

Ask @BrowniesLuv17

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well that's what this site/app is for that's how I found you idek you but I've asked tons of girls the same question I ask the first time lol

Oh lol that's funny u follow me on insta or somethin?

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you seem popular so I understand do have any kind of I asked about the other day on your instagram

Lol awwe ok and I never put a pic up sayin ask me questions lol ppl just find me I guess lol(:

yea true but I be holding back sometimes but I'm not gonna hold you up from your rest you told me what I wanted to hear so I'm good :)

Lol awwe but i'm not going to sleep yet tho aha (:

But then I won't be able to talk to your cute self<3 ;)

Lol awwe but it's night time where I live so I'm bout to go to bed nite aha(:


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