorb them and maintain their shapes? As in, just bridge the gap over the Rockbrute camp, basically? I assume they'd want to stay in the mountain bcoz animals

Perhaps, I mean the territories are only rough estimates of the area you can control really, you haven't started actively staking out lands yet, save that for when you begin proper conquering.

Has Ur stayed about the same as he was at 14?

He grew a bit from 14 to 15, hasn't been much change since then.

>Stonetusk territory doesn't expand to Stormhowler and Goatfoot camps Why? Do we have to fucking station people there?

You lack the numbers to control a territory that large effectively, especially considering that you are remaining somewhat defensive to ensure you don't get taken by surprise by any of your enemies. Therefore the sites of the former stormhowler and goatfoot camps are now abandoned until such time as you can reabsorb that area.
The reason the Tongueripper territory is much larger than yours is because they are crazy fucks who don't care about their personal safety enough to worry about the above things, so they just sent warpacks out wherever to start shit.

So since Ur is only 15 could there be a chance he hasn't finished puberty? Essentially is there an opportunity for him to become stronger, taller, more imposing and obviously the obligatory longer and wider green cock?

Ur is 16, he is probably finished growing since orcish maturity is 14. He might sprout another inch or two, but he already towers over most orcs by a good half foot.

So, have you got that password business figured out, mate? Was it something obvious you just didn't think of? What was you reaction?

My reaction was "wat", when it was a password that I input about a half dozen times while trying to access the google docs from my laptop. I checked to ensure I didn't have capslock on and everything so I have no fucking clue why it wasn't working from there.
All sorted now, and I've set up a recovery email so if I lose it again I can sort it out.

>Inka has no freckles, has black hair Huh, strange, I always envisioned her with light blonde hair and freckles, for some reason. Not complaining though.

The Cragfolk, which is to say the human tribes of the Howling Mountains, tend towards dark hair and pale skin, if there are any blondes or freckly types among them it came from mixing with other ethnic groups.

We clearly need a craglion hide kilt complete with pouch made from the head. Gotta accessorize. We should annoy Ashuris and tackle her with sho'ka to braid her long black hair. How does harpy hair look?

Kind of fluffy, also they tend to grow the occasional feather mixed in with it.

Nigga, that's why I said they're controlled by porn magic, invincible in normal situations, and just as weak, strong, or easy to untie as needed in smut scenes.

The magic of porn pants.

I think freckles are caused by a dominant gene in humans, so does that mean our potential children with Inka could end up freckled? (I think she has freckles, in any case)

Could do, Inka isn't freckled though, I don't recall ever saying she was.


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