
Caitlin Taylor

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Thoughts? :)

Gaaaaaatzeeey, where do I start? You're honestly such a good friend, you're amazing at all sports especially football, you are a really nice guy, you are sooo funny and you know how to have a good time :-) We've been pretty close since year nine and we have soo many amazing memories, from crazy social studies lessons, to ridiculously competitive pe lessons (lion vs bears) to random get togethers at your place, to random fake study sessions (for accounting last year lol) and so many more. I like how I'm comfortable around you and feel like I can tell you anything and you'll understand where I'm going from and like you won't judge me (true friends right there :-P ) I know we have had our ups and downs (we are both extremely stubborn and don't like to be wrong haha!) but at the end of the day we will always be good mates no matter what happens, because you love me too much to live without me ;-) Your mood swings make me laugh, when you get angry its so funny because everyone knows you'll get over it soon enough. You're so passionate and opinionated about everything you do, its great :-) I love how we are still the same immature kids we were back in year nine, I don't know why but you just seem to make everything hilarious haha! You're a top bloke and I'm lucky to call you my mate because you are honestly such an amazing guy! Can't wait to make even more hilarious memories with ya. ily 5ever xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo

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Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Thoughts on me? =]

Such a great guy, hilarious and really cool to be around :-) you always make the randomest shit funny, its great. You make accounting tolerable which is cool and youre mega nice :-)

thoughts g

Connor Gillanders
Don't really know you that well, but you seem nice and cool as :-) Aaron sounds like hes mean as to you haha. I hear your pretty good at football and from what I've seen you are :-) Oh and I like how you walked into that door that time and got a bruise, sounded pretty funny haha. We should talk more :-)

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Aaron Wilson
You can't spell my name :'( It's Caitlin.. not Caitlyn :-P haha the first time we properly talked was yesterday which is cool, you're really funny and super nice :-) You have a sore back atm so apparently you walk funny.. I need to see you walk so I can laugh at you haha jokes ;-) I like that I'm waaaaay stronger than you and you;re always being sad to Connor :-P I hear you're pretty pro at football too, but yeah nah you seem cool as and we should talk more :-)

thoughts egg :3

Where do i start maaan? Youre honestly such a good friend, always there when i need you and you always know how to make me laugh :-) you are super nice, mega sporty and really friendly to everyone, its great :-) and everyone loves you because of it. Youre good looking and you have da gunnns ;-) haha (dont give me this bs about how you dont lift) I like how you know how to have a good time and you dont let other peoples opinions change your views on things/you dont let people get you down. You have the most amazing smile ever and you teach me your ways in maths ;-) your an amazing friend and a top bloke and im lucky to be your friend :-) ily xoxoxox
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

thoughts on me :D ...

Adel van der Walt
Youre amazing :-) a beastbat all sports but especially judo and hockey. I like how you arent like all the other judo girls :-P youre honestly so funny and pretty asss <3 your eaasy to talk to and i always ave fun when im around you, its great :-) and i love how you never create drama <3 you made the live in great xoxox

You can't complain when people ask mean things to you, you stated 'ask me anything' you can't get upset when they ask. Pointless.

I dont complain when they ask me things? I only get annoyed when people send me negative statements
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Why are you such good friends with Alex Lale?

Too many reasons to list, but mainly because hes a good bloke, we always have fun when we hang out, he doesn't judge me, he never talks shit about me, hes always straight up with me so therefore I can trust him.
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

I heard you fainted are you okay??? :O

Yeah i did, amd im getting there still pretty sick though :O doesnt make me feel any better when people are sending me hate about something thats got absolutely nothing to do with them and they should just mind their own business :-)~ soz that was irrelvant to your question but i felt like it needed to be said.
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

Thoughts on Hayley and Madi?

They are both like the prettiest girls at Rutherford, I'm jealous :O and they are both mega nice and everyone loves them :-) i was really close with Hayley in like year 8, shes awesome as :-) they should both talk to me more though :-) xxx
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson


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