
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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When you are in trouble, whom do you call for help?

I don't. I always try sort out my own stuff for myself. I don't like thinking that other people need to save me when I get into trouble. I wanna be able to save myself/look after myself/stand up for myself

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What are your major goals in life?

I don't know, I just want to be successful in whatever I decide to do and also to be happy. That would be great <3

Kiss, Kill, Marry. Alex Macwilliam, Travis Hansen, Martin Thomson.

Uh kill martin. Kiss/marry the other two, I don't know which one I'd marry or kiss though lol sorry

1- bra colour 2-bra size 3- are you a virgin 4- sexiest outfit 5- underwear colour 6- knickers or thong 7-older or younger guy 8- biggest turn off 9- biggest turn on 10- sexiest underwear

1- Right now? Black lul
2- I don't answer questions like that :P
3- Yeah :-)
4- What kind of questions are these?
5- Puuuuurple
6- Knickers xD
7- Around the same age?
8-Seriously what are these questions xD
9- Do you ask everyone this crap?
10- Caitlin is cool
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

I love you , I hope you're alright , keep yah head up beautiful (: always here for you <3

Yeah, don't worry about me I'm fine :-) thanks babe, means a lot <3 xoxoxox

Look, i'm sorry caitlin okay? I promise that it won't happen again. I'm just mad at alot of people. No one wants me as a bf, i'm always getting abuse, threats, people wanna kill me. If you'd still wanna talk with me, i promise that i wont get mad at you and that this wont happen again. C':

I'm sorry but you can't make me feel that crap and then just expect me to get over it straight away. Like I get crap is happening to you, but you don't know me or what I've been through? How do you know that I haven't had it worse off then you have (not saying that I have) I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now.

I'M NOT FUCKING HATING ON FUCKING ANYONE HERE!!! I'M JUST FUCKING SAYING WHAT I FUCKING SAW. I'm sorry that i said that you wrote that. I should be fucking drinking fucking bleaxh and fucking lighting myself on fucking fire so i can actually go and fucking kill myfuckingself!!! FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE!

Okay seriously dude calm down, it certainly does sound like you are hating on me. You saw wrong, please check what you 'see' before you go throwing accusations around. You are making me feel like a freaking stupid piece of shit okay and that is not any fair on me because I have done nothing to you. I am very sorry that you feel this way and I assure you that this isn't worth killing yourself over (nothing is), you will just be hurting the people around you. You are making me feel like crap, you are making me feel like this is all my fault and like I lead you to feel this way. But I know I didn't. So please leave me alone, I am not going to let you make me feel like crap simply because you are insecure about yourself. You need to check yourself and what you are saying, you need to realise that what you are saying is hurting others and that not everything is about you. Please just stop and realise what effect this is having on other people. Thank you and have a good day.

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Liked by: Amy Bywater

Woah there, Adam. Caitlin didn't ask that, don't be rude. We don't know you and we answered because we didn't want to be rude ourselves. She didn't reject you and you shouldn't feel miserable over someone you don't know. She's a stranger to you, so please stop hating on her for something like this.

I love you Anna <3

He's making all us feel guilty because we dont' wanna talk about pee. Honestly, OMG!

Haha omg, I know! Like seriously who is this guy, none of us even know him xD
Liked by: MarcYoung..

Don't reply to that Adam guy, he's a creep, he asked me about me pee and my poos. fucking pedo >.<

Hes being mean D: <3

You wrote this to anna: "Anna, dont talk to that adam guy, he's a freak." So, therefore that symbolises a matter of hate, judgment and rejection when i think you're such an amazing girl but you dont seem to think the same about me and i feel rejected, miserable cause of you saying that. :'C

Excuse me I didn't write that. It wasn't me. Please get your facts straight before you come accusing me of things and making me look like a bad guy. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, I am honestly not as amazing as you may like to think and you would know that if you actually knew me. This isn't fair, you are being rude to me when I have done nothing to you AT ALL. How do you think that makes me feel?

Oh, no? I saw what you wrote.. you think i'm a freak of nature. go on, have your hate.. it's like i dont even exist and everyone can just hate on me cause i have a disability where part of it is to talk about pee. No one realises that i'm actually alive and that i do exist, that i'm not furniture :(

Hey hey hey, what exactly did I write? Please don't try and make me feel guilty when I didn't do anything wrong :/ I don't think you're a freak of nature and I don't hate you.. I don't even know you so therefore I cannot judge you. Just to clarify I don't hate you.. and don't be silly I don't hate people because they have disabilities, the fact that you say that actually really offends me. I'm sure that plenty of people care about you.


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