
Tiffany Marie

Ask @BubblesMarie__X

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What is your usual breakfast?

Depends on how lazy I am that morning. Its either turkey ham , eggs and wheat bread or the occasionally bacon , eggs and pancakes. But if I'm really lazy I eat cereal :)

Do you give money to beggars in the street?

Sometimes, if I look into their eyes and define their character yeah I give em a little cash.

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Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

I read a lot of urban literature, but the book that has had the most impact on me is called The Coldest Winter Ever. Cause like that book is everything ^__^

Who is your best friend?

I have more then one. In real life its these two amazing girls : Jordi && Claudia. On polyvore its : Jaide, Kay , Onii ,Jordon and thats about it.... Well all my sisters are my bestfriends. Ohh and Zhari ! : )

What kills us and what makes us eternal?

Society kills us and a strong spirit makes us eternal ? Hows does one answer a question like this though ?

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

-_____- He is real dammit ! I seen that nigga last year, we had egg nog and some cookies.

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

I would go everyfuckingwhere and do so much crazy shit to people cause I'm bad like that. [ hair flips - struts away ]

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

They way they talk.... I guess ? Like how they use words , if they use slang. That way I know how to talk to them in way they can understand me.
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Language: English