
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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you are so stuck up and think your the hottest girl out, ahahaha, your not as cool as you think you are hunny.

well this is awks.. hate to break it to you sunshine but im the complete opposite to stuck up, i have like no confidence about myself and feel as if everyone is always laughing at me not with me. I do not think im 'hot' let alone 'the hottest girl out' and dont worry, because of people like you I never will :-) I don't think I'm cool. I joke about saying how 'amazing' or 'cool' I am sometimes but I'm ALWAYS just joking around so before you want to come onto my ask on anon and try and make me feel even more shit about myself atleast get ya facts straight. Thanks.
Liked by: Martin En

Okay sweet, QUICK FIRE round. Favorite color, favorite food, favorite hobby, favorite movie. Least loved actor, most hated conversation topic

PURPLE! kitkats, sport<3 um not to sure maybe thw last song or the vow, I like heaps of movies though :-) um not to sure soz o.o and i don't like talking about feelings and sad stuff

That's good. I'm bored, so I stumbled upon you're page and I'm now going to harass you if that's fine

haha thats not good and yeah dats coool, feel free to harass :-P

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Tell me 1 thing you're looking forward to this week, one thing you'd rather not happen and something interesting that's happening

looking forward to peermentoring and volley and swimming sports, id rather not have to get up so early for school :-\ and um idk anything interesting haha

I hate how our school is cut up into categories

meh i love the fact that even though our year level has their own groups like pretty much everyone likes eachother and can come together and have a good time :-) theres like no hate its great :-)

Lol just merge both groups into like the awesomeist group. The corner soccer crew :-P

haha yeah totes that sounds like a plan :-P hahahahah

Jus trying to get ur help but ok....

how am I helping you by telling you who I thibk is da coolest? go make froends with them yourself and make your own judgement call :-)

Just say 3??? I don't think many of them will check ur ask so it wont matter?

I don't care if they check my ask or not? o.o I honeslty just can't pick 3 alright?!

I jst dont know that group well and want 2 know who u think is the coolest

I think they are all cool, I dontbhave favourites :-)


Language: English