

Ask @BrightTegu

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>the Abyss is a cancer on existence itself. Exactly. Cancer can be destroyed. Probably once we ascend.

Good luck, many gods before you have tried.

Okay, I admit, anon is right, right now we're taking the most efficient ways and being blunt for tactics, but later on, it would definitely be best to go all out wrathful blade every so often. Gotta switch it up, mustn't stagnate.

Very wise, chieftain.

How tall is The Wall? How much shorter are the biggest trees in the Southern forest?

If you go into the deeper parts of the southern jungle, there are trees slightly taller than the wall, which is about 40 meters tall.

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>implying we're not being smart now to be able to go full RIGHTEOUS FURY later on The other side of the wall won't know what's coming when it hears the rumble of the soil and roars of the wind.

Well okay, still haven't earned that favor point yet.

>Most divine servants are created from the souls of the dead Since the divine realm of the Crones IS the realm of the dead, do they have an unusually large number of Divine Servants?

The Cronelands is where souls which aren't claimed by any deity end up, so no, no divine servants, just lost souls hoping that they don't get dragged back to the Grey Palaces of the Crones for experimentation.

Are we on our way towards earning favor with Zol'gor Tor? Cause i feel like we favor him more than Kul'zog Zhar. We always plan and go for the smartest route, The only reason we've been so upfront so far is because when dealing with orcs you must be upfront. Now that we're not we can get dirty.

You might well earn some soon, just keep being cunning.

I feel like endgame for this quest is us putting an end to the abyss.

Most would question if such a thing is even possible, the Abyss is a cancer on existence itself.

I imagine the other gods don't have nearly the same number of semi-divine offspring as Y'zagya Zoka, so how do they make up the rest of their divine servants? Do they create the orcish equivalent of angels, or recruit other, lesser divine spirits, or what?

Most divine servants are created from the souls of the dead taken into a deity's divine realm.

Now people are gonna personally seek out abyss monsters in the dream world, but it is also good since it weakens them.

Not like you can control that.
Also making yourself that noticeable to the Abyss would probably be a bad idea and end up with you biting off more than you could chew.
So far you've fought some very small fish in a very big pond.

>Y'zagya Zoka is just a fan of very personal blessings.So do we now have half-god children fighting in Y'zagya Zoka's Divine Army?


>Ur, Ya'zada and Ya'zar. Now what do those three have in common?Oh so if you have fought against the Abyss on it's own terms and won then you have a natural resistance to it?

Yup. Getting to level 2 requires a lot more than a single mental battle against a low level horror though.

>Za'kura was Koz'rak's mate back when he was a Rockbrute. Then why does it say she was a stonetusk?

Because she is now, there is no Rockbrute clan, they all became Stonetusks.

Praises and Abundance to Shubb-Niggoogle, Black Goat of the Web, Mother of a Thousand Docs. Ia! Ia!

>Invoking Shubb-Niggoogle
It's like you want to get tentacle raped.

How/why did Koz'rak get Zak'ura? Who moved on who?

Za'kura was Koz'rak's mate back when he was a Rockbrute, he claimed her because he was the chieftain.

Oh, I thought favor was just how much the dieties liked us, like how we have 2 boons from Y'zagya Zoka and 2 favors, and 1 boon from zul'orok Zhar with 1 favor. Thought it was like affinity or devotion or something.

You get a point of favor for doing something particularly pleasing to a deity, which can be burned later for rerolls on rolls relating to that deity's domain.
Boons are unrelated and more permanent examples of a deity's favor.

I noticed Vor'zal has 4 points with Tak'zaya Ska, does that mean 3 is the maximum points for a non-priest, or can people still get points without being one?

To confirm, favor is part of my new plan for what are basically fate points.
Vor'zal has a lot because he does a lot of things that Tak'zaya Ska approves of, but he's had and burned far more over the years surviving.
Favor can only be burned for things specific to that deity though. I'm going to put up a complete list of what can be used for what later.

Is our blessing from Tak'zaya Ska just because we used to be hunters for the clan and were pretty damn good at it, or because we started to tame wild beasts?

Little of both.

In Abyssal Resistance (lvl 1, Innate, Natural) does Natural mean it's a general orc thing, or is it that Ur was born with this? Or is it a result of resisting the crown?

Note the three orcs who have it.
Ur, Ya'zada and Ya'zar. Now what do those three have in common?
Natural just means that it isn't a blessing from a deity, unlike Boon.

Holy shit the old guys are hardcore. How do we raise Ur's command skill? Experience at being a leader? maybe Zol'gor Tor's blessing?

Experience at being a leader. A boon might do it too.
...and yes, the old guys have had a lot of time to git gud. Ur will surpass them someday.

>Divine Beauty: level 2 Wait, does that mean she can upgrade her beauty beyond what she has now?

Yes, into the realm of it having supernatural effects on people who look at her.

Did Ur also have a parasite dream when he had the fever, or was it the big bad dream for us? Were we even infected by a parasite, or just some bullshit abyssal magic wormed into our body?

Ur's never had an abyssal parasite. His dream was something else entirely.

Is it safe to assume the Abyss isn't a big happy family and the various spawn will likely kill each other ?

Wouldn't that be a relief.

What does Za'kura, Koz'rak's mate, think of his harpy slave Eyeke?

They don't talk to each other much, but there doesn't seem to be any tension either.

Do orcs who are favored by Y'zagya Zoka also end up being favored by Skor'oz Zik? It's sounds like the higher level blessings of Y'zagya Zoka would let an orc take a lot more punishment, which would help gain the attention of Skor'oz Zik.

Skor'oz Zik only cares if it's a challenge. If it's not hard for you because you have supernatural resilience, you're not proving yourself.
So to answer your question, no, it would actually make it harder to gain Skor'oz Zik's blessings if you had high level blessings from Y'zagya Zoka making you capable of taking a ton of punishment.


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