
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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where abouts in amaerica are you atm and how is it?

*America :-) we got to L.A today, its great :-D I'm having the best time and the weather is amazing; thanks for asking haha :-)

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Omg your sister and you look so alike :O you guys are so pretty, im jealous :( xx

aw yeah people say that a lot :-) thanks, don't be youre beautiful :-) xo

Hewahd, izak, manhui,Marlowe,kimberleigh,annika, cathy, Ben,you,dohee, damian,kento, Josip,Carlin,Daniel,Dane,Vlad,jasmine, rosalyn,nigya, aimee, Anna,noriko, nijal, saxon =]

soz for taking forever to answer thisss, Ive been busy :-) anyway here we go:
Hewahd: Anna (year 10 times haha) or georgia.
Izak: Marlowe ;-) or Dohee
Manhui: Richard
Marlowe: Izak ;-) haha jk ily<3 Emma
Kim: Pax
Annika: Daniel, Carlin or Chris
Cathy: Carlin, Peter or Damian
Ben: Najul or Dohee
Me: Im a sluzza that suits everyone ;-) lol jk I dont you,you tell me? :-)
Dohee: Ben
Damian: Cathy or Anna
Kento: He can take his pick, whoever he wants :-P
Josip: Same as Kento :-)
Carlin: Cathy, Anna or Annika
Daniel: Annika
Dane: Danielle
Vlad: Kayla
Jasmine: Dane
Ros: me
Nigya: Zez
Aimee: Dane
Anna: Gatzey, Carlin, Damian or Zez
Noriko: Damian
Najul: Ben
Saxon: I have no idea soz :O
This list isnt great but idc Im too tired to think anymore sorry haha <3

now mac n roz are single who do you think they suit?

both of them are amazing people ad they both deserve nothing but the very vest so i dont know, anyone that makes them happy :-)

who would:suit: cathy zez yotam dane anna izak marlowe annika

cathy can take her pick out of carlin, peter, kento and damian :-)
zez: janelle or anna
yotam: cant think of anyone atm soz brain block D:
dane: danielle
anna: damian, zez or hewahd ;-)
izak: marlowe lol jk soz brain block cant think of anyone :'(
marlowe: izak lol jk; emma
annika: chris, gatzey or carlin

You'll find something ;-) I will miss you x x x

no promises, but i shall try. Miss you already <3 xoxo

Hi baby, ily a mily. I expect some gifts ;)

ily tooo babes, yeah hopefully I find some good stuff xoxoxox

what are you doing right now

trying to find the motivation to pack, otherwise i shall be getring up very early tomorrow to do it so I dont miss my flight haha

carlin vlad chris damian peter riley

carlin and anna
vlad and kayla :-)
chris and annikaor that girl that went/goes to baminton (cant remember her name soz) haha
damian and cathy ;-) soz not soz
peter and um maybe annika or cathy
riley and izak or marlowe ;-) jkkkk <3 haha nah um like dohee i reckon :-)

what girls in year 12 are bitchy?

um none that I know of tbh? Like yeah some people have different opinions on things but I don't think thats bitchy, its just like idk they are just beimg honest? I dont really know all the girls in year 12 well enough to say if they are bitchy or not so yeaah


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