
Caitlin Taylor

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cutest couple

Me and Liam Payne. Nahhh jokesss im forevs alone but thats okayyy <3
Probably Ros and Mac cause they are have been together for ages and are super cuuuute :3
Liked by: Alex MacWilliam

No left feet or no left hand?

no left hand.. I wouldnt be able to walk without a foot? o_O and Im right handed anyway :P

Can you dance?

Oh forrrr suuuuure ;) LOL NO I can't dance at all and I know it but I still dance anyway because I'm a fag like that xD I dance all the time and I feel sorry for the people that witness me dancing <3

What is the best movie you have ever seen?

7days. Looool jokes! That movie is scary shizz. I don't know what movie is the best movie I've ever seen

thoughts on your babe jayden?

Lol, jay rollly is the bestest :-) he got me in trouble with my friend today thought.. Not boysss :,( but it's okay because he loves me more than anything and thinks I'm perfect and amazing and stuff <3 he's pretty funny and we are boyssss, he's really fun to hang out with but he's freaking crazy looool. He has a cool as brother and jay rolly is just cool as, he lose hanging with me and taking selfies x0x0
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

thoughts on that hot chick paxton?

Shesss hot as ;) Shes amazing, shes the type of person that you always have a good time with and shes super sporty, smart, funny and nice :-) She is a babe, shes one of my bestfriends, one of the girrrls that mean the world to me <3 She is beaaast as at everything she ever does and I love her very much xo

Do you miss anything about when you were at intermediate school? friends etc...

Um there is a few people that I was tight with and I'm not tight with anymore that I miss but thats only a few people, I don't miss Intermediate school very much at all.
Liked by: Joel Rios


Language: English