
Caitlin Taylor

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three guys in soccer boys had to join the corner crew group, who would you want those 3 guys be?

whoever wanted to? lol we arent like a private club that you have to pass a certain test to get in :-P whoever wantsbto be in daaa crew is in daa crew so in answer to your question i really wouldnt mind who it was, they are all great :-)

Would you rather unhappy family with happy friends or happy family and unhappy friends

i dont knoe how to answer this cause my true friends are basically my family in my eyes

Would you rather be a slut but eventually find true love or be a prude and never find true love

prude and never find true love. I believe that when someone is a slut they hurt a lot of peoples feelings/lead them on and shit and thats just not me :-)

Would you rather be caught cheating or catch you partner cheating?

catch my partner cheating, if someone has to get hurt id rather it was me :-)

Would you rather start smoking to stop all smoking or everyone else smokes so you cant?

start smoking to stop all smoking

Would you rather be good at somethng you hate or be bad at something you love?

be good at something i hate, being bad at something i love would be so painful and frustrating tbh

Would you rather everyone knows when your lying or know when everyone is lying to everyone but you?

know when everyone else is lying to one another :-)

Would you rather go in the past and meet your great great grand parents or go into the future and meet you great grand children?

future because imo the past should stay in the past :-)


Language: English